英语人>词典>汉英 : 叫骂 的英文翻译,例句
叫骂 的英文翻译、例句


基本解释 (translations)
bark  ·  barks

shout curses
更多网络例句与叫骂相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Although youshout curses thegoal is wants to prove Taiwan is a China's part,Is not the shameful deal,But,I want to say to you,The leadership has the mistake,Your such common people cannot say,Said,The leader must bear a grudge,That one day small shoes puts on for you,Let you know his fierce.


Mother raised the roof when she saw the dog's muddy footprints on her new bedspread .


Compared with what he had achieved the loss of wages and the bray of women's tongues were slight affairs.


They had cursed themselves hoarse, but still they had made not the slightest impression on the imperturbable Chou Chung-wei.


Top enemy pressure, it is to avoid any, he has climbed up the roof shouting stamp machine.


We tried to calm him down, but he kept shouting and swearing.


Red'.'' as a turkey-cock, was abusing the squad at the top of his voice.


He then began to vociferate pretty loudly.


Miss Fine Airs will just have to do without gadding for two weeks, thought Scarlett, and we'll have to put up with her nagging and her bawling.


She was shrieking abuse at them as they carried her off.


更多网络解释与叫骂相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]


bawl 人叫骂? | carnal 肉体的,肉欲的 | carnation 康乃馨(和肉无关)

hurl vt.1:猛投,力掷;2. 大声叫骂

hug vt. 1.(热烈地)拥抱;2. 紧抱,怀抱;vi. 紧抱在一起,互相拥抱 | hurl vt. 1. 猛投,力掷;2. 大声叫骂 | hysterical a. 情绪异常激动的,歇斯底里般的


bark:叫骂,叫喊 | rat-a-rat, rat-tat, rat-tat -tat, rat-tat-too,,(敲门的)砰砰声? | rub-a-dub:(鼓的)咚咚声.

rat-tat -tat:(敲门的)砰砰声

bark:叫骂,叫喊 | rat-a-rat, rat-tat, rat-tat -tat, rat-tat-too,,(敲门的)砰砰声? | rub-a-dub:(鼓的)咚咚声.

rat-a-rat, rat-tat, rat-tat -tat, rat-tat-too:(敲门的)砰砰声

bark:叫骂,叫喊 | rat-a-rat, rat-tat, rat-tat -tat, rat-tat-too,,(敲门的)砰砰声? | rub-a-dub:(鼓的)咚咚声.

Screeching dismays enemy:叫骂降低敌人士气

Chanting inspires nearby troops 唱歌激励附近部队 | Screeching dismays enemy 叫骂降低敌人士气 | Can use flaming missiles 能使用燃烧箭

Chanting inspires nearby troops:唱歌激励附近部队

Warcry improves attack 改善攻击 | Chanting inspires nearby troops 唱歌激励附近部队 | Screeching dismays enemy 叫骂降低敌人士气

Chanting inspires nearby troops:唱歌激励四周部队

Warcry improves attack 改善攻击 | Chanting inspires nearby troops 唱歌激励四周部队 | Screeching dismays enemy 叫骂降低敌人士气

Chanting inspires nearby troops:激励附近部队

Warcry improves attack 能以喊杀声提升攻击力 | Chanting inspires nearby troops 激励附近部队 | Screeching dismays enemy 叫骂降低敌人士气

Friendships multiply joys and divide griefs:友谊增进欢乐,分担忧愁

grief n.悲伤,悲痛;悲伤的事, 悲痛的缘由 | Friendships multiply joys and divide griefs. ;友谊增进欢乐,分担忧愁. | hurl vt.猛投,力掷;大声叫骂