英语人>词典>汉英 : 合萼的 的英文翻译,例句
合萼的 的英文翻译、例句


基本解释 (translations)

更多网络例句与合萼的相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Sepals free or connate only at base.


Flowers rather small. Sepals connate only at base.


Flowers unisexual. Male inflorescence precocious, elongate, pendulous, with numerous overlapping bracts; each bract usually subtending a small dichasium with 1-3 male flowers; stamens as many as and opposite sepals or, if sepals obsolete, then stamens of inflorescence to 20; filaments very short, connate or nearly so; anthers 2-loculed, thecae connate or separate, opening by longitudinal slits.

雄花序先有花,拉长,下垂,具多数重叠苞片;通常的每苞片对着一小的二歧聚伞花序具1-3雄花;同数的雄蕊和与萼片对生或,如果萼片废退,然后对20的花序的雄蕊;花丝非常短,合生或近合生; 2室的花药,合生的或分开的囊,以纵裂缝开阔的。

Leaves simple, mostly palmately lobed or parted; sepals valvate, epicalyx segments present; stamens 1–5; style basal or sub-basal; flowers usually in corymbose cymes, always bisexual.


Calyx tube adnate to ovary, forming a hypanthium; teeth small, valvate in bud.


Female flowers: sepals 5, often narrower than in male, imbricate to reduplicate-valvate, persistent, sometimes accrescent; petals 5, smaller than in male, mostly reduced or obsolete; disk annular or dissected, receptacle often villous; ovary 3-locular; ovules 1 per locule; styles 3, longer and slender, free or nearly so, once to several times bifid.

雌花: 萼片5,通常比雄花的狭窄,覆瓦状到外向镊合状的镊合状,宿存,有时增大;花瓣5,小于雄花,多数退化或废退;花盘环状的或多裂,花托经常具长柔毛;子房3室;胚珠每室1;花柱3,长和纤细,离生或近离生,1到数个2裂。

Petals [3 or]4 or 5[-8], fascicles each with many to few stamens with filaments almost free to completely united, or ± completely connate , with anthers 1, 2, 4 or many-celled, basifixed or variously united; fasciclodes 4 or 5, antisepalous and free or ± united or absent; pistillode present or absent.

花瓣 [3或者 ]4或5 [-8],每束簇具很多到少数花丝几乎离生到完全合生的雄蕊,或花丝多少完全合生的,具花药1,2,4或很多,基着或各种地合生;下位腺体4或者5,对萼和离生或者多少合生或无;退化雌蕊宿存或无。

Mm. Male flowers: pedicels filamentous, 3-5 mm; calyx red or purple; sepals 6, biseriate, subequal, obovate, 2-3 × ca. 1.5 mm; disk segments 6, opposite sepals; stamens 3; filaments connate into a short cylinder.


Male flowers: calyx lobes (3 or)4(or 5), free or basally adnate with pistillode, imbricate or valvate; stamens inflexed in bud; anthers small, reniform, extrorse.

雄花: 萼裂片(3或)4(或5),离生或基部贴生于退化雌蕊,覆瓦状或镊合状的;雄蕊在芽中内折;花药小,肾形,外向。

The orifice of a gamoptelous corolla or gamosepalous calyx; the expanded portion of the corolla between the limb and the tube.

喉 Throat 合花冠或合生萼的开口,图 1792;冠筒与冠檐之间花冠的宽展部分。

更多网络解释与合萼的相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]


1.花的構造 花的构造 花萼(Calyx) 為萼片(Sepals)之合稱,可保護花芽通常為綠色,形狀像花瓣或葉片. 花冠(Corolla) 為花瓣之合稱. 花被(Perianth) 花萼(Calyx)與花冠(Corolla)合稱花被,有吸引傳粉者的作用.

dipericlinal chimaera:二層周緣嵌合體

二層花被;有萼與花冠的 dichlamydeous | 二層周緣嵌合體 dipericlinal chimaera | 二叉 dichotomia


海林檎纲(cystoidea)海林檎是原始的棘皮动物,外形与海百合相似,它们都有由许多骨板结合而成的萼,有的种属和海百合一样用茎附着海底生活. 海林檎的萼具有特殊的小孔,生活时由此伸出管足,司呼吸等功能.


二層的;二列的 biseriate | 二層花被;有萼與花冠的 dichlamydeous | 二層周緣嵌合體 dipericlinal chimaera


gamopetaly 合瓣 | gamophyllous 合叶的 | gamosepalous 合萼的


gamophyllous 合叶的 | gamosepalous 合萼的 | gander 公鹅

monosaccharides; monosaccharose; monose:单醣类

"缺一染色体的二倍体","monopsomic diploid" | "单醣类","monosaccharides; monosaccharose; monose" | "有一萼片的;合萼的","monosepalous"


monosaccharide 单糖 | monosepalous 合萼的 | monosome 单体


"单醣类","monosaccharides; monosaccharose; monose" | "有一萼片的;合萼的","monosepalous" | "单苷","monoside"


synpetalous合瓣的 | synsepalous合萼的 | synthesis合成 合成作用