英语人>词典>汉英 : 口 的英文翻译,例句
口 的英文翻译、例句

基本解释 (translations)
aditus  ·  bouche  ·  gob  ·  jaws  ·  meatus  ·  mouth  ·  mouthed  ·  ostium  ·  scoop  ·  stoma  ·  introitus  ·  mout  ·  scooped  ·  stomata  ·  meatuses  ·  mouths  ·  ora  ·  ostia  ·  scoops  ·  gobs  ·  trema  ·  orificium

更多网络例句与口相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

This invention discloses a multi-queue sequence buffer management circuit and a method based on a pipeline applying a pipeline structure including: an arbitration circuit selecting one for process from read, write and distribution buffer requests, a buffer slot state module designing state of the slot requiring operation and queue numbers and assigning idle slots, a buffer slot filter module filtering the slot, a buffer slot filter module filtering the slot states not belonging to the current operation queues nor idle aligned in terms of the head pointer, a queue slot selection module computing continuous idle slot numbers from the slot pointed by the head pointer and refreshing the head pointer and selecting preparing slots, a queue slot prior queuing module refreshing the read pointer and result numbers of the current operation queues with the pointer of the first prepare slots and their numbers which can support multi-queue to share one buffer space, queues can access the buffer in overlap.


The outline of the Chinese etymon"口"is similar to the English letter"D".


The purpose is to inspect the grade differences on time of mental addition and mental subtraction of pupils from three grades as well as grades differences of arithmetic time and integration time. The results show that mental arithmetic time of pupils from Grade 2, 4 and 6 decreases with the increase of grades.In the non-carry mental addition of 1-digit number and multi-digit number, menta...

研究结果表明,2、4、6 年级小学生算时间随年级的增高而减少;在一位数加多位数不进位加法算中,算时间差异主要源于运算时间差异和整合时间差异;在一位数加多位数进位加法算中,算时间差异源于运算时间差异;在多位数减一位数不借位减法算中,运算时间年级差异不显著,而整合时间存在显著的年级差异;在多位数减一位数借位减法算中,算时间的年级差异主要表现为运算时间的差异,而整合时间差异不显著。

N 1 cut made by snipping 剪口: There's a snip in this cloth.


the top digit complex anus fistula is refers tothe multi- pipelines many moves towards complex outside,内口 the position passed through includes a e myo- in-depth anal tube on clinical awkwardly to govern.


At about 2000 BC the Beaker Folk arrived from the areas now known as Holland and the Rhineland. These people took their name from their distinctive bell-shaped drinking vessels with which they were buried in crouching positions in individual graves.(beaker:大口杯) Key words: pottery making / bronze tools / hill forts / custom of individual burial.

想象:2000 个人拿着大杯,大喝酒,喝醉了就冲到山上的堡垒使劲地用青铜砸烂了许多陶器,满山中华英语学习网 www.100yingyu.com 官方总站:圣才学习网 www.100xuexi.com 中华英语学习网 www.100yingyu.com 官方总站:圣才学习网 www.100xuexi.com 都是哐哐巨响。

Analysis of the main reasons is because of fatigue caused by factors such as the copper support ring was broken and the piston rod in the hydraulic cylinder telescopic frequently, the fracture茬口constantly scraping the inner wall hydraulic cylinder mill will pick缸壁, resulting in injury China, so that the speed of decline in hydraulic cylinder; job with the passage of time, strain and缸壁sealing ring, wear ring injuries are increasing, with China to increase the volume, and finally resulted in a serious decline in the speed of hydraulic cylinders.


The types of gate commonly used are: sprue gate, edge gate, overlap gate, fan gate, diaphragm gate, ring gate, film gate, pin gate, subsurface gate and winkle gate.


International禄口机场passenger manager, said Su Jing, for a "transit joint-way" is not complex in Nanjing passenger ticketing and check-processing procedures, the airport terminal in the transit zone, and then a simple procedure for transfer can continue boarding, and no longer need to apply for visa formalities, baggage can also directly get to the destination.


Bronchial pneumonia is diagnosed, it is recommended hospitalization, babies born up to now has been a normal diet, that is, a little diarrhea, temperature is normal, no cough, sneeze occasionally play a few, but often口吐白沫, but not much.


更多网络解释与口相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

epizootic aphtha:口蹄疫;口蹄病?動物家畜

6763蹄疫;蹄病?動物家畜foot-and-mouth disease | 6764蹄疫;蹄病?動物家畜epizootic aphtha | 6765頭協定政治外交verbal agreement

film gate:薄膜浇口

(9) 薄膜浇 薄膜浇(film gate)如图 6-19,又称为毛边浇(flash gate) ,薄膜浇与环 状浇类似,但使用于边缘平直的塑件,它具有平直的浇,浇宽度可以跨接整 个模穴边缘或是部份的模穴.薄膜浇适用于压克力塑件,

film gate:膜浇口

薄膜浇(film gate)如图6-19,又称为毛边浇(flash gate),薄膜浇与环状浇类似,但使用于边缘平直的塑件,它具有平直的浇,浇宽度可以跨接整个模穴边缘或是部份的模穴.

groove weld:坡口焊; 坡口焊缝; 有坡口焊缝; 凹槽焊

gravity weld倚焊 | groove weld坡焊; 坡焊缝; 有坡焊缝; 凹槽焊 | groove-weld joint有坡焊接接头

port mirroring:端口镜像

在下面的例子中基本速率端(BRI)端被配置为IP路由,并封装PPP协议,采用CHAP做认证. 交换机端镜像(Port Mirroring)配置[attachment=23763] 端镜像(Port Mirroring)可以让用户将所有的流量从一个特定的端复制到一个镜像端.

Parallel ports:(并行端口)(并行端口)(并行端口)(并行端口)

Stack (堆栈), 14-6 | Parallel ports (并行端)(并行端)(并行端)(并行端), 6-1 | Bidirection port structure (双向结构), 6-3

sprue gate:注道形浇口,直接浇口

针孔形浇---pin point gate | 注道形浇,直接浇---sprue gate | 毛边形浇,薄膜形浇---flash gate,external ring gate,internal ring gate

cyclostomatous:有圆口的; 圆口动物的 (形)

cyclostomate 有圆的; 圆动物的 (形) | cyclostomatous 有圆的; 圆动物的 (形) | cyclostome 圆纲脊椎动物 (名)


鸱科(Podargidae) 蟆裂极大,如同蛙,边有须,分布于东南亚和大洋洲. 蟆鸱科有2属12~14种,其中蟆鸱属有3种,分布于大洋洲,体型比较大;蛙嘴夜鹰属或称亚洲蟆鸱属分布于亚洲南部.


它们与原动物(protostome)不同的是:在胚胎发育中的原肠胚期,原(胚孔)形成动物的肛门,而在与原相对的一端,另形成新称为后. 以这种方式形成的动物,称为后动物. 因此棘皮动物与大多数无脊椎动物不同,