英语人>词典>汉英 : 同情的 的英文翻译,例句
同情的 的英文翻译、例句


基本解释 (translations)
commiserative  ·  pitying  ·  sympathic

更多网络例句与同情的相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

COMPASSION Mineral: Aventurine Aventurine holds the vibration of compassion.

同情 矿石:砂金石砂金石持有同情的振动。

Aventurine holds the vibration of compassion.


We run not only to congratulate the successful, but to condole with the afflicted; and the pleasure which we find in the conversation of one whom in all the passions of his heart we can entirely sympathize with, seems to do more than compensate the painfulness of that sorrow with which the view of his situation affects us.


One of the most crucial and bloodiest battles of the war was the struggle for the island of Iwo Jima, which culminated with what would become one of the most iconic images in history: five Marines and a Navy corpsman raising the American flag on Mount Suribachi.


Spectators, not entering into this excessive tenderness, shouldregard it as effeminacy and weakness. The wretch whosewe are likely to enter into his sorrow, and therefore proposeshalf of it, and is ashamed, upon account of this hard-heartednessof mankind, to give vent to the fulness of his affliction.


He brought him forward, invited him to his house in Petersburg, and now this!… She has come here, and that scapegrace has come after her, said Anna Mihalovna. She wished to express nothing but sympathy with Pierre, but in her involuntary intonations and half smile, she betrayed her sympathy with the scapegrace, as she called Dolohov.


Taws ' more than I could take , pity for pity s sake


In the embodying the turquoise tone of compassion, one comes to relate to others out of compassion.


Twas' more than I could take, pity for pity's sak


Meanwhile, Falkner and LX are while revealing and criticizing clear founder's justice and slaughtering to women of feudal thought, not merely express sympathy to women who are insulted and damaged, but the calm one points out the thought limitation of women while sympathizing with.


更多网络解释与同情的相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]


同情compassionrelentsympathizesympathycommiseratecommiserationcompassionate | 同情的commiserative | 同情地pitifully


commiseration /怜悯/同情/追悼辞/ | commiserative /怜悯的/同情的/ | commiseratively /怜悯地/

pitiful:慈悲的, 同情的, 可怜的 (形)

pitiably 可怜地; 卑劣地; 凄惨地 (副) | pitiful 慈悲的, 同情的, 可怜的 (形) | pitifully 可怜地; 可恨地 (副)

Pitying:怜悯的, 遗憾的, 同情的

Cynical 愤世嫉俗的, 讽刺的, 冷嘲的 | Pitying 怜悯的, 遗憾的, 同情的 | Factual 事实的, 实际的

Rueful: a.1:后悔的,悔恨的 2.悲惨的,引人同情的

Weary: v.对...感到厌倦,不耐烦 | Rueful: a.1.后悔的,悔恨的 2.悲惨的,引人同情的 | ingenuous: a.坦诚的,真诚的,单纯的,天真无邪的,胸无城府的


来自欧洲和失业率高涨的发展中国家的非法移民,可能用各种方式登陆,享用本国"慷慨的"社会福利,和"充满同情的"(sympathetic)难民制度. 据悉,这份报告是于今年九月份撰写完毕、并在联邦边境服务局和移民部传阅的内部资料. 报告分析,

sympathetic a.1:同情的,体谅的 2.(to)赞同的,支持的3.和谐的,合意的

empathyn.移情作用, 心意相通,感情等融为一体 | sympathetic a.1.同情的,体谅的 2.(to)赞同的,支持的3.和谐的,合意的 | sympathise 见sympathize

sympathetic a.1:有同情心的,表示同情的,同感的 2.表示好感或赞同的

vt. 分期计划,按阶段执行 | sympathetic a. 1.有同情心的,表示同情的,同感的 2.表示好感或赞同的 | so-called a. 所谓的,号称的

sympathetic a.1:同情的 2.(对某目的或计划)赞成的

symmetry n. 对称(性) | sympathetic a. 1. 同情的 2.(对某目的或计划)赞成的 | symposium n. 讨论会


unpin /拔去别针/拔掉闩/ | unpitied /没人可怜的/没人同情的/ | unplaced /无处居住的/无入选的/