英语人>词典>汉英 : 可被吸引 的英文翻译,例句
可被吸引 的英文翻译、例句


基本解释 (translations)

更多网络例句与可被吸引相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

As it is, this reviewer was left suspecting that the claim was an afterthought, designed to make a book that is mainly about Europe catch the eye of those who are currentlyand understandablyobsessed by China.


As it is, this reviewer was left suspecting that the claim was an afterthought, designed to make a book that is mainly about Europe catch the eye of those who are currently—and understandably—obsessed by China.


Now she could look back down the long years and see herself in green flowered dimity , standing in the sunshine at Tara, thrilled by the young horseman with his blond hair shining like a silver helmet.


Because this colourful door takes a lot of categories that attribute pornographic picture, I am very so careful when releasing a picture, just choose the heat with those absorbing regard asing that do not expose, reckon as to picture origin I do not say everybody also knows, just released go up a hour, quantity of a money order receipt to be signed and returned to sender is achieved 200 many, because set the regulation that the reply can see,basically be, be less than a few days, the member of forum registers a quantity to also soar, I am glad very, released a few paragraphs of video again then, this everybody is interested more, the effect is more apparent of course, did Seo in the light of this keyword plus me, in Baidu the search of a few main keywords is ranked is before a few, it is when I am cock-a-hoop, because the site that good friend of my a stationmaster tells me him placed the photograph of Xxx to be sealed, I saw me be put again fast half month, the government is busy provide disaster relief, do not have doctrinairism to meet, the effect also was achieved now, it is moment whole body and retreated, I immediately the special subject this kind is whole take out, escape one disaster


You have a cool personality, candor and apathy paints a bit of mystery on you as your character, you were born in talent with noble temperament. You are not a hilarious person, but always observe everything around with calm. You are not dissocial, but many boys are attracted by your offish attitude to everything. You are a dream for them without resort.


However, the opera structure allows space for the performers to perform in their own way. Actually, the audience is more infatuated with the performers' unique way of presentation than attracted by the unwinding of plot.


We shall not be ashamed of our love. Jesus is to us the altogether lovely, and never, never, shall we have to blush because we have yielded our hearts to Him. The sight of our glorious Well-beloved will justify the most enthusiastic attachment to Him.


Her woebegone expression,her hang-dog manner,her over-anxiousness to please,or perhaps her unconscious hostility towards those she anticipates will affront her—all act to drive away those whom she would attract.


The magnetic chips of steel produced by a cutting tool are attractable by a magnet.


As others busy looking at the pieces of artwork, I was distracted by Chris Mao 's tailor made mink vest with metal plate bendable collar, understatedly flamboyant.

在别人忙着参观作品时,我则被Chris Mao的手工缝制的貂皮背心所吸引,有可弯曲的金属板领口,低调地华丽。

更多网络解释与可被吸引相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

atmospheric pressure:气压力

机、发电机中的转动线圈和继电器(relay) 中被电磁铁吸引的磁铁棒都可天文学的分支,与测量天球(celestial sphere)上的天体位置有关的的大气压力(atmospheric pressure)在这一数值附近波动.


attract 吸引 | attractability 吸引性 | attractable 可被吸引

strange attractor:奇异吸引子

自从1963年气象学家洛仑兹(Lorenz)提出混沌系统的蝴蝶效应以来,很多有效的方法被提出来研究具有"奇异吸引子 (strange attractor)"的混沌系统. 近日香港理工大学电子与资讯学系的研究人员许小可、张捷和Michael Small在美国>(PNAS)提出一种使用复杂网络来研究混沌系统的新方法.


被这些因子在液态中刺肿瘤细甩的移动反应可 是随机的,称为"趋化性(chemotaxis)";此外,肿瘤细胞还能在无可溶性吸引物时,以定向的方式向不溶性的基质蛋白质移动,称为"趋触性"(haptotaxis).




在Mixi早期用户来说,他们被Mixi提供的在线日记和所谓的"足迹"(footprint)功能所吸引. 利用"足迹"功能,用户可对其他好友的活动情况进行跟踪. 此外,笠原健治很早就把Mixi变成了一家"手机友好型"网站,以方便用户能够随时随地向Mixi网站上传各种信息.


- *消费额度将依照一种浮动比例分散在所有商品上,NPC 将不会再一直只狂买几种产品,若有无法买到的商品那部份的消费额最后将被系统回收(也就是贩卖商品种类愈多,愈能吸引购买) + *开放世界奇观(Prodigy)建造,拥有世界奇观的城市可永久提升 10% 繁荣度,

temptable:可诱惑的; 易被诱惑的 (形)

tempt 诱惑, 吸引, 引诱 (动) | temptable 可诱惑的; 易被诱惑的 (形) | temptation 诱惑, 诱惑物 (名)


attractability 吸引性 | attractable 可被吸引的 | attractableness 可被吸引


attractable 可被吸引的 | attractableness 可被吸引 | attractant 引诱剂