英语人>词典>汉英 : 可复发的 的英文翻译,例句
可复发的 的英文翻译、例句


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K-ras mutation in pancreatic juice and serum CA 199 level are effective in dictators for recurrence and prognosis of pancreatic carcinoma. The analysis of muliti-gene is more valuable than that of single.

联合胰液中K-ras 12密码子点突变及血清CA 199检测可作为判断胰腺癌术后复发的有效指标,多因素分析对胰腺癌术后复发的判断更有价值。

Hyper Hcy may be the pathogenic diathesis to form or to recrudesce ASO and VT.


In this article, you pointed out that persistent viremia increased recurrence independently after surgery and to prevent long-term recurrence, antiviral therapy should be initiated in those with detectable serum HBV DNA.


The distribution of NAT2 polymorphisms was different between the recurred group and the control group. The polymorphism of NAT2 would increase the risk of recurrence in the population with history of rectal adenoma. However, there is no difference for NAT2 rapid and slow acetylator between two groups.

NAT2多态性在腺瘤复发组与对照组中的分布是有差异,NAT2非野生纯合型(Wt/M〓+M〓/M〓)为直肠腺瘤复发的危险因子,特别当在非野生纯合型中的NQO 1 C/T+T/T型及MTHFR C/T+T/T,其相对危险度分别可达:3.27(95%CI 1.01-10.65,P=0.043)和3.28(95%CI1.00-10.84,P=0.046)。

Urethremphraxis is an important cause of blader transitional cell carcinoma recurrence.


Chuankezhi injection, the main product of Perfect Set is the second sort new medicine authorized by State Food and Drug Administration. It is made of pure Chinese tradition medicine Epimedium Herb and Morinda officinalis. Chuankezhi control and cure effectively of asthma by regulate body and cell's immune. Since widely used in clinic, it was proved that Chuankezhi has the significant effects and non-toxic side effects for that it is the first choice for respiratory disease and for regulating body's immune system.


Tumor volume in pharyngolaryngeal squamous cell carcinoma:Comparison at CT,MR imaging,and FDG PET and validation with surgical specimen.


Results (1) Clinical characteristics included abdominal pain,diarrhea,abdominal distension,nausea,vomiting,low heat and weight,etc.Clinical characteristic symptom relieved with rectification of ketosis and ideally controlling of blood sugar;(2)The counts of acidophil leukocyte in blood and marrow dropped with the relief of symptom ;(3) Endoscopic features concluded mucosal erosion and hydrops,involved the whole stomach,lack of specificity,gastric antrum and ileocecum were more invaded,lots of acidophil leukocytes were seen in biopsy;(4)Hormone,insulin were the first choice to treat eosinophilic gastroenteritis,which could relieve symptom rapidly and reduce acidophil leukocyte to normal;(5)If the diseases recur again and again,the patients should adopt more treatment time,use insulin long time or use immuno-suppressive agent.

结果 (1)患者的临床表现样,包括腹痛、腹泻、腹胀、恶心、呕吐、低热及体重下降等糖尿病酮症的表现;临床症状的缓解随酮症的纠正和血糖控制理想而缓解;(2)外周血和骨髓中嗜酸细胞计随着症状的缓解而下降;(3)内镜下表现多黏膜糜烂和水肿,累及全胃,缺乏特异性,以胃窦和回盲部最常受累,活检可见量嗜酸细胞浸润;(4)激素、胰岛素应用为治疗的线药物,可迅速缓解症状,并使嗜酸细胞恢复正常;(5)病情反复复发的患者可考虑延长激素的治疗时间、长期应用胰岛素或免疫抑制剂。

Results (1) Clinical characteristics included abdominal pain,diarrhea,abdominal distension,nausea,vomiting,low heat and weight,etc.Clinical characteristic symptom relieved with rectification of ketosis and ideally controlling of blood sugar;(2)The counts of acidophil leukocyte in blood and marrow dropped with the relief of symptom ;(3) Endoscopic features concluded mucosal erosion and hydrops,involved the whole stomach,lack of specificity,gastric antrum and ileocecum were more invaded,lots of acidophil leukocytes were seen in biopsy;(4)Hormone,insulin were the first choice to treat eosinophilic gastroenteritis,which could relieve symptom rapidly and reduce acidophil leukocyte to normal;(5)If the diseases recur again and again,the patients should adopt more treatment time,use insulin long time or use immuno-suppressive agent.

