- 更多网络例句与台中相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]
After changing the export market into domestic market, the farmers change their way to manage their tea plantation as a small- scale peasant economy. These farmers only grow tea trees which for making Ching-shan Oolong, Jin- Xuan tea, Tsuei- Yu and Si Ji Chuen tea. Most of these plantations expand all over the hill side and rising ground in Taiwan by using asexual reproduction such as layering and cuttage. Especially the high mountain are as in Taichung, Chayi and Nantou. These places are the main areas growing Oolong Tea, and are famous for growing the high quality of half globosity Pouchong Tea.
Long-term selection for increased 16-week body weight. Poult. Sci.
To carry out the intensity preliminary analysis of educational space resources sharing with regard to these three types, getting the result that the intensity of educational space resources sharing if from concentration's type、scatteration's type to quadrangle's type.
In order to make the analysis more deliberate and approvable, we used two methods of analysis. The first one is the SWOT tactics analysis. The second one is the statistical analyses of questionnaire results. Then, a new scheme is proposed in order to reform the engineering organization. The scheme is executable in the military regional teaching hospitals.
For understanding the workability and precision of these prediction equations, at first this study not only simulates the MHs of Taipei, Taichung, Kaoshung cities and Kao-ping area but also compares these results with meteorological models of CLAMET and TPAQM. And the comparisons show the high correlation (up to 0.8) between them. When the results of MH prediction equations model are compared with TPAQM, they get higher or lower values than TPAQM. The reasons are that Holzworth method can not concern about the warm and cold advections effect and the upper air data used do not get enough finer space-spread. About the results spread on the domain of my model, they show more different MH fields between the land and the sea around and get more sharply change of the land MHs on daytime than TPAQM.
为了解此预测式之可行性及准确度,本研究针对台北、台中、高雄及高屏地区作混合层高度值的模拟,并将模拟结果与实际观测值、CALMET气象模组及光化学轨迹模式输出结果作比对,结果显示均有0.80以上之高相关性;但与TPAQM计算结果间有明显的高估或低估现象,此为Holzworth method无法考量温度平流效应对混合层发展之影响及探空资料空间解析度不足所致;而在空间分布上,本模式所计算的混合层高度场相较於TPAQM在海陆分布上有较明显的分野,且更能够显示出内陆地区混合层高度的日变化。
During the recent industrial conference, textile manufacturers and the Export Processing Zone Administration of the Ministry of Economic Affairs jointly proposed the establishment of "integrated offshore textile and garment parks" in three large industrial estates, Changhua Coastal, Taichung, and Kaohsiung, so as to develop Taiwan into a global textile-logistics center.
B.D. and Christofi, N.,(2002)"An ATP luminescence method for direct toxicity assessment of pollutants impacting on the activated sewage sludge process"Wat.
- 更多网络解释与台中相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]
Tai Chung:台中 中国
544 Tacoma 塔科马 美国 北美 | 545 Tai Chung 台中 中国 | 546 Taibei 台北 中国 东亚
Tai Chung:台中 台湾
Hsin-Chu 新竹 台湾 50 | Tai-Chung 台中 台湾 45 | Shinjuku 新宿 新宿 日本 44
Hamburg Max(73,498载重吨, 满载航行时航速14节, 耗油32吨,压载航行时航速14节,耗油28吨, 建于1994年) 台中(Taichung)即期交船,新加坡日本区域还船, 租金为19,000美元/天.
太仓(江苏)----TAICANG | 台中(台湾)---TAICHUNG,TAIWAN | 天津(中国)---TIANJIN,CHINA
Taichung County:台中
Pingtung County 屏东 | Taichung County 台中 | Tainan County 国内
Cayman Islands:开曼群岛
台中, 台南, 高雄),香港(2家),中国(东莞, 上海, 昆山), 马来西亚(吉隆坡, 纳闽), 新加坡, 菲律宾, 美国(洛杉矶, 内华达, 德拉瓦), 文莱, 维京群岛(BVI), 开曼群岛(Cayman Islands)10个国家地区有1
Tai Chung:台中
我是因为公事来台北(Taipei)的,并且需要去台中(Tai Chung),所以我们需要非常方便的地方. 在这一点上凯撒公园(Caesar Park)是不会让你失望的. 它在市区的地理位置很好,在台北火车站(Taipei Railway Station)的对面,隔壁是地铁.
Tai Chung:台中 中国 东亚
Taibei 台北中国东亚 | Tai Chung 台中中国东亚 | Takoradi 塔利拉迪加纳非洲
Da xiang art space, 大象艺术空间馆 I 台中 | Fellini, 费历尼画廊 I 上海 | Fonderia Gemito | 那不勒斯