英语人>词典>汉英 : 变态 的英文翻译,例句
变态 的英文翻译、例句


基本解释 (translations)
abnormality  ·  abnormally  ·  anomalism  ·  metamorphism

更多网络例句与变态相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

This conservation of a regulatory network supports the homology of metamorphosis in the chordate lineage.


The larvae in the control group metamorphosed at day 20, and the metamorphosis rate increased gradually. The larvae in group 1 metamorphosed at day 30, but those in group 2 did not metamorphose throughout the experiment, which showed that the larvae did not have enough nutrition for metamorphosis.


It may be a modified terminal bud, as in the grapevine; a modified lateral branch, as in the passion flower; a modified leaf, as in Clematis Montana; a modified leaflet, as seen in many of the pea family; or a modified inflorescence, as in Virginia creeper.

它可能源于一个变态的芽,比如葡萄藤;或源于一个变态的枝,如西番莲;也可为一个变态的叶片,如 Clematic Montana ,亦或是一个小叶,如豆科;还可能是变态的花或花序,如五叶地锦。

The mechanism of RCC''s metamorphism is expatiate on the hiberarchy of the applying theories and the designed method of the mixed ratio of the cement grout enriched RCC was put forward by studing on the correlativity of grout materials involved in the vibration-diffusion mechanism, the mixed ratio, the cement grout enriched RCC and RCC etc. The durability of antifreezing of the cement grout enriched RCC is enhanced by the improvement and optimization of grout materials.


The mechanism of RCC''s metamorphism is expatiate on the hiberarchy of the applying theories and the designed method of the mixed ratio of the cement grout enriched RCC was put forward by studing on the correlativity of grout materials involved in the vibration-diffusion mechanism, the mixed ratio, the cement grout enriched RCC and RCC etc. The durability of antifreezing of the cement grout enriched RCC is enhanced by the improvement and optimization of grout materials.


Several basic tenrts of otolith research have been questioned recently with regard to eel metamorphosis.specifically,some researchers have suggested that otolith increment formation is not daily,and otolith material may be resorped during metamorphosis.we conducted a rearing experiment to test the hypothesis that increment formation is daily and that the otolith continues to grow during eel metamorphosis.we marked the otolith of wild-caught leptocephali and reared these fish through metamorphosis.metamorphosis was characterized by a decreasing standard length,pre-anal length,and body depth accompanied by an increase in pigmentation and a change in behavior.


A cDNA segment was isolated from M. meretrix larvae. The results of caspase in situ detection in larval developmental stages revealed that there were activated caspase from L1 to L3, indicating caspase is involved in the whole developmental process. The main apoptosis area was found in velum at L3 before metamorphosis, indicating the degradation of velum might be the process of apoptosis. The larvae before metamorphosis were treated by caspase specific inhibitor to analyze the role of caspase in this process. The results indicated that caspase have function metamorphosis.


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As the raise of ammonia-N concentration, survival rate and daily growth of unexuviated larvae decreased gradually, while the metamorphosis rate and daily growth of exuviated larvae increased gradually firstly and then decreased. As the raise of sulfureted hydrogen concentration, all the parameters measured decreased gradually.


Based on the distorted model experiment of long tunnel,this paper mainly introduced the distorted design scheme about surge tank model,and has founded the relations of distorted model ratios.


更多网络解释与变态相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]


壳面 一般具不同类型、不同发育程度的壳饰...表变态(epimorphosis) 也属于原始变态类型. 其变态特点是幼体与成虫之间除身体大小、性器官发育程度及附肢节数等有所变化外,其它生物学特性并无区别,故又常称为无变态. 此类变态至性成熟的成虫期仍能继续脱皮...

incomplete metamorphosis:不全变态

2.不全变态(incomplete metamorphosis) 这类昆虫幼虫的形态特征和生活习性与成虫有所不同,因其程度不同又可分为渐变态、半变态和过渐变态. 渐变态幼虫与成虫之形态和生活习性相似,但体积小,性器官尚未发育,经数次蜕皮后,性器官逐渐发育成熟,

incomplete metamorphosis:不完全变态

昆虫胚后时期的发育变态幅度小于甲壳动物,可分为不完全变态(incomplete metamorphosis)和完全变态(complete metamorphorsis)2种. 发育变态的不同取决于孵化的迟早,而孵化的迟早又取决于卵子所合营养物质的多少. 例如中华稻蝗的卵内含丰富的养分,

psychopathic personality:变态人格

性欲精神变态,变态性欲 Psychopathia sexualis | 变态人格 Psychopathic personality | 精神病理学,变态心理学 Psychopathology ; Abonormal psychology

ametabolous development:无变态发育

ametabolism | 无变态性 | ametabolous development | 无变态发育 | ametabolous metamorphosis | 无变态变态

ametabolous metamorphosis:无变态的变态

ametabolous development | 无变态发育 | ametabolous metamorphosis | 无变态变态 | ametaboly | 无变态


holometabolan /全变态昆虫/ | holometabolic /全变态的/完全变态的/ | holometabolism /全变态/


讯息核醣核酸 messenger RNA; mRNA | 后继共生 metabiosis | 变态类;变态;完全变态 METABOLA


变态昆虫通常更进一步分为渐变态(paurometaboly)和不完全变态(heterometaboly)两类. 渐变态昆虫的若虫和成虫生活在相同的环境(水、空气或土壤等)中,例如直翅目的蝗虫和蟋蟀,以及一些半翅目的昆虫. 不完全变态昆虫的若虫和成虫生活的环境则不同,

Psychopathia Sexualis:性欲精神变态,变态性欲

手术前精神变态 Psychopathia chirurgicalis | 性欲精神变态,变态性欲 Psychopathia sexualis | 变态人格 Psychopathic personality