英语人>词典>汉英 : 可延展的 的英文翻译,例句
可延展的 的英文翻译、例句


基本解释 (translations)

更多网络例句与可延展的相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

A lustrous white, ductile, malleable metallic element, occurring both uncombined and in ores such as argentite, having the highest thermal and electrical conductivity of the metals.


Symbol Ag A lustrous white, ductile, malleable metallic element, occurring both uncombined and in ores such as argentite, having the highest thermal and electrical conductivity of the metals.

符号 Ag 银:一种白色有光泽、韧性的可延展的金属元素,单独或结合在铁矿石如银辉石中,在金属中导热和导电性能最好。

A soft gray malleable metallic element that resembles tin but discolors on exposure to air; it is highly toxic and is used in rodent and insect poisons; occurs in zinc blende and some iron ores.


This paper makes use of a Lyapunov function and a nonlinear integral inequality of Gronwall-Bellman-Bihari type to study the asymptotic hehaviors of solutions of a second-order nonlinear functional differential equation.


But from 1940s, Levin and Lown advised that AMI patients could do the early rehabilitation activities, and they thought the early activity could speed the blood circulation, avoid blood ropiness, improve the coronary blood flow, facilitate the compensatory circulation, and reduce the infarction lesion ductility.


Symbol Fe A silvery-white, lustrous, malleable, ductile, magnetic or magnetizable, metallic element occurring abundantly in combined forms, notably in hematite, limonite, magnetite, and taconite, and used alloyed in a wide range of important structural materials.

符号 Fe 铁:一种银白色的、有光泽、有韧性、可延展,有磁性或可被磁化的金属,以化合物形式大量存在,主要有赤铁矿、褐铁矿、磁铁矿和角岩,在许多种重要结构材料中用作合金的一种。

Trivalent metallic element of the rare earth group.


A silvery malleable metallic element that resists corrosion; used in many alloys and to coat other metals to prevent corrosion; obtained chiefly from cassiterite where it occurs as tin oxide .


There is a simple way to extend the box level: Using em to define your width.


It is also designed to be extendable to integrate more new media.


更多网络解释与可延展的相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]


腺癌 (Adeno-carcinoma) 及腺鳞状上皮癌 (Adenosquamous carcinoma) 分别占约15% 以及3-导致的硬结,可使用麻醉下的内诊检查 (examination unde r anesthesia) 进一步确定;对於大体积肿瘤和 / 或肿瘤向前方延展者,藉由膀胱镜检查 (cystoscopy) 并对可藉由直肠镜

electric dipole:电偶极子(一对相距极近,符号相反、数值相等的电荷所形成的体系)

ductile 可塑性,易变形的,可延展的 | electric dipole 电偶极子(一对相距极近,符号相反、数值相等的电荷所形成的体系) | electrical insulator 电绝缘体

dotted line:点划线

dot n 点,小数点,句号 | dotted line 点划线 | ductile a 塑性的,可延展的,容易变形的


double helix 双螺旋 | ductile 可塑性,易变形的,可延展的 | electric dipole 电偶极子(一对相距极近,符号相反、数值相等的电荷所形成的体系)


duct 管,输送管 | ductile 可延展,柔软的 | educate 教育,培育


部队,容器(Vessel)加4名侍祭(Acolyth)24分,最多可再增加2名侍祭,每名4分,胜利点数2,此部队允许上限1容器(Vessel) 生命值(10)侍祭(Acolyth) 生命值鱼叉(Gaff) 特殊能力(延展) 威力(3) 加总(7)吐出(Disgorge):如果容器(Vessel)受到敌方攻击的伤害足以被消灭,


先进、开放的开发环境 - 提供预先定义的形式 (Modality) 及应用程式转接介面、预先建构的范本、可延展的 Answers Anywhere 代理 (agent) 网路,以及可轻易自订又立即可用的代理程式库 (agent libraries).


可使用麻醉下的内诊检查 (examination unde r anesthesia) 进一步确定;对於大体积肿瘤和 / 或肿瘤向前方延展者,藉由膀胱镜检查 (cystoscopy) 并对可藉由直肠镜检查 (proctoscopy) 及对可疑部位切片


scalable /可攀登的/可用秤子称的/可剥掉的/延展/ | scalage /衡量/ | scalar /数量/数量的/分等级的/梯状的/

The only startable partition on Drive is already set active:硬碟X上的惟一的可啟動分區已經被標記為活動(延展分區不能被設定為活動)

No partitions to delete 已經沒... | The only startable partition on Drive is already set active 硬碟X上的惟一的可啟動分區已經被標記為活動(延展分區不能被設定為活動) | No partitions to make active 沒有分...