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同次性 的英文翻译、例句


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In this note, we prove a congruence relation on real quadratic fields which relates class number and certain character sum.


Based on the series expansion technology in complex potential theory established by Muskhelishvili the complex stress functions can be estabished. By utilizing the continuity principle of the boundary condition and the characteristics of far field and according to the comparison of the coefficients of the terms on both sides of the equation with the same exponent the present problem can be transformed into solving of linear equation set.


The main findings were as follows: 1. The results revealed that the conjunction of agreement and inconsistency among family members was found in a family. The phenomenon showed that in " the sameness has the differentness" and between "the differentness has the sameness", and it is the special result of system measurement. 2. It proved the system theory including "one adding one are not two", existence of subsystems. 3. Every family member has different perception to the same dyad relationship, so the subject should use the units of whole family, including father, mother, and one child or more. 4. The same members of this family had different perception to different dyad relationship, so the content of instrument should include different dyad. 5. In regard to analyzable methods of family system, the variance is between family members, and it is not adaptation to using average method and variance method.


A retrospective study design was conducted by using chart reviews to choose patients who received unilateral primary total hip and knee replacement (International Classification of Diseases, Ninth Revision, Clinical Modification procedure code of 81.51 and 81.54) in two medical centers between 2001 and 2004. Patients were excluded from the study if they had had a bilateral in the same admission, fractures, previous arthroplasty surgery complication, bone cancer, pathological fractures, infection and hemophiliac.


And we established a new material which included some sortable indexes to each base logogriph, such as difficulty, accuracy and reaction time. Each pair of riddles included one base logogriph and a target logogriph. A new experimental paradigm was also adopted: a two-stage model for learning-testing, so as to research the time course of successful insight problem solving. Firstly, subjects learned a logogriph (a base logogriph with the answer offered)—learning stage, and then they were asked to solve a homotypical logogriph (a target logogriph, and the base logogriph learned beforehand would provide heuristic information for solving the target logogriph)—testing stage.


In treatment group, 42 cases received 50 Gy radiation, at 2 Gy per day, 5 d per week in the upper mediastinum, hilus of lung, below the primary focus first and then underwent X-knife for the primary focuses, and other 14 recurrent and metastatic cases received irradiation of 8-12 Gy per day, 5 d by X-knife alone.

治疗组中42例为外照射上纵隔、同侧肺门、隆突下及原发灶50 Gy/25F后加用X线刀治疗原发灶5 Gy/次×5次;14例为肺转移癌或手术后外周孤立性复发病灶行单纯立体定向放射治疗,8~12 Gy/次×5次。

Methods The 26th exon, the 30th exon and the 21st intron of gene GP Ⅱb in 110 individuals were amplified by polymorphism and sequenced to investigate whether there was linkage among the polymorphisms of the gene. Human platelet antigen-3 (HPA-3) gene frequency was detected by Fok 1 enzyme in 147 patients with hematologic diseases, and was compared with that in 110 normal individuals. Forty-four patients who received apheresis platelet transfusion repeatedly were randomly divided into the HPA-3 homotype group and the control group. The antibodies of the platelet were detected after 3 times of platelet transfusion.

聚合酶链反应-单链构型多态性分析检测110例正常人GP Ⅱb基因第26和30外显子(Exon 26, Exon 30)及21内含子(Intron21)基因多态性,进行基因序分析,研究这些基因多态性是否存在连锁关系;应用Fok1酶切法对147例血液病人人类血小板抗原-3(human platelet antigen-3, HPA-3)基因进行分型,并与110例正常人进行比较;将接受单采血小板输注的44例血液病人随机分为HPA-3同型输注组和对照组,血小板输注3次以后检则血小板抗体。

Results 107 patients were treated with half gland and isthmic portion excision, 43 patients among which were treated with lymph node dissection ;306 patients were treated with half gland and isthmic portion and majority opposite side excision,163 patients among which were treated with lymph node dissection ;and both side of thyroid was removed with half lymph node dissection in 46 patients; 1, 3 and 5 years surviving rate of thyroid carcinoma after operation were 99.0%, 96.5% and 92.6%.

结果 单侧腺叶,峡部切除64例;单侧腺叶,峡部加同侧颈淋巴结清除术43例;单侧腺叶,峡部,对侧腺叶次全切143例;单侧腺叶,峡部,对侧腺叶次全切加同侧颈淋巴结清除术163例;双侧甲状腺全切术加一侧颈淋巴结清扫术46例;局部姑息性切除术28例。

The average percent value of G C (49.3%) was less than that of A T (50.7%), there was a bias of the content of G, T in the third codon; The number of transition G-A and T-C were 22, 15 respectively, which were higher than that of transition A-G and C-T, the number of tranversion C-A, T-G is 2 respectively, and other tranversion patterns didnt occur; the probability of transition was higher than that of tranversion , Ts/Tv = 9.5-19, there was the highest number of transition in the third codon. The gamma parameter a of the lst,nd and 3rd codon positions were 0.00572,0.01237 and 1.05239 respectively, they showed that there was adifferent substitution rate at different codon position. Frequences of synonymous codon usage were relatively biased. The average rates of synonymous and nonsynonymous substitution were 0.0787, 0.0011 respectively, there was a significant difference between dS and dN (Z = 4.713, p.01), and the low ratio( CD = 0.0284 .3) of dN/dS ratio impled that there were selective constraints against the nonsynonymous sites in cyt-b gene, The distribution of nonsynonymous codon substitution pattern related to Grantharm distance indicated that the purified selection at 2nd codon positions was more intensive than that at 1st codon positions. The phylogenetic trees supported the view of the double origin of Chinese goose, which means that domestic Chinese goose was derived from Anser cygnoides and domestic European goose, and Yili was derived from Anser anser.

