英语人>词典>汉英 : 可确立的 的英文翻译,例句
可确立的 的英文翻译、例句


基本解释 (translations)

更多网络例句与可确立的相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

As compared with 51 emu·g^-1 for the material obtained without the addition of coordination compound in the processing.


Droppings can be found in eggs, then ascariasis diagnosis can be established, but found that the egg can not be ruled out of this disease.


In that period of time, you can make dramatic and measurable changes if you set crystal clear goals.


And it can be regarded as a helpful attempt to improve the physical algorithm applied in China with which the rainfall intensity and hydrometeor structures can be retrieved from brightness temperature.


Developing view and consumptive concept is impartible, consume the support of view without what can last, the establish that the development that can last watchs is impossible to be mixed thoroughly firm.


While no specific provision in terms confers constitutional status on the right of an accused to take the stand in his own defense, the existence of the right is so completely recognized that a denial of it or substantial infringement upon it would surely be of due process dimensions. See Ferguson v. Georgia, 365 U.S. 570, 81 S.Ct. 756, 5 L.Ed.2d 783 (1961); McCormick § 131; 8 Wigmore § 2276 McNaughton Rev.


A diagnosis of dysfunctional voiding can be established when increased sphincter activity is noted during micturition with a low flow rate.


The best orientations and sections in TEE based on the visible heart are helpful to simplify the operation procedure of multiplane TEE and to shorten the examination time.


In present era capitalist system can not carry through 'people-oriented' thought, while socialist system has unseparable connection with 'people-oriented' thought.


However, after comparative study, we find that the present sexing technique using PCR is relatively simple 、rapid, while maintaining high degrees of accuracy, and can be widely used in.

而用 PCR 法鉴定性别具有相对简单、快速、准确率高等优点,可确立为在实际应用中广泛推广。其创新点为确立可以在实际应用中被推广的方法。

更多网络解释与可确立的相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]


可见,韦伯的心目中的理性或理性化,是指使一切事情成为可计算的(calculable)并以效率化、形式化、制度化为依归. 至于目标的最终确立,它不属于事实,而是与情感、传统或个人主观上的价值判断相关的事. 在这种把理性工具化的发展趋势中,


欧洲法院(European Court of Justice)通过"凡.根和洛斯"(Van Gend en Loos)判决,确立欧共体条约可直接在成员国适用的原则--即直接效力原则. 1964年,欧洲法院通过"哥斯达"(Costa)判决,确立欧共体法律与任何国内法冲突时优于国内法--即最高效力原则.


特许经营(Franchising)是特许(franchi-sor)和被特许者(franchisee)之间以特许经营合同确立的一种经营模式. 因此,一份有效且可执行的特许经营合同,不仅是确立特许者和被特许者之间许可和被许可的法律关系,明确双方权利和义务的基础,

IETF:Internet Engineering Task Force:工程任务组

互联网工程任务组(IETF Internet Engineering Task Force)从1993年开始开发IPv6,1995年正式确立IPv6基础协议,1996年全球范围的IPv6试验床6Bone启动. IPv6的地址长度为128位,形成了一个巨大的地址空间. 在可预见的很长时期内,它能够为所有可以想象出的网络设备提供一个全球惟一的地址.


Swan)中确立的"基于1933年>所提起的申诉是不可仲裁的"原则, 认为"谢尔克"案中的仲裁协议载于当事人之间的一份国际合同, 依据美国1925年>, 国际关系中的仲裁协议应该具有约束力, 是不可撤销的(Irrevocable)和可执行的(Enf


以下确立标准的程序,用于提供免洗锡膏的功能特性的量的比较,包括可印刷性(printability)、扩散与塌落(spread and slump)特性、可焊性(solderability)、以及焊锡珠/球(beading/balling)的性能等的决定方法.

judicial committee of the privy council:枢密院司法委员会

在现代,Lord Chancellor在司法方面的作用主要是作为上议院议长和枢密院司法委员会(Judicial Committee of the Privy Council)顾问. 尽管这两个职位是在19世纪的议会改革和司法改革中正式确立的,但其渊源则均可追溯到被称为"各种政治制度之胚胎"的御前会议.



establishes a counterclaim against:确立针对......的反申索

证实-----establishes | 确立针对......的反申索-----establishes a counterclaim against . . . | 足可推定......-----establishes a presumptive case of . . .

gas constant:气体常数

上述三定律可归纳为气体通用方程式,即pV=nRT.其中n为试样气体的总量,R为气体常数(gas constant). 气体定律首先是由真实气体的实验所确立的,虽然真实气体有限地服从这一定律;它们在高温、低压情况下最为符合这一定律. 一种以气体为作功流体的测温仪表,