英语人>词典>汉英 : 合为一体 的英文翻译,例句
合为一体 的英文翻译、例句


in one
更多网络例句与合为一体相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Between each process are required to undergo a rigorous cleaning and disinfection processes Drain and air blown into one.


It may be identical with Company Mark.


A dress with a tight bodice and full skirt.


They now see all of the energies as one and the ceremonial works as being very similar.


Eternal God, creator and preserver of all life, author ofsalvation, and giver of all grace: Look with favor upon theworld you have made, and for which your Son gave his life,make one flesh in Holy Matrimony.


Enlightenment is a state of wholeness, of being "at one" and therefore at peace. At one with life in its manifested aspect, the world, as well as with your deepest self and life unmanifested - at one with Being.


Adopting the sectionalized lumped parameter method with dynamic friction, the dynamic performances of the typical segments in lineweb, i.e. short channels, rectangular elbows, forked channel, chamber of additional holes, are analyzed using the effective approach-Power Bond Graph.


To replace in-mold labeling after a bottle of cylindrical bottle into a flattened oval-shaped, label against the bottle is on both sides and back, and the whole bottle, eliminating the previous labeling removal of culter edge, while the subject-matter; make bottles look more beautiful, clean, brand image, and more convenient for consumers.


To give "coal king" of art to life, to make it more widely for the people, our company according to "Taixi coal" for the raw materials, combined with activated carbon technology, research to produce pleasing in appearance, exquisite craft "too West coal carving "works of art, so that the coal resources and sculpture into one of the world's first.


My position in GRU made it too troublesome to attack Sokolov's facility directly. But the spy network established by the secret pact still existed. I used it to contact The Boss and suggested she defect. The Boss was conniving enough to see things my way. The world was once one but the conflict between the Philosophers has torn it in two. We will use the Legacy to heal that rift and make the world whole again.

我在GRU的地位决定了我如果直接袭击Sokolov的研究所的话就会有大麻烦,不过那个秘密协定建立的间谍网依旧存在,我通过它联系了The Boss并策动她叛变,The Boss很赞同我的看法,世界曾经是一体的,但是哲学家们的争斗让它一分为二,我们会利用遗产来填补裂痕并让世界合为一体

更多网络解释与合为一体相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Many ages ago:许多年前

one.|合为一体了 | Many ages ago...|许多年前 | in our arrogance and delusion...|由于我们的自大和欺瞒

AIO AllInOne:合为一体

ADPM 全数字式锁相环 | AIO AllInOne 合为一体 | AND AllNumeralDial 全数字拨号

AIO ALUInputandOutput:运算器的输入与输出

AIO AllInOne 合为一体 | AIO ALUInputandOutput 运算器的输入与输出 | AIOD AutomaticIdentifiedOutwardDialing 自动识别向外拨号

Have the universe at one with me:同宇宙合为一体

i like to sleep beneath the trees 我喜欢睡在树下 | have the universe at one with me 同宇宙合为一体 | look down the barrel of a gun 向枪管望去

at one:一致, 协力;in one合为一体

You will be all right in no time. 你很快就会好的. | 10. at one一致, 协力;in one合为一体. | I'm at one with you on that point. 在那点上我和你是一致的.


所以希腊文"舞蹈"(choreia)是从"歌队"(chorus)衍生而来,从英文中"舞蹈病"(chorea)一词仍然可以辨认出此种痕迹. 而当诗歌(语言)、音乐(旋律)和舞蹈(动作)合为一体的时候,为什么是以舞蹈为核心?这正是宗教祭祀活动中的"摹仿"使然.

we haven't:娃哈哈ed yet, 我们还没有合为一体

Here we are, we're at the beginning 一切才刚开始. | We haven't 娃哈哈ed yet, 我们还没有合为一体, | But my heads 12)spinning 但是我已经头晕目眩.

in one:合为一体

have one over the eight [英俚]微醉 | in one 合为一体 | in the year one 早年, 很久以前


clinotherapy 卧床疗养 | akinete 藻类细胞附生的一种胞子与母细胞壁合为一体 | ring chromatid 环形染色单体

That's you and the car melded together:那就是你已经跟车 合为一体了

-Yeah. What else? -A little bit of heat.|- 对,... | That's you and the car melded together.|那就是你已经跟车 合为一体了 | Yeah, now I'm really feeling it. I feel like the car could drive itself.|对,我真...