碱基含量分析可知,序列的G C含量(49.3%)<A T含量(50.7%),密码子第三位点的G、T含量都有较强的偏倚性;序列间G→A和T→C的转换数(22次和15次)高于A→G和C→T的转换数(10次和9次),C→A、T→G颠换数均为2次,其余颠换模式均未发生;转换数明显高于颠换数,Ts/Tv=9.5~19,密码子第三位点的转换数最高,呈现了相当强烈的转换偏倚性;密码子第一、二和三位点的gamma分布参数α值分别为0.00572、0.01237和1.05239,表明密码子第一位点的替换速率变异最大,第二位点次之,第三位点的替换速率变异相对较小;编码同一氨基酸的同义密码子并非随机使用,表现出一定程度的使用偏倚性;同义替换速率和非同义替换速率分别为0.0787和0.0011,dS与dN值间的差异极显著(Z=4.713,p<0.01),而ω=0.0284,明显小于0.3,表明雁属鹅细胞色素b基因序列经历了中度净化选择作用;单步非同义替换(Sing-step nonsymonymous codon substitution,SSNCS)分布模式与Grantharm距离之间的关系说明密码子的三个位点所受的净化选择强度不同;构建的最大简约树与邻接树拓扑结构一致,支持中国家鹅的双起源学说,即除伊犁鹅外的其它中国鹅品种起源于鸿雁,伊犁鹅和欧洲的郎德鹅、莱茵鹅起源于灰雁。

One earlier variety of the granites, provisionally termedas Kushan Granite, is coarser-grained, often flesh-colored, and biotite-bearing,similar in character to the most frequently seen and widely distributed graniteof whole Fukien; the other, the Kueichi Granite, often intruding into the firstnamed, is colored by different shades of grey, mostly, fine-grained, and mia-rolitie, containing minor amount of hornblen...


更多网络解释与同次性相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

homogeneity of variances:变异数的均齐性

实验条件的均齐性 homogeneity of experimental conditions | 变异数的均齐性 homogeneity of variances | 均齐的;齐次的;同质的 homogeneous

homogeneous demand function:齐次需求函数

homogeneity 齐次性 | homogeneous demand function 齐次需求函数 | homogeneous product 同质产品


Homoscedastic errors 同质变异性误差 | Homoscedasticity 变异数齐一性 | Homothetic preferences 齐次偏好

Lie With Me:与我同眠

不过与前男友重逢后,她有一丝心动,但同时又挣扎着不想失去好不容易拥有的自由,其中两人多场情欲戏一次四、>>(Lie With Me) 产地:丹麦公映时间:2005情色指数:10故事梗概:蕾拉是个贪恋性爱的年轻女子,


乘同余方法|multiplicative congruential method | 乘性[的]|multiplicative | 乘性二次型|multiplicative quadratic form

nonhomogeneous:非均质的 多相的

nonhomogeneity 非同质性 不均一性 | nonhomogeneous 非均质的 多相的 | nonhomogeneousboundarycondition 非齐次边界条件


这项变化会使薄膜中的棒状液晶分子跟著改变方向. 移除光源会使该分子恢复原本的螺旋性,同时会加热该分子. 研究人员发现,经由实施两次上述的光化学(photochemical)步骤,每次都伴随著一次加热,他们便能使分子旋转360度.

second best:次优

这个问题后来形成为"次优"(second best)理论. [2] 由于现实环境的复杂性,决定了竞争的多样性. 例如各个产业之间以及同一产业在不同阶段的竞争特性都不可能完全相同. 克拉克认为,竞争的多样性来自于产品的同质性或非同质性、生产者的数量及其规模结构、价格制定的方式、交易的方式、市场信息传递的特征和......


trimonoecious /三性花同株的/ | trimonthly /三个月一次的/ | trimorphism /三晶/三态性/三形/

njin zi qionx chrik, chauh chiih pyot lie. cet ngieh liem thuaih, ten phad pyoix khye:仁慈隱惻 造次弗離 節義廉退 顛沛匪虧

孔怀兄弟 同气连枝 交友投分 切磨箴规... | 仁慈隐恻 造次弗离 节义廉退 颠沛匪亏 njin zi qionx chrik, chauh chiih pyot lie. cet ngieh liem thuaih, ten phad pyoix khye. | 性静情逸 心动神疲 守真志满 逐物意移...