英语人>词典>汉英 : 可取处 的英文翻译,例句
可取处 的英文翻译、例句


a saving grace
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However, the day is not all blues and work.


If there is anything to admire about the production of such a man as Sir John Bowring, who translated into English the German poets and many others, it is simply the capacity for producing verse by the mile.


And I think one of the saving graces of Democrats is that we are candid.


One point in favour of her plan is its cheapness.


Though such a kind of work couldn't be counted as an academic research, yet it still had something to be recommended so far as the artistic connoisseurship was concerned.


It was a defensible position on the merits, and understandable, given the importance of Florida in the election.


The goal of anti deflation can not be reached by unilaterally expanding money circulation,but should be based on the adjustment of monetary structure.Curing deflation by inflationary policy may cause stagflation Salary increase to civil servants can not bring up the income of...


Intentions of choice, free from secular influence, which is rich and the desirability of who!


The redeeming feature of the plan is its simplicity; his saving grace was his sense of humor .


Beyond the tittle-tattle and self-confessed snobbery, Lees-Milne'ssaving grace was a ruthless acknowledgment of his own weaknesses andcontradictions.

传言和自认的势利除外, Lees-Milne 尚有可取之处:他毫不客气地承认自己的缺点和性格中的矛盾之处。

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a scrap of paper:碎纸片

a saving grace 可取处 | a scrap of paper 碎纸片 | a scrape of the pen 签字

cable car:空中缆车

吃完早饭到多美歌乘地铁到港湾站(Harbour front)下,从港湾站出来穿过一大型的商场,根着指示牌走,就到达乘空中缆车(cable car)的地方,买了往返的票,及上岛费($2.00),就乘缆车直接到圣淘沙岛上,在缆车出站处有免费的圣淘沙地图可取.


desirability /愿望/希求/可取之处/ | desirableness /愿望/满意/ | desirably /愿望地/想望地/

It's just a measly present:微薄小礼而已

7. Its only saving grace is ... 唯一可取之处是 ...... | 8. It's just a measly present. 微薄小礼而已. | 9. Many work by fits and starts. 很多人都是三天打鱼,两天晒网.

redeeming feature:可取之处

redeemer 买回者 | redeeming feature 可取之处 | redeeming 补偿的

redeeming features:优点,可取之处

13. in triplicate[经] 一式三份的 | 14.redeeming features优点,可取之处 | 15.coercive强制的

a saving grace:可取处

a sad dog 放荡的人 | a saving grace 可取处 | a scrap of paper 碎纸片

a saving grace:可取之处

458a sad dog放荡的人, 鲁莽的人 | 459a saving grace可取之处 | 460a scrape of the pen签字, 简单手令

esti tute senvalora:[一无可取]

[一窝蜂] kiel svarmo da abeloj | [一无可取] havi nenion rekomendindan; esti bona por nenio; esti tute senvalora; havi nenian indon | [一无可取之处] estas nenio dezirinda

have nothing in one:不足道, 无可取 没有个性

go for very little 落得一场空,劳而无功 | have nothing in one 不足道, 无可取 没有个性 | have nothing in common 毫无共同之处