英语人>词典>汉英 : 变浅 的英文翻译,例句
变浅 的英文翻译、例句


基本解释 (translations)
shallow  ·  shallows  ·  shoal  ·  shallowed  ·  shallower  ·  shallowing  ·  shoaled  ·  shoals

更多网络例句与变浅相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

This is obviously influenced by the base level up and down changings, pore space variation and sediment alimentation. Through analysing the relationship between the course of base level up and down cycles of high resolution sequence strata and the reservoir physical behavior, six heterogeneity models of diff...


Results The axial length of eyeball was gradually decreased during the adult years of life accompanying with the increases of corneal and lens refractive powers and a decrease of anterior chamber depth fur maintaining a emmetropia status, and the steepness and thickness of lens, shallowness of anterior chamber contributed to emmetropia by decreasing the refractive index of lens.

结果 随着年龄增大,眼轴逐渐变短,但同时伴有角膜、晶状体屈光力的增大及前房深度的变浅以维持正视状态,晶状体的增厚、曲率的变大及前房的变浅可能通过屈光指数的减小同样维持了正视状态。

TheJiyang depression located in paleomonsoon climate zone in the period of the sahejieformation sedimentation, the wet and hot climate made ancient lake become deeperwater, enhanced stratification, reduced primary productivity of plankton, decreasingsedimentary velocity of carbonate, increasing sedimentary velocity of clay, fortifiedreductibility on certain degree, and then would be available for development of blackshale, dark shale and oil shale; In the contrast, the cold and dry climate lead ancientlake to shallower water, subdued stratification, increaser primary productivity ofplankton, enhancive sedimentary velocity of aphanitic carbonate, decreasedsedimentary velocity of clay, and then would be available for development calciteshale, calcite laminar shale, calcite mudstone, shaly carbonate rock, even laminarcarbonate or dolomite rock.


Associated signs of kwashiorkor, which do not always occur, include hair changes (color becomes lighter, curly hair becomes straight, hair comes out easily with a gentle pull) and skin changes (dark skin may become lighter in places, skin may peel off, especially on the legs, and ulcerations may occur).


With maturity, the coat color may lighten, so that a born black may become any shade of gray from black to slate to silver, a born brown from chocolate to sandy. Blues and fawns also show shades from dark to light.


But who-and-ink color reproduction system using organic and inorganic does not equal amounts, the contrasting color content, compared to when there are changes to the strong will to change, when in case of acids and bases are often transient, as time went on, the juxtapositional will be deep color ink to dark or lighter, faded and Matt.


The results as fallows:(1) The color became dark with the increase of NaOH~* concentration, Cu~(2+) concentration and loadage, it became light with the increase of silver content, NH_3·H_2O concentration, Ag~+ complexing reagent A concentration, Cu/Ag ration and granularity, and it firstly became light and then became dark with the increase of NaOH concentration.


Subchondral bone depicted high-signal intensity on FSE-T〓WI and STIR in 10 cases.In histopathologic examine, pannus was infiltrating the articular cartilage during 10 to 31 days after injection and monocuclear leukocyte infiltration was found.


And 0.3mg/L treatments the plants were significantly inhibited. The plants grew slowly and were short. Gourd-shaped balloons became smaller or even disappeared. The leaves had big or small yellow-patch and had thinned. Only a handful of plants Flowered. The main roots lignified. Fibrous roots became less. Its color became lighter.


The lithofacies can be grouped into three types: structure upward deeping of tidal flat-shoreface dominated by tidal; structure upward deeping of tidal flat-shoreface dominated by sandstone; structure upward shallowing and then deeping of tidal flat-shoreface.


更多网络解释与变浅相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]


(3)呼吸暂停(apnea)指呼吸周期中出现的呼吸停顿. 见于麻醉意外、新生儿肺不张等危重情况. 正常人在吞咽、排便时可有呼吸暂停. (4)浅呼吸呼吸深度变浅. 见于呼吸肌麻痹、肺炎、胸腔积液、气胸、肺气肿、肋骨骨折、应用呼吸中枢抑制剂、碱中毒、严重的腹胀气、腹水、肥胖等.


(29)褪色(Fading)色漆漆膜的颜色因受气候环境的影响而逐渐变浅的现象. 主要是由于色漆中颜料(尤其是某些有机颜料)在紫外线作用下发生褪色而引起的. (30)漂白(Bleaching)色漆漆膜因经受酸碱等化学作用,致使其颜色逐渐变浅,

image weakening:平印版的图文细微调子变浅,网点和线条面积减小,甚至失去亲墨性

filling in 由于印版图文部分溢墨,造成承印物上的印迹不清晰,属胶印印... | image weakening 平印版的图文细微调子变浅,网点和线条面积减小,甚至失去亲墨性. | scumming 因印版润湿不良库存处理胶印油墨,造成空白部分...


物理:焦距、成像原理 变焦(zooming) 定焦 对焦 微距模式人像模式:用来拍摄人物相片,如证件照. 数码相机会把光圈调到最大,做出浅景深的效果. 而有些相机还会使用能够表现更强肤色效果的色调、对比度或柔化效果进行拍摄,以突出人像主体.


darkie /轻蔑黑人的称呼/ | darkish /微暗的/浅黑的/ | darkle /潜藏暗中/呈显带黑/变暗/


darkish /微暗的/浅黑的/ | darkle /潜藏暗中/呈显带黑/变暗/ | darkline /暗线/

hypsochromic effect:色光变浅效应

hypotonic solution 低渗压溶液 | hypsochromic effect 色光变浅效应 | hysteresis 滞后

The sky puts suddenly blue, corona by shallowly to deep:天空突然放蓝,光环由浅至深

渐入异类的沉迷. 渐行渐远 Gradually enters the different races wallowing.... | 天空突然放蓝,光环由浅至深 The sky puts suddenly blue, corona by shallowly to deep | 人在变小,在变小 The human changes is sm...


shipping 航运 | shoaling 变浅,浅滩化 | shock absorber 减震器


shoal 浅滩,沙洲,暗沙,变浅 | shoaling 变浅,回淤 | shock 冲击,震动,冲击波,激波