英语人>词典>汉英 : 合办 的英文翻译,例句
合办 的英文翻译、例句


jointly run
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The Secretary for the Environment, Mr Edward Yau, delivered a speech at the Professional Green Building Council Zero Carbon Charter Launching Ceremony. He said climate change had been drawing animated discussions amongst scientists, academics, environmentalists and many other quarters in the community.


She shouldn't be so eager to move to a coed school.


Right now she's just focused onfinishing ninth grade so she can move to a coed school.


She shouldn't be so eager tomove to a coed school.


Right now she's just focused on finishing ninth grade so she can move to a coed school.


One study I read showed that students insingle-sex schools get 15 to 22 percent better grades than those in coed schools.


One study I read showed that students in single-sex schools get 15 to 22 percent better grades than those in coed schools.


Science Alive is jointly organised by the British Council, the Education Bureau and the Hong Kong Science Museum, and sponsored by the Croucher Foundation. Every year, Science Alive invites leading UK academics and communicators in the field of science to present lectures and workshops to students and teachers in Hong Kong. The programme, which receives a huge level of support from schools throughout Hong Kong, delivers lively and provocative events which promote a wider understanding of science.


Severally waive all claims, expenses, rights, demands and actions of any nature for any personal injury to myself/ourselves or to a third party by myself/ourselves, or for any loss or damage sustained to my/our equipment or possessions arising from or in connection with my/our participation in waterskiing


SPS continuously upgrades its clubhouse services and facilities to make them a second home for residents. More than 200 clubhouse service ambassadors are devoted to organising more than 1,000 recreational activities in over 60 clubhouses. Activities include Sino Clubhouse Cantonese Opera Appreciation Programme by the Chinese Artists Association of Hong Kong, Shaolin martial arts courses, art courses with HKAPA-EXCEL and the Sino Clubhouse Future Soccer Star Selection.


更多网络解释与合办相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Aerospace Engineering:宇航工程

两个机构在上星期五(19日)签署合作协议,让选修宇航工程(Aerospace Engineering)和宇航电子(Aerospace Electronics)的学生加入淡马锡理工学院和德国汉莎技术培训公司合办的宇航培训计划.




道琼斯最大控股方 - 班克罗夫特(Bancroft)家族表示,已经作好与传媒大亨默多克的新闻集团商谈被并购事宜的准备. 道琼斯是全球最大新闻机构之一,麾下媒体包括>、财经杂志>和道琼斯通讯社等,并与路透社合办Factiva商业互动服务,


卑诗省政府趁冬奥热潮仍在,宣布与阿省在今年底,分别在威士拿及卡加利两个冬奥场地,合办2010-11年度世界杯雪橇(Bobsleigh)及无舵雪车(Skeleton)赛事. 省健康生活及体育厅长张杏芳与阿省旅游厅长埃迪(Cindy ...中新社纽约2月18日电 一架低空飞行的小型飞机18日撞入德克萨斯州奥斯汀市国税局的办公大楼,


自1956年来即长期关注美国与亚洲之间文化交流的"亚洲协会"(Asia Society)合办之"蔡明亮导演电影回顾展"系列活动,"哥伦比亚广播公司"(CBS)、"美国广播公司"(ABC)及WNYC Radio等主流媒体节目制作人皆受邀出席,


今晚是>(Circumference)国际翻译诗刊创办三周年、出刊六期的纪念仪式和朗诵会. 这份诗刊由女诗人简妮佛.柯洛诺薇(Jennifer Kronovet)等人与哥伦比亚大学文学翻译中心合办,由纽约艺术基金会资助. 它在去年的一期上曾发表有我的>,

Keep Cool:放置冷处,保持凉爽

joint enterprise 合办事业,共同事业 | keep cool 放置冷处,保持凉爽 | keep dry 保持干燥


17. hit man 职业凶手(杀手) | 18. pool 集中(资金)合办,入股 | 19. criminology 犯罪学,刑事学

De Montfort:德蒙福特大学

我现在大二,国际会计专业,读的是和英国德蒙福特大学(De MontFort)合办的2+2项目. 另一个选择是我自己申请去澳大利亚的蒙那什大学(Monash)去读会计,不过需要从大一开始重读. 请问各位留学生或者教育专家帮分析下,哪个更好点?

pooling agreement:合办协定

pooled enterprises;联营企业;; | pooling agreement;合办协定;; | pooling of interest;联营法(商业合并);;商业合并