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可代谢的 的英文翻译、例句


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1H-MRS can detect brain metabolic changes in patients with cyanosed congenital heart disease in vivo noninvasively and can detect the metabolism disorder of the energy and amino acid,so the pathophysiology of this disease can be understood.


Those biodegradable materials finally form into CO2 and H2O via culture of tricarboxylic acid cycle, which can be excreted from lung, kidney, and skin. Hydroxyacetic acid is a metabolic product of amino acids. Therefore, velocity of bioldegradable materials can be controlled in vivo. The recent contraception focuses on discover a sustained release system of biodegradable materials.


Montanide ISA 720 is an oily adjuvant composition containing a natural metabolizable oil and a highly refined emulsifier based on mannide oleate.

描述 Montanide ISA 720是一种包含着自然可代谢的油和在mannide油酸盐的基础上经过高纯度提炼的乳化剂合成的油性辅剂。

Our results showed that serum TRAP can be a sensitive marker for osteoclastic function in bone metabolism;it is of significance for clinic and basic research in bone metabolism.


It is concluded that raising content of oxygen in platelet plasma can provide more oxygen to compensate oxygen supply deficiency for platelet metabolism and improve the efficiency of platelet oxygenic metabolism and the quality of platelet during preservation.


Over-expression of NaDC3 accelerates the speed rate of energy metabolism and increases intracellular ROS generation by transporting an overdose of tricarboxylic acid cycle intermediates in human renal tubular epithelial cells.


objective to study the effects of berbamine and batiolun on ldh metabolizability in the process of increasing leukocyte.methods enzyme biochemical techniques is used to study the effect of berbamine and batiolˉun in the process of inceasing leukocyte and also to study the effect of ldh metabolizability.results when leukocyte is inhibited by the immune inhibitor cycolophosphamcide,berbamine and batiolun are compared of the effect of ldh activity.conclusionthe study draws the conclusion that both berbamine and batiolun can increase thegranule cell,and they also have some effect of the ldh metabolizability.

目的 研究小檗胺和鲨肝醇升高白细胞作用及对细胞内ldh的代谢的影响。方法采用酶细胞化学方法,对两种药物在治疗由免疫抑制剂环磷酰胺所致的白细胞减少症时,对乳酸脱氢酶活性的影响进行了比较观察。结果小檗胺和鲨肝醇均可升高粒细胞,同时对细胞内ldh的代谢有一定的影响。结论小檗胺和鲨肝醇能使外周血粒细胞增加,可用于治疗多种因素引起的白细胞减少症。

Which can be used as the body of vitamin B1 coenzyme of many enzymes in the normal human body has an important role in glucose metabolism, it can inhibit the activity of cholinesterase, and choline esterase is an important neurotransmitter, and thus nerve conduction impact; vitamin B2 in the organization by participating in a variety of yellow enzymes constitute a coenzyme, its role in bio-oxidation process in the delivery of hydrogen role in regulating the body's metabolism process; vitamin B6 can also be a variety of enzymes as coenzyme participate in all kinds of amino acid metabolism, promote the absorption of amino acids and protein synthesis, cell growth is necessary for the material, which also promote fat metabolism, involved in neurotransmitter synthesis, hemoglobin synthesis and the impact on the normal reproductive functions such as human body an important metabolic process, Volkswagen Medicine Net: What liver protection effect of vitamin B family?


This study has provided first molecular evidence that the mRNA expression of CYP1A was significantly induced in response to domoic acid. We suggest that phaseⅠxenobiotic metabolizing enzymes CYP1A, instead of phaseⅡxenobiotic metabolizing enzymes GST, might be major detoxified enzymes in the metabolism of amnesic shellfish poisoning toxin, domoic acid.


