- 更多网络例句与可能主义相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]
This article proposed: First, the political philosophy and latter modernism are to the initiation inheritance profound resonsideration, but their standpoint is different; Second, the political philosophy's subject is just, but regarding anything is just, the new liberalism interior is debated, between it and the social group principle's argument is more intense; Third, the initiation
This article proposed: First, the political philosophy and latter modernism are to the initiation inheritance profound resonsideration, but their standpoint is different; Second, the political philosophy's subject is just, but regarding anything is just, the new liberalism interior is debated, between it and the social group principle's argument is more intense; Third, the initiation is a not enterprise unexpectedly, the new liberalism and latter modernism are impossible to end the initiation.
It also illustrates connections between the two schools, misconception of behaviorism, and the process of human learning.
Author believes that circumfuse the criticism for Fascist,"western Marxism" has three models: institution criticism, mentality criticism and social relationship criticism. Furthermore, during the procedure of criticism, they demonstrated that traditional bourgeois democracy exists defect naturally. So that, it maid develop to a completely opposite result.
Chang's epistemological "pluralism" and "interactionalism" most cogently, fundamentally and concretely accounted for his not being an "idealist" in the sense as understood by Chinese Marxists and their followers.
This article starts with a review of the history of the "Expression" conception in the Occident literature tradition,from which to conclude the base connotation of modern "Expression" conception in occident.Relying on this springboard,we analyses the history of the occidental modern plastic arts gradually ,then the naissance and development of the occidental modern plastic arts may boil down to a going-deep course driven by the "Expression" conception:the impressionism which had been pursuing sensual reality brought out a turning point from Representation to expression;Faurism accomplished the consciousness of Expression based on inheriting and criticizing Post-Impressionisme, and resisted the suppressant on Expression by Physical Image; the German Expressionism and Surrealism uplifted Expression at the same time they resisted Physical Image by "Nugatory Physical image"; From the apocalypse of Cubism,Suprematism and De Stijl tended towards Pure Plastic which excluded Physical Image completely,meaning that it had realized absolute Expression in the range of plastic;After WW II,artsists in western detected that Pure Plastic had actually suppressed Expression newly,as a result of Abstract-Expressionism and Mirnirnaliam Art,Expression broke away from Pure Plastic gradually to seek some new possibilities other than plastic.
This article aims to set out basic outline of Schmitt's conception of constitution, and examine his critique on democracy, parliamentarism,"Rechtsstaat", liberalism and pluralism in order to figure out optional clues by reflecting the causes and possible solutions to the problems of contemporary constitutionalism.
Gender Theory of feminism provides a completely new sight of angle criticizing traditional science, gives a better elucidation of the formation of androcentric society, the oppressive origin of women in it, and the direction of solution.
Viewing from the angle of the science of law and taking "rights" as the text for analysis,this article discusses the theoretical divergence on "the rights of nature" between the anthropocentrists and non-anthropocentrism.The anthropocentrists criticize the rights of nature from four aspects,its humanity,impracticality, uncontrollability and non-equivalence of its duties.The n...
This article starts with a review of the history of the "Expression" conception in the Occident literature tradition,from which to conclude the base connotation of modern "Expression" conception in occident.Relying on this springboard,we analyses the history of the occidental modern plastic arts gradually ,then the naissance and development of the occidental modern plastic arts may boil down to a going-deep course driven by the "Expression" conception:the impressionism which had been pursuing sensual reality brought out a turning point from Representation to expression;Faurism accomplished the consciousness of Expression based on inheriting and criticizing Post-Impressionisme, and resisted the suppressant on Expression by Physical Image; the German Expressionism and Surrealism uplifted Expression at the same time they resisted Physical Image by "Nugatory Physical image"; From the apocalypse of Cubism,Suprematism and De Stijl tended towards Pure Plastic which excluded Physical Image completely,meaning that it had realized absolute Expression in the range of plastic;After WW II,artsists in western detected that Pure Plastic had actually suppressed Expression newly,as a result of Abstract-Expressionism and Mirnirnaliam Art,Expression broke away from Pure Plastic gradually to seek some new possibilities other than plastic.
- 更多网络解释与可能主义相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]
shareholder activism:股东行动主义
可能会为美国投资者和他们拥有的公司节省数亿美元. "在美国掀起新一轮"股东行动主义"(shareholder activism)浪潮之际,美国证券交易委员会的该项计划,可能会增加目前相对较少的年度董事会选举之争.
Methodological essentialism:方法论本质主义
再者,一如我们所见,法律实证主义的这项假设惟有根据那种"方法论本质主义"(methodological essentialism)在把那些独立于立法机构而存在的内部规则切割掉或者统合进立法之中的前提上方可能得到成立;哈耶克尖锐地指出,对于法律实证主义者来说,
此乃犯了佛教禅宗"顿悟",以及近代"实存主义"(Existentialism)类似的毛病. 但就一人灵命特殊的经历而言,乃可能在他灵性发生危机的时候,完全降服上帝,得到圣灵的充满,使他脱离犯罪意向与习惯的捆绑;并且仰赖上帝的带领,常在基督里夸胜(参林后二14).
所以,杜威认为"实用主义"更好的名字应该是"实验主义"(experimentalism)或者"工具主义"(Instrumentalism). 胡适信奉杜威的"实验主义"(有译"实用主义"). 他认为"实验主义"是科学的产物,用科学的观点看,一切真理都是人定的,因而不可能有绝对真理.
feminist movement:女权主义运动
译文:程度上,由于女权主义运动(feminist movement)的缘故,史学家近年来汇聚了大量的注意力,来更为准确地确定妇女在各个历史时期的地位. 译文:因此,举例来说,对数学家而言,了解到下述情形可能会令其惊愕不已,
其中比较具体的有从地缘政治角度(geopolitics)分析周边国家对一国内或一地区内分离主义的态度,以及可能产生的连锁反应,比如有关巴尔干化(Balkanization) 和民族统一主义(Irredentism)问题的讨论.
这点可以从他批判狭隘主义(parochialism)与历 史发展目的论(teleoi Qgical change)(2)中得到证明. 如果说柯文对狭 隘主义的批判是从共时性(或空间)上否定了历史现象重复出现的可能,对 目的论的批判则从历时性(或时间)上否定了这种可能性.
中国小说批评也可能将叙述理解为某种完整、封闭和自足的存在物,由此走向对某种先验、固定的叙述模式的概括和总结. 然而,"结构主义"(Structuralism)对中国小说批评的影响相当有限,它很快就被尾随而来的"后结构主义"(Post-structuralism)所替代.