英语人>词典>汉英 : 同源多倍体 的英文翻译,例句
同源多倍体 的英文翻译、例句


基本解释 (translations)

更多网络例句与同源多倍体相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

In plants this is sometimes overcome by the doubling of the chromosome number, giving an allopolyploid.


Of the genetic diversity between diploid and autopolyploid watermelon.


In the self-bred progenies of autopolyploid,we found that a very few chimaeraexist in the cells of root tips,but most of them had no change in ploidy. We also found13 diploid plants in the experimental plot (ratio is 0.46%) and can be divided into 4categories.


But the abnormal phenomena in autotetraploid rice were more than that in diploid rice.


Along with rapid development of bio-technology, artificial chromosome doubling in vitro is the efficiency approach of producing polyploidy plants. Advances on in vitro induction of autotetraploid in plants was reviewed.


In the crosses of the autotetraploidy rices used as the females, some seeds could be got, but more seeds were obtained in these crosses by the special treatment that the DH solution was put into the caryopses before the pollination.


Autopoly-ploids may arise from the fusion of diploid gametes that have resulted from the NONDISJUNCTION of chromosomes at meiosis.


Autopoly-ploids may arise from the fusion of diploid gamete s that have resulted from the NONDISJUNCTION of chromosomes at meiosis.


Results showed that the PMC meiosis of autotetraploid was similar to the diploid except some particularities. In metaphase Ⅰ, multivalent, quadrivalent, trivalent, bivalent and univalent were observed and some of the chromosomes were found not to rank on the metaphase plate and so did in metaphase Ⅱ cells. In anaphase Ⅰ and anaphase Ⅱ cells, there were lagging chromosomes, chromosome bridge and fragment. During anaphase Ⅱ and telophase Ⅱ, chromosome segregation was not synchronous or equal. At tetrad stage, dyad, triad, tetrad with micronucleus and polyad appeared.


However, analysis of DNA methylation level indicated that the total DNA methylation levels were not significantly different between diploid and autotetraploid. Autotriploid showed a trend of low DNA methylation level. It implied that the alterations of DNA methylation levels were not linear with the autopolyploidy level in watermelon.


更多网络解释与同源多倍体相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]


31异源多倍体(allopolyploid)两个不相同的种杂交,它们的杂种再经过染色体加倍,就形成了异源多倍体. 32同源多倍体(autopolyploid)同一物种经过染色体加倍形成的多倍体,称为同源多倍体. 33非整倍体(aneuploid)有一种染色体数目的变异,


32同源多倍体(autopolyploid)同一物种经过染色体加倍形成的多倍体,称为同源多倍体. 33非整倍体(aneuploid)有一种染色体数目的变异,是增减一条或几条,染色体数目不是整倍数,所以叫非整倍体.


autopolyhaploid 同源多倍单倍体的 | autopolyploid 同源多倍性的;同源多倍体 | autopolyploidy 同源多倍性

Autopositive:直接正片 直接正像材料

autopolyploid同源多倍体 | autopositive直接正片 直接正像材料 | autopour自动开塞机


duplicational polyploid 重复多倍体, 同源多倍体 | gooseherd 饲鹅者 | accounting activity 会计活动

duplicational polyploid:重复多倍体, 同源多倍体

divergence angle 扩张角, 发散角 | duplicational polyploid 重复多倍体, 同源多倍体 | gooseherd 饲鹅者

duplicational polyploid:重复多倍体(即同源多倍体)

dune 沙丘 | duplicational polyploid 重复多倍体(即同源多倍体) | duplicato 双重,成两倍

autophagic vacuole:自噬空泡

\\"自体消瘦\\",\\"autophage,autophagy\\" | \\"自噬空泡\\",\\"autophagic vacuole\\" | \\"同源多倍体\\",\\"autopolyploid\\"

avirulence gene:无毒性基因

autopolyploid 同源多倍体 | avirulence gene 无毒性基因 | back cross breeding 回交育种


polyplant 聚合装置 聚合装置 | polyplegia 多肌麻痹 | polyploid 多倍的 多倍体 同源多倍体