英语人>词典>汉英 : 另外的什么人 的英文翻译,例句
另外的什么人 的英文翻译、例句


some others
更多网络例句与另外的什么人相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

J: He's also the host of a bluegrass radio show and is also a musician himself.

Y: Bee就是蜜蜂,Beekeeper就是养蜂的人。那他另外的职业是什么呢?

Good-day, if someone had not invented the word 'Phenomenon' you have to invent something but there isn't anything so 'Phenomenon' is better than nothing.


Some think we're weirdos,or cranks,or stingy or mean or miserly.Some think we're poor and deprived,others think we're nitpicking and silly,with nothing better to do than count leaves on head of lettuce before we buy it.


Somewhere else they were a little rebuff ed, though they did not know it.


No, no; not that. It is something else. A stale, sickish smell." Martin sampled the air before replying."


I just kinda write what pops into my head and if it means one thing or another to a different person, I usually treat that as a valid point.


The good news is nothing they've done (or haven't done, if you prefer) automatically precludes them from winning another title. The bad news is even the most Pollyannish of Lakers supporters must admit the current level of play won't get it done.


There was a Letter of my Partner's, congratulating me very affectionately upon my being alive, giving me an Account how the Estate was improv'd, and what it produced a Year, with a Particular of the Number of Squares or Acres that it contained; how planted, how many Slaves there were upon it, and making two and twenty Crosses for Blessings, told me he had said so many Ave Marias to thank the Blessed Virgin that I was alive; inviting me very passionately to come over and take Possession of my own; and in the mean time to give him Orders to whom he should deliver my Effects, if I did not come my self; concluding with a hearty Tender of his Friendship, and that of his Family, and sent me, as a Present, seven fine Leopard's Skins, which he had it seems received from Africa, by some other Ship which he had sent thither, and who it seems had made a better Voyage than I: He sent me also five Chests of excellent Sweet-meats, and an hundred Pieces of Gold uncoin'd, not quite so large as Moidores.


Somewhere else they were a little rebuffed , though they did not know it.


As part of our resources, each 雅漾的护肤品好不好 was provided with three of the top-ten contestants from "my hero"(for any one in america who is unfamiliar with "my hero", it is kind of like the 清爽型的护肤品 version of american idol, but all boys). we were also provided the information for the top modeling agency in shanghai—paras "上海火石文化经纪公司"—to hire models for the show.


更多网络解释与另外的什么人相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]




这里我也指出另外一个嫌疑,"迦南"(Canaan)在俗语中也有"所向往之地"、"天国"、"乐土"的含义. 假如说同有"乐土"称呼的亚丁湾两岸与地中海东岸的迦南有什么共同点的话,那就是他们分别在红海的两端,另外,他们同属于闪含人聚集的地区.

The Lord's Day:主日

彼得马斯 (Peter Marshall)就曾经说过:"主日" (the Lord's day)是耶稣得胜复活的日子. 究竟是什么促使初期信徒把守安息日改成主日呢?除了主耶稣是在主日复活之外,另外一个可能的原因就是当时的外邦人往往每月有一日,


怀疑论者的代表人物普罗泰哥拉(Protagoras)提出了其学派最基本的命题:"人是万物的尺度". 他认为,"我们每个人都是万物是什么和不是什么的衡量者......在一个人和另外一个人之间恰好存在着重大差别. 那些事物是什么,


2.遗嘱(testamentum)之所以这么称呼,是因为只有立遗嘱人(testator)去世后,人们才能确定或知道里面写了什么,因为遗嘱是密封的,另外,之所以称为"遗嘱"是因为唯有举行对立遗嘱人的纪念(testaoris monumentum)后遗嘱才能生效,


另外,<<节选修订>>(Redacted)至今零宣传、零剧透,不知布莱恩.德.帕尔玛葫芦里卖的什么药,反倒不踏实....... 至此,残留的欧洲名流只剩孤掌难鸣的彼德.格林威纳,当然,不可否认其<<夜巡>>(Nightwatching)背后潜藏的伦勃朗大师的轶闻依旧诱人(评委内部刚好有位荷兰人).