英语人>词典>汉英 : 可磁化的 的英文翻译,例句
可磁化的 的英文翻译、例句


基本解释 (translations)

更多网络例句与可磁化的相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

But now databases are commonly recorded on magnetizable media,and computer programs are required to perform the necessary storage and retrieval operations.


But now databases ate commonly recorded on magnetizable media, and computer programs are required to perform the necessary storage and retrieval operations.


Now databases are commonly recorded on magnetizable media, and But and computer programs are required to perform the necessary storage and retrieval operations.


A flat circular plate with a magnetizable surface layer on which data can be stored by magnetic recording.


Magnetic disk is a flat circular plate with a magnetizable surface layer on which data can be stored by magnetic recording.


For example, a magnetizable surface coating or a magnetic disc unit or bubble memory can be termed a "data storage medium";"data medium";or"storage medium" and a telephone line can be termed a "data transfer medium".


Symbol Fe A silvery-white, lustrous, malleable, ductile, magnetic or magnetizable, metallic element occurring abundantly in combined forms, notably in hematite, limonite, magnetite, and taconite, and used alloyed in a wide range of important structural materials.

符号 Fe 铁:一种银白色的、有光泽、有韧性、可延展,有磁性或可被磁化的金属,以化合物形式大量存在,主要有赤铁矿、褐铁矿、磁铁矿和角岩,在许多种重要结构材料中用作合金的一种。

Trigger circuit by adjusting the phase of the trigger pulse to control the on-off thyristor, which can be manually controlled to adjust the output voltage, and then, after step-down transformer can be used to obtain the magnetization of the magnetic low-voltage high-current power supply, mainly by the SCR the main voltage regulator circuit, trigger circuit, such as composition, is a broad application prospect of the exchange regulator controller.


Diskettes are made of a special plastic that can be coated and easily magnetized.


In MRI, the patient is placed in a strong magnetic field that causes some of his body's atomic nuclei, which act like tiny magnetised spinning tops, to align themselves with the field.


更多网络解释与可磁化的相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

magnetic anisotropy:磁异向性

磁异向性(Magnetic anisotropy)指磁化的难易程度因方向而异,其起因可归属为: 1) 磁晶异向性;2) 形状异向性;3)感应异向性;4)诱导异向性(由磁退火,塑性变形及辐射所诱导产生...

coercive force:矫顽磁力

为矫顽磁力(coercive force)或逆向磁化力需减少残余感应至零值. 我们应用安培的环路定律(ampere's circuital law)于有间隙的铁心时,可证明出铁心磁通量密度为大多数的磁性铁心制造厂商都以标准的磁化曲线,来描述其材料的B-H特性.


这种MOS FET的电导率(Conductance)会随着源极和漏极的磁化相对取向(同向或反向)发生变化,可通过磁化技术使这两个方向的电导率保持非易失性. 也就是说,该产品作为具有非易失性内存功能的MOS FET运行. 由于沿用现行的MOS FET结构,


magnetizable medium 可磁化介质 | magnetizable 可磁化的 | magnetization characteristic 磁化特性

magnetizable medium:可磁化介质

magnetizability 磁化强度 | magnetizable medium 可磁化介质 | magnetizable 可磁化的


有4种主要的磁性状态:(1)抗磁性,磁化方向与外加磁场方向相反,即,磁化率(susceptibility)为负. 抗磁性是一种弱型的磁性,且可被其他较强的磁性掩盖,不过一切物质都是抗磁性的. 抗磁性起于物质原子的电子轨道中所加磁场引起的变化,