英语人>词典>汉英 : 可结婚的 的英文翻译,例句
可结婚的 的英文翻译、例句


基本解释 (translations)
marriageable  ·  viripotent

更多网络例句与可结婚的相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Proper; appropriate 得体的,体面的;合适的 Lady Bracknell did not think it was seemly for Ernest to lack a proper family: no baby abandoned on a doorstep could grow up to marry her daughter.


A "certification of marriageability" which can be prepared at the Embassy on the basis of an affidavit in which the American citizen swears or affirms before a Consul that he or she is currently legally eligible to marry persons who have previously been married need to show a certified divorce decree, annulment decree, or death certificate both to the Embassy when preparing this certificate and to local authorities.


So they have plenty of wiggle room to get the lowest taxes possible.


Christmas was originally, and one of the coldest winter in years happily reunited, feel the warm affection of a good life, may have been married for Brad and Kate (Reese Witherspoon Peng decoration) This small husband and wife, this years Christmas, but it is so that they can be kept extremely busy to day.


It may easily be conceived how, among exogamous tribes, out of respect to immemorial usage, when friendly relations came to be established between tribes and families, and their members


And while this state of enmity lasted, exogamous tribes never could get wives except by theft or force.If it can be shown, firstly, that exogamous tribes exist, or have existed ; and secondly, that in rude times the relations of separate tribes are uniformly, or almost uniformly, hostile, we have found a set of circumstances in which men could get wives only by capturing them — a social condition in which capture would be the necessary preliminary to marriage .


It is held that a woman, thus taken away and married, may be sworn and give evidence against the offender, though he is her husband de facto ; contrary to the general rule of law: because he is no husband de jure , in case the actual marriage was also against her will.15 In cases indeed where the actual marriage is good, by the consent of the inveigled woman obtained after her forcible abduction, Sir Matthew Hale seems to question how far her evidence should be allowed: but other authorities16 seem to agree, that it should even then be admitted; esteeming it absurd, that the offender should thus take advantage of his own wrong, and that the very act of marriage, which is a principal ingredient of his crime, should (by a forced construction of law) be made use of to stop the mouth of the most material witness against him.


I was married in 2001, there was no hepatitis B may be due to carelessness in the collective canteens transmitted on, the doctor was not a serious drug will be able to eat good, so I started medication, may be due to contraceptive failure, I soon became pregnant, I immediately stopped the medication, can I have been extremely worried, and five months pregnant when to do a color Doppler ultrasound, the doctor said that normal fetal development can not occur will affect the intellectual or other fetal abnormalities do?


These promotional toothpaste squeezers can be custom-imprinted with company logos and surprise marriage proposals.


I have none of the usual inducements of women to marry.


更多网络解释与可结婚的相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]


后来与林中女仙欧律狄刻(Eurydice)结婚. 不幸的是欧律狄刻一天被毒蛇咬伤而死. 俄耳普斯为了能使妻子复活,下到可怖的冥府. 他用美妙的乐声打动了冥河的艄公卡戎帮他渡河,又使守卫冥府的三头狗垂下了脑袋. 最后冥王哈得斯也深受感动,


对已婚女子称"夫人",未婚女子统称"小姐",对不了解婚姻情况的女子可称"小姐",对戴结婚戒指和年纪稍大的可称"夫人". 一般情况下,也可称"太太",因为太太(Madam)一词在外文中还有贵妇、女士之意,即使尚未结婚者被称"太太",也会很高兴.

marriage certificate:结婚证明

外国人在南非之外获得的签证一般不能改变签证种类,但可延签. 中国公民旅南期间结婚,可在当地内政部办事机构办理相关手续. 南非内政部出据的结婚证明(MARRIAGE CERTIFICATE)可在当地公证机关公证后,经南非外交部和中国驻南非使、领馆的认证后在中国使用.


marriage 结婚 | marriageability 结婚适龄 | marriageable 可结婚的


marriageability 结婚适龄 | marriageable 可结婚的 | married 已婚的


marriage 婚嫁 | marriageable 适合结婚的 | marriageable 可结婚的


marriageable 可结婚的 | married 已婚的 | marrier 结婚

consanguineous marriage:近亲结婚

近亲结婚(consanguineous marriage) 指人类中血缘相近的个体间的通婚. 所谓近亲是指在3~4代以内有共同祖先的两个人. 近亲结婚可导致基因纯合化,使不良隐性性状得以表现或使遗传病的发生率增加. 因为近亲间往往有某些基因相同,例如表兄妹有1/8的可能带有相同的基因.

know the time of day:消息灵通, 机警

irregular marriage 非正式结婚, 姘居 | know the time of day 消息灵通, 机警 | indictable 可起诉的


dirigible 可驾驶的 | dirigisme 干预或统制 | diriment impediment 结婚障碍