英语人>词典>汉英 : 叛逆精神 的英文翻译,例句
叛逆精神 的英文翻译、例句


基本解释 (translations)

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Avant-gardism has become one radical form of expression with fierce revolt and vanguard consciousness in modern aesthetic artistic field.


It takes the actual life as the basis of study, with the basic objective of"mental wanderings", with the"deconstruction"as the external token, with the"circle"as the inherent essence of beauty, with both academic pursuit and personality poetics, with both humanistic concerns and aesthetics trend, with a mix of preciseness, sobriety and jocosity and rebellion, with the integration of profoundness and delicacy, an open and compatible academic bosom and verve is embodied, and an exploration on active humanistic spirit is also embodied; yearning freedom, respecting personality, upholding character, persisting in creation, equal participation, be neither humble nor pushy, with the unique individual spirit of Qian Zhongshu.


Also, the period saw an outpouring of repressive or overtly misogynist sermons, tracts, and plays, detailing women's physical and mental defects, spiritual evils, rebelliousness, shrewish ness, and natural inferiority to men.


Also, the period saw an outpouring of redivssive or overtly misogynist sermons, tracts, and plays, detailing women's physical and mental defects, spiritual evils, rebelliousness, shrewish ness, and natural inferiority to men.


In the painstaking process of childbearing and rearing, Rosamund finds another world, in which she discovers her true self and the essence of maternity, and finally realizes her self-fulfillment.


Together, Tomas and Lizas passion for style triggered an earthquake: a new line of menswear that would express the stylishness and self-rule of their generation's intelligent but slightly rebellious men.

Tomas 和 Liza的服装风格很快引起了轰动,这一新的风格符合这一时代的年轻活力又带点叛逆精神男士的个性与风格。

I talk his treachery spirit with is a platitude not to the contribution of the woman's rights here, the relief is modern to still have his value.


What is depicted in the novel is the life in the Australian bush at the end of the nineteenth century, but the feministic ideas and the rebellious spirit the author conveys go far beyond her own country and her times.


The paper commences with the analysis of personal identification of the autobiographers, points out that they mostly put emphasis on reflection and discovery of self-value, which are abundant in pursuit of value and show the birth of modern personality witha modern connotation consciousness and the spirit of science.Chapter III, how to write about I, analyzes two representative aspectsselected from many characteristics shown in artistic expression of the autobiographies, one of which is that its method of representation is not limited the single way of classic Chinese autobiographies, i.e, the mixture of representation and argumentation , and thus gives birth to psychologized representation; the second of which is that its surrounding description shows great mobility, which is different from stiffness and other literary forms.


After comparative reading, the author of this thesis discovers: the two works both involve journeys, adventures in plots; both protagonists, the Monkey King loved by Chinese readers and Huck cherished by the American people, are quite similar in rebellion, freedom-pursuing, humor, and diction, etc.; informal languages and buffooneries are both partially employed as to type of writing; social evils, corruption are revealed as to social significance; both the Monkey King and Huck who emerge onto stage rebellious and antisocial make certain compromises back into society in the epilogues.


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终于令其声名大噪,成为80年代好莱坞银幕极具魅力的叛逆英雄. 1987年浪漫喜剧>(Barfly)中洛基扮演的酒鬼诗人一角为他获得了独立精神奖最佳男主演提名;次年他为>(Homeboy)撰写了>