英语人>词典>汉英 : 叙旧 的英文翻译,例句
叙旧 的英文翻译、例句


talk about the old days
更多网络例句与叙旧相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Now to understand social assistance, social welfare related policies, fax to clients; Ask relatives and friends back home dinner talk, cook pick him instantly; Husband and wife go out at night to see a movie or small business, it was her caring for children several hours; Neighbourhood disputes, mediation facilitator immediately pick :: According to the Guangzhou Daily reported that some of the neighborhood built in Guangzhou Sui called integrated with the type of community service network, so that residents no longer need to be closely tied up with complicated family matters.


Friends will figure more prominently in your life from November 4 onward, the day Neptune goes direct. You'll enjoy catching up.


I hope I'm not interrupting your reminiscence?


We get to grab a piece of pie for old time's sake.


Otherwise, you should get him to buy you two or three more nostalgic lunches and then politely decline.


Just for old time's sake.


更多网络解释与叙旧相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Witty banter:讽刺幽默

Meltdown场面 | Witty banter讽刺幽默 | Let's catch up我们叙叙旧


回去质问了那些渔夫,并从他们那拿回那牧师母亲的遗物:一个酒杯(BOWL)还给那名牧师. 至于那几个渔夫要如何处置就随你了. 把公爵给你的通行证交给门口的守卫,他就会让你进去了. 和城里的人叙叙旧,他们会告诉你这里最近发生了一些奇怪的事.

brighten hand:发光针 夜明针

brighten function | 亮度函数 | brighten hand | 发光针 夜明针 | brighten the chain | 重叙旧日友情

renew friendship:共叙旧谊

一回生,二回熟 First time strangers, second time friends | 共叙旧谊 renew friendship | 记忆犹新 remain fresh in one's memory


九二年初我开车从纽约去洛杉矶时专门路过他在俄克拉荷马小城静水镇(STILLWATER)的新家拜访了他. 其后,心澄在加州大学做短期研究时,也来我处小住过一两天. 我们见面多次. 另外,每次回宁,只要有可能,我们也都找机会在宁见见面,叙叙旧.

Just for old time's sake:叙叙旧嘛

I laughed my ass off! 笑死我了! | Just for old time's sake. 叙叙旧嘛! | My good deed in a day! 日行一善呀!