英语人>词典>汉英 : 可积分性 的英文翻译,例句
可积分性 的英文翻译、例句


基本解释 (translations)

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The definition of the absolute value for a fuzzy number is obtained.Furthermore,a lot ofproblems,such as absolute integrability,bounded variation and absolute continuity,arepresented and discussed.The representation theorem of the absolute values of fuzzy num-bers is established.It plays an important role in discussing the problems conceming theabsolute value.The relation between the absolute integrability and integrabili-ty is discussed,and the following result is obtained:aintegrable fuzzy-number-valued function is absolutely integrable iff it is integrable.The relation between theabsolute integrability and the absolute continuity of the primitive for fuzzy-number-valuedfunctions is dealt with.It is also pointed out that a fuzzy number valued function is ab-solutelyintegrable if and only if its integral primitive is fuzzy absolutely continuous.


For the Riemann boundary value problems for the first order elliptic systems , we translates them to equivalent singular integral equations and proves the existence of the solution to the discussed problems under some assumptions by means of generalized analytic function theory , singular integral equation theory , contract principle or generaliezed contract principle ; For the Riemann-Hilbert boundary value problems for the first order elliptic systems , we proves the problems solvable under some assumptions by means of generalized analytic function theory , Cauchy integral formula , function theoretic approaches and fixed point theorem ; the boundary element method for the Riemann-Hilbert boundary value problems for the generalized analytic function , we obtains the boundary integral equations by means of the generalized Cauchy integral formula of the generalized analytic function , introducing Cauchy principal value integration , dispersing the boundary of the area , and we obtains the solution to the problems using the boundary conditions .


This article is mainly discussed the relation between some important concepts and conclusions about the Limit of Sequence, the Limit, Continuity ,Differentiability, Integrability of Function, the Infinite Series , and the Limit, Continuity, Derivativeness,Differentiability of Multivariable Function ,as well as the Multiple Integral, and Integral with parameter .


The paper states the distinctions between Riemann integral and Lebesgue integral from the aspects of the definition of integral,the continuity of integrable function,the additivity of integral,integral limitation theorems and Newton-Leibnitz formula.


Based the new definition of double chord-power intergral which the pair of lines intersect the convex body in integral geometry, this paper studies the relationship of double chord-power intergral and chord-power intergral.


The solvability can not be sidestepped, for it relates the problem of equivalence of boundary reduction.


And it makes a detailed and brief exposition, and offers some extremely targeted examples of the application, in order to understand the integrability conditions and enhance the understanding and application capability.


Limits, Continuity, Derivatives, and Integration of Single Variable, Integration Techniques, Applications of Derivatives and Integrals, Infinite Sequences and Series, Multivariable Function and Their Derivative, Multiple Integrals, Integration in Vector Fields.


This paper discusses the integrability of Riemann integral systematically: By analyzing the common characters of a lot of integral calculus, it abstracts the concept of Riemann integral and discusses its integrability of Riemann integral and then gets integrable functions.


This paper discusses the integrability of Riemann's integral theory systematically: By analyzing the common characters of a lot of integral calculus, it abstracts the concept of Riemann integral and discusses its integrability of Riemann's integral theory and then gets integrable functions.


更多网络解释与可积分性相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]


I controller 积分控制器 | identifiability 可辨识性 | image recognition 图像识别


Integer 整数 | Integrability 可积分性 | Integrable function 可积分函数

integrability condition:可积分条件

"可积分性","integrability" | "可积分条件","integrability condition" | "可积分函数","integrable function"

integrability condition:可积性条件

整数字变量 integer word variable | 可积性条件 integrability condition | 积分 integral

absolute integrability:绝对可积分[性]

43,"absolute inequality","绝对不等式" | 44,"absolute integrability","绝对可积分[性]" | 45,"absolute irreducibility","绝对不可约[性]"

complete integrability:完全可积分性

完全归纳法 complete induction | 完全可积分性 complete integrability | 完全积分 complete integral

complete integrability:完全可积性

complete instruction | 完整指令 | complete integrability | 完全可积性 | complete integral | 完全积分

integrable function:可积分函数

Integrability 可积分性 | Integrable function 可积分函数 | Integral 积分;整数


integrability 可积分性 | integrable 可积分 | integrality 完整性

stochastic integral and differential equations:随机积分与微分方程

随机可积分性 stochastic integrability | 随机积分与微分方程 stochastic integral and differential equations | 随机核 stochastic kernel