英语人>词典>汉英 : 吃火锅 的英文翻译,例句
吃火锅 的英文翻译、例句


blocked shot
更多网络例句与吃火锅相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

As a rule,I like to eat hot pot.


It is said that Chinese people eat ants history of more than eating hot pot, as early as more than 3,000 years ago, when humans are Rumaoyinxie when our ancestors found coward, pangolins and other animals because of a large number of ants feed attractant so strong and healthy inspiration start eating ants follow behaviour.


Last year in April, ding Lei and a few friends have chaffy dish in the chaffy dish inn with best Chongqing.


I hope you love my family,love hot-pot,love chili hot pepper,love dog,love traveling.


Can eat hot pot 2,3 hours ahead of time, be careful not to eat too much.


B: I don't usually eat Hotpot, but I ate some at a dinner about three days ago.


Hotpot cooking is loved by the Chinese, especially in the cold winter.


When we got to CQ, it was 3am on Oct six. I sleeped at once and got up until 11am. I wanted to eat hot pot, however, I still feel comfortlessness a bit. So I ate some conjee boiled by myself.


I had hotpot in mind when I picked out this restaurant today. Xin-Hua is known for their Cantonese dishes, but they do offer hotpots in the winter.


I took them to the shop to eat a hot pot dishes, Massiy afraid of spicy, but I told her the spicy dishes are also not spicy, she can not eat spicy, she agreed that try to eat hot pot.


更多网络解释与吃火锅相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]


其实,就是我以前住的后街上的一家重庆火锅城,叫做红城,菠萝比尔,是菠萝啤(Beer)而已. 前几天跟几个老友深夜跑去吃哪里的水煮鱼,宴席中就开玩笑,说这个跟刚才在高级的咖啡店更有品位,为了引起更多的小资情怀,

blocked shot:吃火锅

blockbusting 房地产牟利 | blocked shot 吃火锅 | blockette 子程序块

buffet dinner:自助餐

为了有更大的自由度,能够照顾到自己的喜好,现在许多人都喜欢"自助". 比如吃"自助餐"(buffet dinner)、"自助火锅"(buffet hot pot),去"自助餐厅"(cafeteria)、"自助洗衣店"(laundromat),开展"自助贸易"(DIY trade)等.


为了有更大的自由度,能够照顾到自己的喜好,现在许多人都喜欢"自助". 比如吃"自助餐"(buffet dinner)、"自助火锅"(buffet hot pot),去"自助餐厅"(cafeteria)、"自助洗衣店"(laundromat),开展"自助贸易"(DIY trade)等.


吃过瑞士起司火锅(Fondue)不稀罕,但若可以在传统起司工厂裡边瞅边吃,这才鸣做「新颖」. 日内瓦湖区的德之城堡(Chateau-D'oex)传统起司工厂,就降求这样新颖的效劳. 果為纬度闭係,瑞士葡萄產质并没有少,

deep fryer:炸锅

用不着专门去买铜火锅电火锅什么的,电炸锅(Deep Fryer)就挺好. 电饭锅的火力不够. 这东西难办些. 涮羊肉的调料本来很讲究. 我弄了个不中不西的配方,吃起来跟真的似的:买些花生酱(Peanut Butter)代替芝麻酱;

al harrington:艾尔-哈灵顿

托尼-道格拉斯(Toney Douglas),艾尔-哈灵顿(Al Harrington)以及达尼罗-加里纳利(Danilo Gallinari)轮番远程施射得手,帮助主队奋起直追. 此后的一分多钟时间里,双方几次进攻均无功而返. 拉里-休斯(Larry Hughes)的中距离跳投还吃了布鲁尔一记结结实实的火锅.


为了有更大的自由度,能够照顾到自己的喜好,现在许多人都喜欢"自助". 比如吃"自助餐"(buffet dinner)、"自助火锅"(buffet hot pot),去"自助餐厅"(cafeteria)、"自助洗衣店"(laundromat),开展"自助贸易"(DIY trade)等.

Women: Whatever:女:随便

男:今天 晚上咱们吃什么? Men: What to have for dinner? | 女:随便. Women: Whatever.. | 男:吃火锅吧. Men: Why not we have steamboat?


blockbuster 巨型炸弹 | blockbusting 房地产牟利 | blocked shot 吃火锅