英语人>词典>汉英 : 变形虫 的英文翻译,例句
变形虫 的英文翻译、例句


基本解释 (translations)
amoeba  ·  amoebae  ·  ameba  ·  amebae  ·  amebas  ·  amebic  ·  amoebas

更多网络例句与变形虫相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

The Amoeba certainly was not responsible for doing it. And it couldn't develop itself.


Now we will create an algae and amoeba in the ocean that will do the same.


Of or resembl in g an amoeba,especially in changeability of form and means of locomotion.


Any of several parasitic amoebas of the genus Entamoeba,especially E.histolytica,causing dysentery and ulceration of the colon and liver.


Environmental changes in the Swan Oxbow of the Yangtze River in China in the last 3 decades have been documented by morphological diversity, ecological characteristics and assemblages of testate amoebae, combined with pigment data.


Dr Hong could not exactly duplicate that, but he came up with something similar: the idea of an extended toroid.


The large climatic gradient and diversity of habitats in China are ideal for the studies of testate amoebae biogeography, ecology, and paleoenvironmental reconstructions.


Due to their narrow niches, short lifecycle and being sensitive to environmental changes, the abundant testate amoebae fossils in sediments might provide high-resolution paleoenvironmental information.


Due to their narrow niches, short lifecycle and being sensitive to environmental changes, the abundant testate amoebae fossils in sediments might provide highresolution paleoenvironmental information.


The soil protozoa of coniferous-broad leavedmixed forest of Changbai Mountain is relatively abund-ant 89 species,(10 flagellates,15 amoebaes,42 testaate amoebaes and 22 ciliates)had been observed duringinvestigation.


更多网络解释与变形虫相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]


变形虫属(Amoeba)原生动物门肉鞭动物亚门肉足总纲根足纲变形目(Amoebida)变形虫科的1属. 虫体赤裸、柔软,因可向各个方向伸出伪足,以致体形不定而得名. 音译"阿米巴".

Amoeba Management:变形虫式管理

变形虫式管理(Amoeba Management)是由日本京瓷公司创造的一套经营管理方式. 变形虫是原生动物中构造最简单的一类. 体表是一层极薄的膜,厚度仅有6~8纳米,称为质膜. 质膜很柔软,变形虫很难保持一定体形. 因体形不恒定,经常改变,故称变形虫. 变形虫给管理的启示是:

amoeba histolytica:痢疾变形虫

\\"大肠变形虫\\",\\"Amoeba coli\\" | \\"痢疾变形虫\\",\\"Amoeba histolytica\\" | \\"变形虫病,阿米巴病\\",\\"amoebiasis,amoebiosis\\"


\\"变形虫;阿米巴\\",\\"amoeba\\" | \\"变形虫病\\",\\"amoebiasis\\" | \\"变形虫赤痢\\",\\"amoebic dysentery\\"

amebiasis; amoebiasis:变形虫症

\\"杀变形虫剂\\",\\"amebacide ,amoebacide\\" | \\"变形虫症\\",\\"amebiasis,amoebiasis\\" | \\"变形虫性脓肿\\",\\"amebic abscess,amoebic abscess\\"


\\"痢疾变形虫\\",\\"Amoeba histolytica\\" | \\"变形虫病,阿米巴病\\",\\"amoebiasis,amoebiosis\\" | \\"变形虫痢疾,阿米巴痢疾\\",\\"amoebic dysentery\\"

amoebic dysentery:变形虫痢疾,阿米巴痢疾

\\"变形虫病,阿米巴病\\",\\"amoebiasis,amoebiosis\\" | \\"变形虫痢疾,阿米巴痢疾\\",\\"amoebic dysentery\\" | \\"变形虫目\\",\\"Amoebida\\"


\\"变形虫痢疾,阿米巴痢疾\\",\\"amoebic dysentery\\" | \\"变形虫目\\",\\"Amoebida\\" | \\"变形虫亚目\\",\\"Amoebina,Lobosa\\"

amoebiform:变形虫形 阿米巴状的

amoebicdysentery阿米巴痢疾 变形虫性痢疾 | amoebiform变形虫形 阿米巴状的 | Amoebina阿米巴目 变形虫

Hepatic dysentery; Hepatodysentery; Hepatic amebiasis; Secondary amebiasis; Hepatic flux:肝变形虫病; 痢疾变形虫肝病; 续发变形虫病

Hepatic cyst 肛囊肿 | Hepatic dysentery; Hepatodysentery; Hepatic amebiasis; Secondary amebiasis; Hepatic flux 肝变形虫病; 痢疾变形虫肝病; 续发变形虫病 | Hepatic hydatidoma 肝胞虫肿