英语人>词典>汉英 : 同步地 的英文翻译,例句
同步地 的英文翻译、例句


基本解释 (translations)
synchronously  ·  synchronically

更多网络例句与同步地相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

State Copyright Bureau explained that all through the Internet or mobile platforms, synchronous or asynchronous transmission of the Olympic events and related activities, can be called "broadcast."


"Illegal broadcast" refers to unauthorized, through the Internet or mobile platforms, synchronous or asynchronous transmission of the Olympic events and related activities of the video signal.


Esthesia –Subject and perceiving , caused the object things of the emotion to obtain aesthetic nature in step of the emotion.


The light valve device is controlled in synchronization with said illumination unit in order to produce a colored output image.


Seeding rate of the main stem and first branch all increased with the delay of initial bloom stage.


Any software errors, virus, misoperation, etc., will be synchronized in a number of impact data.


Ordinary shares stand a good chance of doing better on this score, because profits can be expected in the end to rise roughly in line with the general price level, though there may be prolonged periods when this does not hold good.


Soon after that , the orbit and attitude of the traveling satellite as well as its positioning relation with the Earth and the Sun were shown vividly , veraciously , directly and synchronously on the large screen in the command hall of the Beijing Aerospace Command and Control Center thousands of miles away .


Compassion is a state of being in which one feels, perceives, and intuits, languages and expresses or creates concurrently.

在这种状态里一个人可以感觉出,观察出,并靠直觉去知晓语言和表达或同步地创造(Compassion is a state of being in which one feels, perceives, and intuits, languages and expresses or creates concurrently)。

The software join electronicarithmetic together with graphics system of computer, and makes quantificational,intuitionistic, synchronous and dynamic simulation. The software makes simulationsabout water hammer and surge in surge chamber of water diversion system or tailwater system in the Nuo Zha Du Water Power Station. Then the author validates thesoftware scientific quality and feasibility by the result data of physical modelexperimentations.


更多网络解释与同步地相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

P keep/hold pace with:跟上,与...同步

on one's own 独自地,独立地 | P keep/hold pace with 跟上,与...同步 | be packed with 被塞满了


possibly ad.可能地,合理地 | postamble 后同步信号 | postpone 延迟


此外下述关系是普适的──如此,透过一些个想像性物理实验的协助,我们已经安排妥当了所谓的不同位置的同步静止钟(synchronous stationary clocks),并且也明显地得到"同时的"(simultaneous)或"同步的"(synchronous),以及"时间"方面


在其中,应用程式可能同时间接收到不同client的service requests,但是却要同步地(synchronously)且循序地(serially)处理他们. event做解多工(demultiplex)跟分派(dispatch)到对应的service. 要解决这个问题,我们必须要有以下四个必须考量到的问题


尽管它们之间并不存在因果关系,这两件事却是同步(synchronously)发生了,并使得车里 人奇迹般地存活了下来. ...信号可以同步(synchronously)或异步(asynchronously)产生. ...

synchronously:同时地, 同步地

terpenism 萜(烯)中毒 | synchronously 同时地, 同步地 | poikilohydrous [植]随水变的

Auto-calibration sensor easily and accurately syncs to any type of TV:自动校准传感器轻易而准确地同步到任何类型的电视

Features:... | Auto-calibration sensor easily and accurately syncs to any type of TV自动校准传感器轻易而准确地同步到任何类型的电视 | Improved sturdier strum bar for greater precision and accuracy for a...


geostationary satellite 通信卫星 | geostationary 对地静止的;对地同步的 | geostatistic transitive theory 地质统计传递论


geosynchronous satellite sensing 对地同步卫星传感 | geosynchronous 对地静止的;对地同步的 | geosynclinal anticlinorium 地槽内复背斜

geosynchronous orbit:环地同步轨道

geostrophic wind velocity 地转风速 | geosynchronous orbit 环地同步轨道 | geothermal energy 地热能