英语人>词典>汉英 : 吃奶的 的英文翻译,例句
吃奶的 的英文翻译、例句


at the breast
更多网络例句与吃奶的相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

When a patient is infected respiratory or developmental disability, such as: bronchial pneumonia, laryngeal cartilage softening, such as laryngitis, swallowing can not be good when the closure of the glottis, a small amount of food entering the trachea caused a certain degree of obstruction, respiratory obstruction to exclude food , that is choking the form of food expectorate, for feeding the baby choked on milk performance.


Complementary food and feeding time to time interval to open, if the baby has just eaten milk soon, she will not starve for food supplement is not interested in her to digest milk more or less the same feeling a little hungry when the time to give her to eat food supplement, such as rice, or if the baby does not like to eat, she'll try another flavor of the rice.


Your mother's so old that her breast milk is powdered.


Parents can吐奶baby prevention is not to let the baby breast pump suction too fast, so after the baby in infants


Of the digestive tract is not perfect, after feeding the baby溢奶easy for侧睡can be better to avoid overflow into the respiratory tract with vomitus suffocation.


Mademoiselle Bourienne, too, appeared to be passionately fond of the child, and Princess Marya often sacrificed herself by giving up to her friend the pleasure of dandling and playing with the little angel.


If it is on and the situation of my house almost a baby, it is because of low breast-feeding, and he do not have enough love to also refuse to eat milk formula, so that you can only let him in the dinner to eat more points as far as possible, and then bed put a bottle of water, he gave him as much as possible to make the time to drink water, so that he can extend the feeding time interval, time interval and he will eat more saturated point it will sleep a long time, the few days he on customary law, and again on the big points, simply cut off the breast, he will sleep at ease, my home is what happened.


Baby after each feeding have been head on the mother's shoulders, let your baby play is separated from the stomach of air emissions, such a吐奶not easy!


My baby was 2 weeks premature Caesarean section birth, insufficient breast milk, a month-An artificial feeding infant formula, has been eating better, although not a lot of food, but feed feeding table on the small standard deviation. 3 months have been all-you-can-per-150ML (a daily 5 times), but from 100 days to go to work I started on the point of death, my mother fed her the first time when the spit after eating 160ml, From then on, she ate 1 milk cried, but also fewer, and sometimes even a day 600ml are not, I work to feed her a little better, so that lasted about 10 days, my mother fed her不哭, and a 150ML, half an hour or so, I and she was dying husband to feed, each drink 60ml always to哭一场, tired of crying sleep eat eat 100ML, before and after one hour, the key is always eaten吐奶, four hours after the infants When she was always not interested, do not care to eat do not eat at all, thought it was tired of the beginning of milk, or poor appetite, but now has lasted more than a month, or about 700ml a day, nothing else very good, playing love laugh, urine are normal, sleep, or how to do?


Timely detection, treatment of bronchial pneumonia, do not use too much milk eyes nipple feeding, timely adjustment of the rate of infant feeding is to prevent choking, etc. The easiest way to milk.


更多网络解释与吃奶的相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

at the breast:吃奶的

at the bottom of | 在之底部 | at the breast | 吃奶的 | at the climb | (黑话)当飞贼; 专干从屋顶侵入盗窃的勾当

an infant at the breast:吃奶的婴儿

● 吃奶 suck the breast | ● 吃奶的婴儿 an infant at the breast | ● 吃着奶的孩子 a child at suck

know sb. from his bottle up:自从某人吃奶的时候就认识他

keep to the bottle 嗜酒 | know sb. from his bottle up 自从某人吃奶的时候就认识他 | on the bottle [口]好酒贪杯


breast-deep 深及胸部的 | breast-fed 吃母奶的 | breast-feedsucklenurselactation 哺乳


breast | 胸部, 乳房, 胸怀, 心情 以胸对着, 对付 | breast-fed | 吃母奶的 | breast-feed | 以母乳抚育, 哺乳


breast-fed /吃母奶的/ | breast-high /与胸齐高的/与胸齐高地/ | breastbeam /船楼端梁/

Business Manager:商务经理

这时车行销售员会要求你付出押金,同时他的工作就暂时结束了, 他会介绍你与商务经理(Business Manager)见面以完善其他手续. 商务经理会使出吃奶的劲向你卖力地介绍保修、保养等计划,许多朋友认为买一辆车很不容易,也很珍爱自己的车辆,


上面图片中的猪儿多么可爱呀,我的同事香香老师看了这张图片,对猪大加赞美,说吃奶的小猪(piggy)可聪明了,都记得猪妈妈身上属于自己的奶嘴,只吃自己的. 最近几年,猪的形象在人们的眼中大有改观,以至于年轻人抓紧时间结婚,


如果我打算用一个词来说明日本人对小孩的态度,我会用一个简洁(succinct)的词--"尊重". 关爱?是的,无尽的(abundance)关爱,这种爱从小孩张嘴吃奶的那--刻起就被亲切地表露出来了. 对于母亲和小孩来说,母亲给小孩喂奶在心理上(psychologically.)是很重要的.

The Milky waif:吃奶的小流浪汉(可怜流浪儿)

026 springtime for Thomas 汤姆的艳遇 | 027 the milky waif 吃奶的小流浪汉(可怜流浪儿) | 028 trap happy 灭鼠公司