英语人>词典>汉英 : 可坚持的 的英文翻译,例句
可坚持的 的英文翻译、例句


基本解释 (translations)

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And our country's main industries are three high and one low industry--high labor coarctation, high energy consumption, high pollution and low additive value.


Especially after chairman Hujintao's talk at the central conversazione about population resource and environment that we should have a sustainable development idea with mankind as our root, sustainable development has become an important topic in our country and the problem of population ageing should not be neglected for its significant influence on our sustainable development.


We held these groups to high standards and insisted on demonstrable results.


If you stick to the truth, you'll have nothing to fear.


Its own characteristic serves as an internal variable in implementing the scientific concept of development, which lays considerable emphasis on the importance of human resource.


Only in the realm of Nirvana — so Mahayana Buddhism insists — can true and lasting happiness be found.

只在涅磐的王国- Mahayana佛教徒所坚持的-才可找到真正的持久的幸福。

I was too pooped to play basketball, but my friends insisted.


If you stick to the truth, you have nothing to fear.


Sticking to impromptu performing to embrace every touchable voice at this very minute.


So-called all-round development, is to need to have economy , society , politics , development of each aspect such as culture , organism's habits , any aspect not to overlook either of two among them in mind; Secondly, develop be obliged to essential points coordination.


更多网络解释与可坚持的相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

cling v.1:紧紧抱住2坚持,忠实于

climax n.顶点,(小说、戏剧等)高潮 | cling v.1紧紧抱住2坚持,忠实于 | clincal a.1.诊疗所的,门诊部的2.临床的,可临床诊断的

homogeneous space:齐性空间

这是本雅明思想中的主要问题:他认识到复制品的大量流通空间--以及通常意义上的大量流通--是一种普遍性的,中立的,齐性空间(homogeneous space). 他坚持一种视觉的可辨识性(visual recognizability),坚持当一件复制品在当代文化中流通时的自我认同(self-identity).


Spartan斯巴达的,斯巴达 | Impossibly无法可想 | Hang on坚持,不挂断,渴望,有赖于


并代理出售海立(HIGHLY)、天得(TEND)、汉鼎(AP)、马可(MACK)等知名台商之开关. 公司秉承"顾客至上,锐意进取"的经营理念,坚持"客户第一"的原则为广大客户提供优质的服务. 欢迎惠顾


2) 坚持(persist)定时器使窗口大小信息保持不断流动,即使另一端关闭了其接收窗口.第 22章将讨论这个问题. 3) 保活(keepalive)定时器可检测到一个空闲连接的另一端何时崩溃或重启.第 23章将描述 这个定时器.

Stick with:堅持

答案:B 42.解析:上文另一女孩告诉作者"我们在为你喝彩(为你的坚持不懈)",作者便又获得了希望,决定明年继续参赛,即坚持(stick with)径赛(即赛跑). A项若是hold on to,可译为"坚持、不放弃",但一般指"抓住某物不放手"或"不放弃对某物的所有权"也不符合题意.


tenability可保持状态 | tenable能防御的 | tenaciously坚持地

tenaciously:坚持地; 持久地; 顽强地; 难以摆脱地 (副)

tenable 可守的, 有条理的, 可主张的 (形) | tenaciously 坚持地; 持久地; 顽强地; 难以摆脱地 (副) | tenaculum 挟钩 (名)

Some fresher stamp of the time-bettering days:那天天向上的时髦标识

And therefore art enforced to seek anew 所以得另找,而且你坚持... | Some fresher stamp of the time-bettering days 那天天向上的时髦标识. | And do so, love; yet when they have devised 找吧,爱人;可他们想借...


"此外,亭可马里(Trincomalee)一直是种族关系紧张的地方,分别属于泰米尔族、僧加罗人和穆斯林,目前这种种族紧张关系因为救灾工作而不断升温. 斯里兰卡政府坚持在东北部城市亭可马里的难民营设置军方人员的建议也遭到了猛虎组织的拒绝.