英语人>词典>汉英 : 可展性 的英文翻译,例句
可展性 的英文翻译、例句


基本解释 (translations)
developability  ·  malleability

更多网络例句与可展性相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Developed by ANSI C, it is easy to be expanded, reused and maintained.


Based on switching network,the technology of Virtual Local Area Network is applied to construct a logical network which spans different subnet.It can avoid the network broadcast storm in order to improve the performance,security and expansion of whole campus network.


SPNAnalyzer software system has a very friendly man-machine interaction interface, so the visualized modeling of stochastic Petri net is very intuitional and convenient. The response and handling of the Windows messages is extended to the graph tool module, so it is very easy to maintain. The class design of the element object module and the graph tool module guarantees the expansibility of the system. The crucial technologies including the reachability set algorithm of the stochastic Petri net model, the constitution of the homogeneous Markov chain, and the computation of the steady state probability are implemented. The design of the data structure adopts the linked list, so the execution of the algorithms is very efficient.


The flexibility of PPII helices may have important functional roles in the PEVK segment of titin, which is involved in sarcomere assembly and muscle elasticity.


By means of moving frame, some properties of ruled surfaces are obtained, including the surfaces being minimal, totally geodesic, totally developableand totally umbilical. Some equivalent conditions in which the ruled surfaces are totally developable are obtained. It is abtained that (k+1)-dimensional ruled surfaces are totally geodesic if and only if they are minimal and totally developable.

利用活动标架法研究了直纹面的一些性质,包括极小性,全可展性,全测地性和全脐性,给出了直纹面是全可展性的一组充要条件,同时得到,R(上标 n+1 下标 v)中的k+1维直纹面M是全测地的充要条件是它是极小的且全可展的。

NUMA (non_uniform memory architecture) architecture is proposed for scalable system underlying a shared memory pattern.


We put forward a distributed Multi-Agent system for services compostion based on AGORA, which has a good scalability and flexibility and eradicates the problems of low scalability and performance in centrally-controlled services repository. In the system, the service provider and requester can be also searched mutually.


This paper analyzed the expand ability of dish plate keel of the fore and after body of ship hull,compared several expand ing and forming methods,and put forward some advices about the application and some problems to which should be pay attention.


The POAS with high availability, high performance and scalability features makes the data output of MSDPS more effective and reliable. The QVS is cross-platform, highly scalable and loosely coupled with a high degree of automation and handsome and simple human-computer interface.


The methodology has the advantages of advancement, scientificalness, practicability, high effectiveness, flexibility, tailorable ability, maintainability, extensibility and scalability.


更多网络解释与可展性相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Ductile Cast iron:展性铸铁

ductibility 可延展性 | ductile cast iron 展性铸铁 | ductile iron 可锻铁


develop 展开 | developability 可展性 | developable 可展的


developability 可展性 | developable 可展的 | developable function 可展函数


透过知识做为经济的第五元素, 其所具备的特殊性与可扩展性 (Expansibility) 均 "有机会 " 凌架于土地资本等传统要素之上, 或可作为改善传统要素的, 如非技术劳动力转化为技术劳动力.


可听声 audible sound | 可拓展性 expansibility | 可维修性 maintainability


.可扩展性(SCAlable). 软件必须能够在用户的使用率、用户的数目增加很快的情况下,保持合理的性能. 只有这样,才能适应用户的市场扩展得可能性. .可定制化(CuSTomizable). 同样的一套软件,可以根据客户群的不同和市场需求的变化进行调整.

tensibility:延性 可展性

tensepulse 紧脉 | tensibility 延性 可展性 | tensible 能伸展

pearlite malleable iron:波来铁展性(可锻)铸铁

波來鐵,波來體pearlite | 波來鐵展性(可鍛)鑄鐵pearlite malleable iron | 波來鑄鐵pearlite cast iron

malleable pintle chain:展性锁链

malleable pig iron ==> 展性铸铁,可锻生铁,制造可锻铸铁的生铁 | malleable pintle chain ==> 展性锁链 | malleable shot ==> 可锻铸铁铁丸

scalability:可扩展性 可扩展性 (SCALABILITY)由于物理链接比逻辑链接速度快,原生XML数据库和层次型数据库一样,数据的读出速度比关系型数据库快得多. 因此,从数据的读取方面来看,它应具有同样的可扩展性. 事实上,在数据的读取能力上XML数据库比关系型数据库甚至更好,