英语人>词典>汉英 : 合资的 的英文翻译,例句
合资的 的英文翻译、例句


更多网络例句与合资的相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

In January 2002, American Express and China International Travel Service announced the establishment of CITS American Express Travel Services Limited, the first Sino-US business travel joint venture in the People's Republic of China.


Whether the Danishside does have the company to put up a factory (the joint capital waywith my storehouse joint capital in Siping: The Danish side buy stockby the equipment and the technology or invests part of funds buy stockagain, my storehouse puts up a factory with and the floating capitalbuy stock) establishes the standard the joint-stock company.


The joint owners of the car argued whether the footbrake or the handbrake should be applied.


Changzhou Changgong Adam Schafer Tech Co., Ltd is a joint venture invested by Changzhou Changgong Electronics Computer Co., Ltd and German Adam Schafer Gesellschaft fur Verfahrenstechnik Und Umweltschutz mbH.


Shanghai NuoSai is a joint adventure by Chinese and French NuoSai.


You are managing an international joint venture construction project in the port city of Melancholia.


He knows that Mr. Henry may talk about business with him because of his overture.


Among them is Panasonic, which has a joint venture with Toyota.


Our company was established in 2003 for the Sino-Japanese joint venture trading companies in Tokyo and has offices in Tianjin.


Recently, we have with Taiwan ytterbium or enterprises reached a palm mechanical pulping and paper products deep processing projects of the joint venture agreement, the pollution-free mechanical pulping technology to the country.


更多网络解释与合资的相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

joint session:合资合股

把鸡切成带骨的大块 joint a chicken | 合资合股 joint session | ...不是闹着玩的 It was no joke to do...

joint venture:合资

*国际合资和战略联盟* 合资(joint venture)是一种由两家或两家以上的公司(通常来自不同国家),共同承担一项主要计划的合伙关系. 合资经营在中国经常由政府主导,作为进入该国经商的重要条件. 例如,

joint venture:合资公司

不过,随着日前>敲定运营模式的新消息传出,似乎又把网页游戏推向了一个新的高潮. 据了解,乐升科技已确认将透过与合作伙伴成立新合资公司(JOINT VENTURE)的方式来运营>这款被誉为带来网页游戏新方向的闪游.


joint-stock company 股份公司 | joint-stock 合资的 | jointed 有接缝的


joint-stock 合资的 | jointed 有接缝的 | jointer 接合人

and his wife, Lupe Garcia:和他的妻子, lupe加西亚

Google, JV's or search engines.谷歌,合资的还是搜索引擎. | and his wife, Lupe Garcia.和他的妻子, lupe加西亚. | Now the funny thing is there are two guys named Carlos现在有趣的是,有两个家伙名叫卡洛斯

I think ajoint venture would be beneficial to both of us:我认为合资经营对双方都是有利的

We have new methods like compensation trade and join... | I think ajoint venture would be beneficial to both of us.我认为合资经营对双方都是有利的 | Please give us your proposal if you're ready for that...


由德固赛(DEGUSSA)与美国犹他州SOUTH JORDAN的水源(HEADWATER)公司合资的德固赛水源 韩国公司将向新装置供应过氧化氢. 合资公司刚决定购买凯米拉(KEMIRA)在蔚山的过氧化氢装置,并把这套3.4万吨/年装置扩能一倍多.

joint ventures:合资公司

目前越来越多的跨国公司选择在国外设独资公司,而不是与当地公司创建合资公司(joint ventures). 虽然外国独资公司面临许多行业、股份比例、市场份额等政府限制,但出于保护商业机密、技术手段方面的考虑,他们仍然倾向于独资而不是合资.

joint ventures:合资

三、合资 (joint ventures) 世界茶叶行业最引人注目的合资企业当推印度的达达公司和英国的泰特来公司(两者均为跨国茶叶公司)合资兴办的"达达泰特来有限公司"(Tata Tetley Ltd.)总部设在印度.