英语人>词典>汉英 : 可计算关系 的英文翻译,例句
可计算关系 的英文翻译、例句


calculable relation
更多网络例句与可计算关系相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Deffering from others' work, the essay sets all concept, mathematical model and reasoning on relational database such that uncertain reasoning has new qualities: Subjectivity and Calculability.


Use nationalization degree and the relationship that commercialize degree, condition of calculable market economy plays scope of optimal and state-owned economy.


The disquisition brings forward three principle in combination arithmetic designing and combination arithmetic choice. There is currency, countability and less information redundancy. And the disquisition analyses the relation of them.


The disquisition brings forward three principle in combination arithmetic designing and combination arithmetic choice. There is currency, countability and less information redundancy. And the disquisition analyses the relation of them. The three principle is the dominant ideology in combination arithmetic designing.


This article focuses on the line-line, line-region and region-region topological relations algorithm, which come down to the same question: whether there are intersections between line and line. The sweep-line algorithm was studied by many people, but has some deficiencies to be improved, in order to handle some special cases and increase program efficiency. My works as follows: rectangular envelope to reduce executive times , vector cross multiplication to determine intersection between line and line, coordinates and slope method to deal with some special cases. C program examples are showed together.(5) Finally, to prove capability and efficiency of the model and calculation method, some test systems are developed. For example, complex spatial topological relation query, parcels' exact area with the area of linear object reduced in land use, quality inspection to cadastral data according to topological rule, spatio-temporal change query of cadastral data.


The reason why the model is based on Voronoi diagram and Delaunay triangulation is that one of the main factors of directional relationships is visible field of two objects, and the visible field is adjacent part of two object, so direction calculation of two objects may be limited in the adjacent field.


The rainstorm process is a complex and stochastic multi-dimensional process.A correlation exists between the maximal annual period-storm and the rainfall duration,with overlooking many factors,the parameterwill not be a constant.Since 1980s,heavy rain and flood of small basins can be calculated by auto-recording rainfall observation system,and 20-year's self-recording rainfall data can improve the calculation accuraey.


The innovations of this paper as follows:(1)The topological relation model between complex spatial objects is brought forward, which represented by some composite basic 9I matrix and results in general signification.(2)Time and space integrated topological model is suggested to reason about spatio-temporal change types;(3)Sweep-line algorithm is improved, and a new little circles of polyline nodes overlapped with region method is proposed. As result, it's efficient to calculate line-line, line-region and region-region topological relations.


The results indicated that both binary interactive parameters of water/isobutanol system from this work and the parameters of water/ethanol from literature can be used to precdict the liquid-liquid equilibria of water/ethanol/isobutanol. But the parameters of ethanol/isobutanol from the literature were not appropriate for the prediction. Furthermore, the model parameters from 30℃ can can be used to predict the liquid-liquid equilibria under 35 ℃. The model parameters of water/isobutanol are independent on the temperatures, so constant parameters irrelative to temperature can meet prediction accuracy. Othmer-Tobias/Bancroft equation was also used to fit the liquid-liquid data of water/ethanol/isobutanol system, but it didnt possess the performance of predicting the liquid-liquid equilibria.The partition coefficients of dipotassium glycyrrhizinat were determined in the liquid-liquid two-phase system of water/ethanol/isobutanol and corrected by experiential equation.


Hypercube has many advantages, such as smaller diameter, simple routing algorithm, many parallel paths between any two nodes, and fault-tolerance, on the other hand that the Hypercube nodal degree increased logarithmetically to the number of nodes has limited network population. So we propose a constant nodal degree hierarchical topology to remedy the weakness of Hypercube and take advantages of Hypercube most. Given the definition of FCCN we analyse the basic properties including nodal degree , number of links , extensibility and diameter (maximum network communication delay). Also we proposed a simple and self-routing algorithm applied in FCCN. Although the self-routing algorithm is not optimal, but at more than 82% case it can get the shortest path, and the percent is larger and larger increased with network levels. By the self-routing algorithm the internodal distance is calculated to evaluate the network communication delay more clearly. The average internal distance is in order of the cubic root of the network population that is almost same as logarithmetically relation in a few thousands. FCCN is a highly scalable network due to its recursive construction.


更多网络解释与可计算关系相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

necessary bandwidth:必要带宽

新划分的频段范围和分辨带宽存在下式关系: :分辨带宽(resolution bandwidth) :形状因子(shape factor) :带外带宽(Out-of-band boundary) :必要带宽(necessary bandwidth)由上式可知:如果分辨带宽不变,可计算出带外带宽的范围,反之亦然.

calculable mapping:可计算映射

calculability 可计算性 | calculable mapping 可计算映射 | calculable relation 可计算关系

calculable relation:可计算关系

calculable mapping 可计算映射 | calculable relation 可计算关系 | calculate 计算

correlation coefficient:相关系数

事实上, 两组样本可以使用统计学上的"相关系数"(correlation coefficient)计算, 以统计地确定两者有否关连, 至於是何种关连, 那就得另用别法测定. 而由於"关连"或"关系"在语文中的歧义性(我们大可说没有任何关连的两者也算是一种特殊的关连方式),


若要量度通胀,可透过平均时薪、消费物价指数(Consumer Price Index,CPI)、生产物价指数(Producer Price Index,PPI)、平减物价指数(deflator)等. CPI,是根据多类商品及劳务价格综合计算出来的,用以反映股价变动对消费者的关系. PPI,

gross margin:毛利

4.价格与成本 价格与成本的关系可简单地以下列公式表示: 价格=成本+毛利(或加成)或 成本=价格-毛利(或加成)或 毛利(或加成)=价格-成本 毛利(GROSS MARGIN)与加成(MARK-UP)的不同在于计算其比率公式中的分母有所不同: 毛利率=毛利÷价格,

parallel algorithm:并行算法

41、 并行算法(Parallel Algorithm) 是一些可同时执行的多个进程的集合,这些进程相互作用和协调工作,从而达到对给定问题的求解. 42、 数值计算(Numerical Computing) 是指基于代数关系运算的一类诸如矩阵计算、多项式求值、求解线性方程组等数字计算问题.

Shape factor:形状因子

新划分的频段范围和分辨带宽存在下式关系: :分辨带宽(resolution bandwidth) :形状因子(shape factor) :带外带宽(Out-of-band boundary) :必要带宽(necessary bandwidth)由上式可知:如果分辨带宽不变,可计算出带外带宽的范围,反之亦然.

threshold value:临界值

若搭配误码测试仪来使用的话,可利用应用软件将本质抖动以及随机抖动利用浴缸法则(Bathtub Method)将其分离以及计算其大小. 如图八所示:它是利用误码率之临界值(Threshold Value)以及眼图之时域分布关系反算抖动之大小.