Part 1 Effect of different AAPs at the duodenum on the metabolism and utilization of the amino acids in PDV tissues and in liver and on the concentrations of plasma hormones in IMWC goats In Exp. 1, six wethers of IMWC goats (21-23kg) with the same father, fitted with permanent cannulas at the proximal duodenum, and with femoral artery, mesenteric, portal and hepatic venous catheters were used to study on the metabolism and utilization of the amino acids in PDV tissues and liver of IMWC goats fed diets with different dietary AAPs at the duodenum. In Exp. 2, nine wethers of IMWC goats (21-23kg, 1. 5 years old) with the same father were used to study on the effect of different AAPs at the duodenum on the concentrations of plasma hormones and other biochemical indexes.

试验共分两部分:第一部分:不同氨基酸模式对绒山羊PDV组织、肝脏氨基酸代谢和血液激素水平影响的研究试验1 选用6只体重21~23kg,产绒量约400g,处于生绒旺盛期的1.5周岁内蒙古白绒山羊半同胞羯羊,研究不同小肠可吸收氨基酸模式对绒山羊PDV组织氨基酸代谢的影响;试验2选用9只绒山羊,研究不同小肠可吸收氨基酸模式对绒山羊血液激素等生化指标的影响。

更多网络解释与可代谢的相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

metabolic alkalosis:代谢性碱中毒

代谢性酸中毒又可根据AG是否增加分为二类:AG增加类代谢性酸中毒,病人血浆[Cl-]水平正常,第四节 碱中毒 一、代谢性碱中毒 代谢性碱中毒(Metabolic Alkalosis)的特征是血浆[HCO3-]原发性增多.


另一方面,代谢也可以使致癌物失去活性,这个过程称解毒作用(detoxification). 解毒作用可发生于致癌物代谢的任一步骤,往往是亲电子致癌物与细胞内非关键的亲核成分如谷胱甘肽结合,或被转化为易于排泄的稳定的代谢产物.


物质分解代谢;异化作用 dissimilation; catabolism; destructive metabolism | 可分离的;易于解离的 dissociable | (细菌的)变异型 dissociant




3.高代谢(hypermetabolism) 静息时全身氧耗量增高的情况称为高代谢. 机体在遭受严重创伤、大手术和全身性感染等后第2~3天可能出现高代谢, 可持续2~3周. 高代谢的标志是全身氧耗量和静息能量消耗增加. 原因可能与应激激素分泌增多,

malic acid:苹果酸 由频果中萃取出来,为果酸的一种,可加速皮肤代谢老废角质

Lipase 脂肪脢,酵素 增加肌肤新陈代谢 | Malic Acid 苹果酸 由频果中萃取出来,为果酸的一种,可加速皮肤代谢老废角质 | Mallow Extract 锦葵萃取 含丰富的植物氨基酸,能活化肌肤细胞组织及再生能力

tartaric acid:酒石酸 由葡萄酒中萃取出来,为果酸的一种,可加速皮肤代谢老废角质

Talc 滑石粉 物理性防晒功能,为天然矿石萃取 | Tartaric Acid 酒石酸 由葡萄酒中萃取出来,为果酸的一种,可加速皮肤代谢老废角质 | Tea Tree Essential Oil 茶树精油 天然的抑菌剂,可平衡油脂、预防感染

urate oxidase:尿酸氧化酶

在大多数动物细胞中,尿酸氧化酶(urate oxidase)对于尿酸的氧化是必需的. 尿酸是核苷酸和某些蛋白质降解代谢的产物,尿酸氧化酶可将这种代谢废物进一步氧化去除. 另外,过氧化物酶体还参与其他的氮代谢,如转氨酶(aminotransferase)催化氨基的转移.


metabolite 因新陈代谢所生之物 | metabolizable 可代谢的 | metabolize 使新陈代谢

vitamin A acid:维他命A酸 具有去角质、促进代谢、调理油脂分泌的功能,可以改善、治

Tetrasodium EDTA 乙二氨四醋酸四钠 化妆品溶液中的隔离剂,可做为... | Vitamin A Acid 维他命A酸 具有去角质、促进代谢、调理油脂分泌的功能,可以改善、治 | Vitamin A Palmitate 棕榈酸维生素A 具有滋润功效,减少细少纹...