英语人>词典>汉英 : 变脏 的英文翻译,例句
变脏 的英文翻译、例句


基本解释 (translations)
dirty  ·  soil  ·  stain  ·  soiling  ·  dirtied  ·  dirtier  ·  dirties  ·  dirtying  ·  soils  ·  stains

更多网络例句与变脏相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

I get dirty when your face and hands become clean. What am I?

当你的脸和手变得干净的时候,我变脏了,我是谁 10。

You are only going to get dirty again.


Sterling Silver is an alloy, or combination of silver and copper.


Tear off the dirty sheet on the roller when it can't sock dirt.


I just wish he was machine washable because I know he's going to get a lot of use and that means he's going to get really dirty at times.


The car will be so extravagantly, embar


A money saver because Chem-Dry leaves no dirt-attracting residues which can prematurely resoil your upholstery.


A key that was smudged from the inside cannot be cleaned and can only be replaced in the factory.


It has been acidified, dirtied and squandered.


2Fog up the river,where it flows among green aits and meadows;fog down the river,where it rolls defiled among the tiers of shipping,and the waterside pollutions of a greatcity.


更多网络解释与变脏相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]



bedraggle:变脏 (动)

bedrabble 使湿透; 使污浊 (动) | bedraggle 变脏 (动) | bedridden 卧床不起的 (形)


由于固态硬盘的特性,一旦写入数据,其存储区块就会被占用而且"变脏"(Dirty)从而使得性能下降,为了避免这个问题我们在每次测试之前都会使用工具软件对硬盘进行全盘擦除(Clean all).

drabble:变脏 变湿

scribble 潦草书写 乱画 | drabble 变脏 变湿 | scrabble 乱摸 摸索


让准备在农历新年期间南下北上的大道使用者可以参考其拟定的建议行驶时段,避开繁忙塞车时间,让回乡路程变得更通顺. (雪兰莪八打灵再也)大马肝脏基金会赞助人敦马哈迪指出,大部份国人不会区分心脏(HATI)和肝脏(HEPAR),以致忽略肝脏的健康与重要.

visceral peritoneum:脏体腔膜

蚯蚓一些体节的纵肌层收缩,环肌层舒张,则此段体节变粗变短,着生于体壁上斜问后伸的刚毛伸出插入周围土壤;此时其前一段体节的环肌层...体壁内的壁体腔膜(parirtal peritoneum)明显. 而肠壁的脏体腔膜(visceral peritoneum)退化. 中肠的脏体腔膜特化成黄色细胞...

DE Smoke:(升起的烟)

8.5.28 DE Sketchist(变脏) | 8.5.29 DE Smoke(升起的烟) | 8.5.30 DE Snow Storm(暴风雪)

viscera transmission:脏腑传变

逆传adverse transmission | 脏腑传变viscera transmission | 脏与脏的传变transmission among zang organs

DE Sketchist:(变脏)

8.5.27 DE Show Channels(显示通道) | 8.5.28 DE Sketchist(变脏) | 8.5.29 DE Smoke(升起的烟)

The sap pollutes the water and then they die twice as fast:根部烂了水变脏 过不了几天花就蔫了

You know what? Here's what happens.|你... | The sap pollutes the water and then they die twice as fast.|根部烂了水变脏 过不了几天花就蔫了! | I know, I know, I know, I know. I'll get it. I promise.|我知道...