英语人>词典>汉英 : 合唱指挥 的英文翻译,例句
合唱指挥 的英文翻译、例句


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Her father Wolfgang was widely admired as a bass singer and choirmaster.


By analyzing, it tries to present Nies chorus conducting art more expressively in this essay.


By analyzing, it tries to present Nie's chorus conducting art more expressively in this essay.


The chorus sings not only on the common church service and Christmas Eve, but also on other grand ceremony. For example, In 2005 the group sang songs 《 The Holy Savior 》、《 Incamation 》 on the completion celebration of Gulou Church, In 2008 the chorus performed songs 《 Sing Out Your Joy to God 》 and 《 Charles Gounod ,1818-1893》, on the Hangzhou Christian Hymns Groups Exchanging Conference which was held by ChongYi Church. On April 22nd ,2009 the group attended Zhang Weiqiao's Master Graduation Concert and performed the anthems 《 Commit the Heavy Burdens to the LORD 》、《 Charles Gounod 》、《 Sing Out Your Joy to God 》、《 The Angel Song 》、《 Pure Natus 》

城北堂圣歌团除了完成在教会平常礼拜时和历年在圣诞节的圣乐崇拜献唱之外,也于2005年杭州基督教会鼓楼堂的新堂落成庆典上献唱了《神圣救主》、《道生肉身》等曲;2008年杭州基督教会崇一堂举行的全杭州教会圣歌团交流会中献唱了弥赛亚神曲《向耶和华歌唱》和《上主怜悯我们》( Charles Gounod ,1818-1893年)等曲,2009年4月22日在杭州音乐厅参加了杭州师范大学音乐学院2009届合唱指挥硕士研究生张维巧老师的毕业音乐会,并献演了《将你重担交托主》、《上主怜悯我们》、《向耶和华歌唱》、《天使歌声》、《天赐纯恩》等歌曲。

Now Robert Prizeman, music director at a modest Anglican church, St. Philip's Church in Norbury - a southern London suburb - has done just that.


Sound recordist Xiao Xiao _ Sina blog, recording Xiao Xiao, choral conductor ---- sound engineer of the required course, mysterious sound of, Daxing District, the 10th festival kicked off the ninth farmers, to congratulate the teachers mentor students and Causes in the situation Concert success, to become famous, Hao Shuang ...


From the 80's of last century, our nation's chorus directing art develped swift just as the spring bamboo after rain.There are more and more special and nonspecial chorus organizations.


Since 1950's, he has made great contribution in the process of cavancing our country's chorus conducting unedertaking to the world, on the way of nationalizing the art of chorus conducting, and in enriching people's spiritual and cultural life.


Since 1950"s, he has made great contribution in the process of cavancing our country"s chorus conducting unedertaking to the world, on the way of nationalizing the art of chorus conducting, and in enriching peoples spiritual and cultural life.


HCRC adopts the aesthetic education idea of "combining popularization with the raising of standards", and "combining learning with cultivation", and creates an entirely new teaching form which enables the choristers to enjoy the sense of beauty as they do vocalist and quality practice.


更多网络解释与合唱指挥相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]


乐队 orchestra; band | 乐队指挥 conductor; bandmaster | 合唱,合唱队 chorus

Chinese Traditional Music Conducting:民族音乐指挥

民族音乐作曲 Chinese Traditional Music Composition | 民族音乐指挥 Chinese Traditional Music Conducting | 管弦乐队、合唱指挥 Orchestral and Chorus Conducting


choragic | 合唱团指挥的 | choragus | 合唱团之指挥 | choral society | 合唱,合奏

choral society:合唱,合奏

choragus | 合唱团之指挥 | choral society | 合唱,合奏 | choral speaking | 团体之诗歌朗诵


例如,听韩德尔的弥赛亚(Messiah)神曲,听到哈利路亚大合唱(Hallelujah Chorus) 时,传统上听众都会站立;听约翰史特劳斯的拉德斯基进行曲(Ranetzky March)时,指挥甚至会指示会众一起拍掌.


conductor指挥 | conductus复音合唱歌曲 | conduit渠道




在牛津大学时他获得管风琴演奏学位,指挥牛津大学管弦乐团,也是大学精英分子的贝列尔学院(Balliol)合唱协会教练和音乐学会秘书长. 以非专业眼光来看,希斯是杰出的指挥家. 也正是在牛津时,希斯面临着音乐和从政两条道路,