结果 (1)患者的临床表现多样,包括腹痛、腹泻、腹胀、恶心、呕吐、低热及体重下降等糖尿病酮症的表现;临床症状的缓解随酮症的纠正和血糖控制理想而缓解;(2)外周血和骨髓中嗜酸细胞计数随着症状的缓解而下降;(3)内镜下表现多为黏膜糜烂和水肿,累及全胃,缺乏特异性,以胃窦和回盲部最常受累,活检可见大量嗜酸细胞浸润;(4)激素、胰岛素应用为治疗的一线药物,可迅速缓解症状,并使嗜酸细胞恢复正常;(5)病情反复复发的患者可考虑延长激素的治疗时间、长期应用胰岛素或免疫抑制剂。

Clinical characteristic symptom relieved with rectification of ketosis and ideally controlling of blood sugar;(2)The counts of acidophil leukocyte in blood and marrow dropped with the relief of symptom ;(3) Endoscopic features concluded mucosal erosion and hydrops,involved the whole stomach,lack of specificity,gastric antrum and ileocecum were more invaded,lots of acidophil leukocytes were seen in biopsy;(4)Hormone,insulin were the first choice to treat eosinophilic gastroenteritis,which could relieve symptom rapidly and reduce acidophil leukocyte to normal;(5)If the diseases recur again and again,the patients should adopt more treatment time,use insulin long time or use immuno-suppressive agent.

结果 (1)患者的临床表现多样,包括腹痛、腹泻、腹胀、恶心、呕吐、低热及体重下降等糖尿病酮症的表现;临床症状的缓解随酮症的纠正和血糖控制理想而缓解;(2)外周血和骨髓中嗜酸细胞计数随着症状的缓解而下降;(3)内镜下表现多为黏膜糜烂和水肿,累及全胃,缺乏特异性,以胃窦和回盲部最常受累,活检可见大量嗜酸细胞浸润;(4)激素、胰岛素应用为治疗的一线药物,可迅速缓解症状,并使嗜酸细胞恢复正常;(5)病情反复复发的患者可考虑延长激素的治疗时间、长期应用胰岛素或免疫抑制剂。

更多网络解释与可复发的相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]


理念(Concept) 癌症不会发生于免疫健全者;人体免疫功能低下是导致癌症发生或复发的重要原因;癌症患者免疫功能的恢复以及免疫制剂的应用可使残存的癌细胞处于"休眠"状态,而患者得以长期生存; 癌症是全身性疾病.

vernal conjunctivitis:春季卡他性结膜炎

春季卡他性 结膜炎(vernal conjunctivitis)是变态反应性疾病,季节性很强,常侵犯双眼. 每当春暖花开时发病,到秋末天寒时症状消失. 每年复发,轻症者3~4年后即不再发,重症者可连续复发10余年. 本病特点为双眼奇痒,睑结膜出现大而扁平的乳头及角膜缘附近结膜胶样增生,


绝大多数胃、十二指肠溃疡属于第一类,一项总结24个 研究的荟萃分析,94%十二指肠溃疡(DU)和84%胃溃疡(GU)胃窦粘膜可检出Hp感染[1]. 根除Hp的治疗费用虽然价格较高,但却可缩短治疗时间,显著减少溃疡复发及溃疡引起的并 发症,

multiple sclerosis:多发性硬化症

(三)多发性硬化症(multiple sclerosis)是一种青、壮年时期的中枢神经系统脱髓鞘疾病,其特点为病灶播散在病程中常有缓解和复发的反复出现. 病损部位的不同,临床表现可多种多样. 常有精神症状的言语障碍. 颅神经功能障碍以球后神经炎为首发症状多见.






rekindling 重点火 | relapsable 可复发的 | relapse 再度堕落


rekindle 重新燃烧 | rekindling 重点火 | relapsable 可复发的

recurrent aphthae:复发性口疮

同义名有复发性阿弗它口腔溃疡(recurrent aphthous ulcer,RAU)、复发性口疮(recurrent aphthae)等. 临床上根据口腔溃疡表现的大小、深浅及数目不同又可分为复发性轻型口腔溃疡,复发性口炎口腔溃疡及复发性坏死性粘膜腺周围炎口腔溃疡. 此外,

herpes simplex encephalitis:疱疹性脑炎

单纯疱疹性脑炎(herpes simplex encephalitis)是常见的散发性病毒性脑炎. 又称单纯疱疹病毒脑炎(herpes simplex virus encephalitis),既可见于初发性单纯疱疹病毒感染,也可见于复发性患者. 本病可发生于任何年龄;呈散发性;在非流行性病毒脑炎中为最常见的一种.