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叠生成因 的英文翻译、例句


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Based on the above research, we analyzed regional metallogenic conditions from geology, geophysics and geochemistry. Considering regional strata, some source beds with ore-bearing strata controlled apparently metallogenesis. The strata contained hydrothermal siliceous rock or siliceous albitite ether formed some favorable source beds and established substantial foundation for later diplogenetic metallogenesis e.g.


We have concluded five key tectonics geologic characteristics of Chinese foreland basins based on the study of the sedimentary infill, tectonics evolution, tectonic dynamics, spatial location distribution and structural deformation geometry.(1) The foreland basin is the superimposition of the compression sedimentary stratigraphic sequence with the extension basin, and the foreland basin includes underlying rift basin and upper dustpan flexure deposited basin.(2) The foreland thrustfold structural deformation has occurred four times since the Protozoic, in the Late Caledonian, Late Hercynian, Indosinan and Late Himalayan, respectively.(3) The foreland basin developed based on the control of two factors that are the basin basement collaged by many small plates or terrains and the rejuvenation of ancient orogenic belt, so the foreland basins or foreland thrusts are located in front of ancient orogenic belt.(4) The foreland basins and the rejuvenation of ancient orogenic belt make up a giant basinmountains system resulting from the distant effect of IndiaEurasia collision, which is located on the outer circle of Tibet Plateau, so the thrust deformation intensity, basin deposition range and coupling between orogenic belt and basin changed from strong to weak as from interior to outer circle of Tibet Plateau.(5) There are many structural styles of the thrust and fold belt in different basins, such as brittle behavior faultrelated fold, ductile behavior basementinvolved structure, basementinvolved faultrelated fold, and salt structure.


In practical study, the essential flow is""on the basis of the study of the faults, strata denuded thickness and original thickness, analyzing the controlling effect of the faults to the sedimentation and denudation, and combined with the areal geology background, reconstructing the basin prototype of each stage"". 2. As the basic theories and methods of the calculation of the denuded thickness, such as, the methods of cosmogenic nuclides, wave equation, apatite fission track, structural sections, acoustic wave, vitrinite reflection, etc, were argued detailedly , and their applicable ranges were analyzed , the denuded strata thickness of each structural layer layer of pre-Tertiary was reconstructed.


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diploeticdiploic 板障的 | diplogenesis 叠生成因 | diplogenesis 联胎产生