英语人>词典>汉英 : 可串行化 的英文翻译,例句
可串行化 的英文翻译、例句


基本解释 (translations)

更多网络例句与可串行化相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

According to actual condition, a model of wall thickness of rotary kiln is established. The constant coefficients in the model, including thermal conductivity, heat transfer coefficient, Fourier coefficient and contact resistance, are closely calculated. A formula of contact resistance is draw from a great deal of data of surface and inner temperature of rotary kiln. The wall thickness of rotary kiln is simulated by MATLAB. The simulation result is transmitted from MATLAB to DELPHI through a group of interface functions compiled by VC++. The basic graphs-circle and line are analyzed by the means of the technique of Visualization in Scientific Computing and the Bresenham arithmetic, and are realized the visualization of the wall thickness. The contents of communication between master computer and slaver computer are designed and the error control technique, the idea of multi-thread and the embedded assembly language are applied to realize the temperature data transmission and graph transmission, which largely improved the speed of transmission and the reliability and stability of system.


Are there serializability and permanence requirements associated with such actions?


Formal transaction model of its transaction system is given and its property of supporting dynamic security attributes revocation and serializability of the history of well-formed transactions is proven.


Concurrency control and recovery techniques are used in conventional DBMS's to preserve the serializability and the permanence requirements of database transactions.


The features of transaction in multidatabase systems are analyzed, and the necessity to keep the global serializability when concurrency control of transaction processing in multidatabases is emphasized.


In order to improve the efficiency of DBMS, Concurrent Control is the basic requirement on concurrent transactions execution. When transactions execute instantaneously, Lock Mechanism which could ensure transaction serializability is a good way. But the problem that LM produces should be faced.


Firstly, the definition of cooperative transactions is given and the states of them are specified. Secondly, the dependencies among cooperative transactions and those between cooperative transactions and outside environments are specified in terms of states of cooperative transactions. Finally, the serializability correctness criterion for the presented model is specified by state dependencies of cooperative transactions.


Traditional concurrency control methods constrain the concurrency of transactions and are disadvantageous to satisfaction of Real-Time transactions' timing constraints. We develop a novel quasi-consistent serializable concurrency control strategy. The inconsistency brought by transactions to the system was restricted to an extent.


Serializing the tasklet simplifies the life of device driver developers, since the tasklet function needs not to be re-entrant.


This paper considers the problem of view self-maintenance, where the views are maintained without base database, including how to maintain a view and determining whether a view is maintainable.


更多网络解释与可串行化相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

mother board:主机板

此项产品可应用于主机板(Mother Board)上,通过2.5Gbps PCI Express总线连接最新型的3.0Gbps串行ATA II硬盘,达到最佳开机与存取的速度. 这款JMB360已于今年4月获得了PCI-SIG认证,其PCI Express兼容性已达到最佳化.


大幅降低开发难度与缩短芯片设计时间,进一步提升市场竞争力由于串行化传输已成为新一代信息与通讯产业主流,为能支持各种应用所采用的众多序列接口,智原近日即针对该市场需求,推出可程序化(Programmable)的SerDes I




5.可串行性 可串行性 定义 当且仅当某组事务的一定交叉调度产生的结果和这些事务的某一串行调度的结果相同, 则这个交叉调 度是可串行化的.可串行性(Serializability)是并行事务正确性的准则.这个准则规定,一给定的交叉调度,

serially reusable routine:可连用的程序

serialize 串行化 | serially reusable routine 可连用的程序 | serially-reusable 可连用的,自恢复的