英语人>词典>汉英 : 可分等的 的英文翻译,例句
可分等的 的英文翻译、例句


基本解释 (translations)

更多网络例句与可分等的相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

After sorting, washing,drying, removing, cutting, grinding ,dusting and screening processes, recycling footwear can be used as building materials, plastic runway, carpet lining and other materials; the scrap fabric selection, crushing, mechanical opening process, the available for building materials, re-textiles, raw materials for papers and activated carbon.


After sorting washingdrying removing cutting grinding dusting and screening processes recycling footwear can be used as building materials plastic runway carpet lining and other materials; the scrap fabric selection crushing mechanical opening process the available for building materials re-textiles raw materials for papers and activated carbon.


This paper, by establishing some functions between theoretic unit production of standard crop and natural quality of farmland graduation, and between feasible unit production of standard crop and utilization index, verifies the theoretic unit production, feasible unit production, and based on this, the regional theoretic unit production, regional feasible unit production.


更多网络解释与可分等的相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

biotic factor:生物因素

生物因素 生物因素(biotic factor) 影响生物生长、发育和分布的任何其它动物、植物或微生物的活动.属生态因素中的一类因素,可分为种内关系和种间关系. 非生物因素 非生物因素主要包括光、温度、水分等. 光:只有在光照条件下,植物才能进行光合作用,


牛蒡( 牛蒡( burdock) 牛蒡别名大力子,蝙幅刺,东洋萝卜等.原产于西伯利亚,北欧与我国东北, 能形成肉质直根的二三年生草本植物.以 肉质根供食用. 牛蒡含有丰富的钙,磷,铁,蛋白质, 脂肪,水分等,可预防感冒、神经痛和低 血压等.它原产于寒带,


神经系统体征包括实体觉缺失(astereognosis)及失用症(apraxia). 此外,优势半球的肿瘤可引起Gerstmann综合症,表现为手指失认、计算不能、书写不能和左右不分等;而在非优势半球的肿瘤会引起视觉空间知觉障碍、穿衣失用症和地点定向障碍等.