- 更多网络例句与古腾堡相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]
Whether it is Netizens digitizing great literature of the past (e.g., the Gutenberg Project, Project Bartleby), or it is people gathering otherwise obscure or non-mainstream material (e.g., various religions, unusual hobbies, gay lifestyle, fringe.), or if it is Netizens contributing new and original material, the Net follows in the great tradition of other public institutions, such as the public library or the principle behind public education.
The Project Gutenberg EBook of Nature and Human Nature by Thomas Chandler ...
The invention of printing by Johann Gutenberg provided a powerful instrument for the spread of learning and Reformation ideas.
Are there differences between the first Gutenberg Galaxy and the second one?
Learn the incredible story of Johann Gutenberg and the history of early printing and publishing.
Also note:'''Project Gutenberg''' has a 99% accuracy target for its texts.
也请注意:'''古腾堡计画'''设定了其文稿正确性为 99%的目标。
Many of the required readings my be downloaded from the Project Gutenberg Web site .
We get most of our texts from Project Gutenberg , and the Internet Archive and ibiblio.org host our audio files.
我们的书籍内容大都由古腾堡计画而来,而网路档案库和 ibiblio.org 的主机
This is the website of Johannes Gutenberg-University Mainz.
Were McLuhan still among us, today he would have been the first to write something like "Gutenberg strikes back".
- 更多网络解释与古腾堡相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]
Gustavus Adolphus:(古斯道夫
Guilt (罪孽) | Gustavus Adolphus (古斯道夫(1594-1632)) | Gutenberg, Johann (顾腾堡(1398-1468))
您可以用它们构建独立的项目. 自由软件的批评者们常常担心自由软件的自由和低成本会将导致一场计算行业的经济灾难. 然而,自由软件对计算领域的影响只不过象(不然的话更象)古腾堡(Gutenberg)的印刷机对文字世界的影响一样
Gutenberg Diagram:古腾堡图表
44.good continuation 连续律 | 45.gutenberg diagram 古腾堡图表 | 46.hick's law 席克法则
Gustavus Adolphus (古斯道夫(1594-1632)) | Gutenberg, Johann (顾腾堡(1398-1468)) | Guthrie, Thomas (古特立(1803-1873))
guru 锡克教 袖 | Gutenberg, Johann 古腾堡 | Gutmann, E. 盖特曼
Guthrie, Thomas:(古特立
Gutenberg, Johann (顾腾堡(1398-1468)) | Guthrie, Thomas (古特立(1803-1873)) | Hades (阴间、阴府)
曾经历任梅因兹(Mainz)古腾堡大学(Johannes Gutenberg University)管理及营销学教授、科隆(Cologne)的德国管理研究中心USW科学主任,以及贝勒斐大学(University of Bielefeld)管理暨行销系主任.