英语人>词典>汉英 : 变形的 的英文翻译,例句
变形的 的英文翻译、例句


基本解释 (translations)
deformed  ·  metabolic  ·  anamorphic  ·  heteromorphous  ·  metabolous  ·  metamorphotic  ·  metamorphous  ·  metastatic  ·  transmutative  ·  versiform

更多网络例句与变形的相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

At the basis of analysis of influencing factors of settlement and collapsibility of loessal foundation, it was subjected that the deformation should be thought of as a system that many factors worked and influenced together, specially a grey system.


Yet for thickness shear actuators, due to the shear deformation dominates the plate deflection for shear actuation mechanism, the higher order shear theory can provide more accurate evaluation of the shear strain energy of the plate than the first-order o


The basic methods for realizing morphing in 3 D animation are studied.


The formula was established about calculating design parameters and technological parameters of ideal strip and bent strip in the period of forming. The thesis presented how to calculate the deformed area length and contact are radius of contact deforming between two elastic bodies on condition of the friction. The calculating formula of pinch force about plate-strip pinch mill was given and the results were analyzed that friction coefficient and radius of pinch rolls are very important for determining pinch force. Moreover, the rule of deforming and stress distribution of different 〓 ratio were gained on condition that the deforming was considered to be non-uniform distribution in the gap. The differential equations were got that calculate the displacements of large deflection of elastic cantilever rectangle plate with fixed end and the formula of the Finite Strip Method was conducted to study the regularity of mid-plane displacements, deformation and stresses for elastic-plastic large deflection bend of cantilever parallelogram plate with fixed or slidable end by integrating Prandtl-Reuss equation.


Properties of angle deformation have been deeply studied,the stress calculation formula that calculating angle deformation of spherical shell is derived.


We have concluded five key tectonics geologic characteristics of Chinese foreland basins based on the study of the sedimentary infill, tectonics evolution, tectonic dynamics, spatial location distribution and structural deformation geometry.(1) The foreland basin is the superimposition of the compression sedimentary stratigraphic sequence with the extension basin, and the foreland basin includes underlying rift basin and upper dustpan flexure deposited basin.(2) The foreland thrustfold structural deformation has occurred four times since the Protozoic, in the Late Caledonian, Late Hercynian, Indosinan and Late Himalayan, respectively.(3) The foreland basin developed based on the control of two factors that are the basin basement collaged by many small plates or terrains and the rejuvenation of ancient orogenic belt, so the foreland basins or foreland thrusts are located in front of ancient orogenic belt.(4) The foreland basins and the rejuvenation of ancient orogenic belt make up a giant basinmountains system resulting from the distant effect of IndiaEurasia collision, which is located on the outer circle of Tibet Plateau, so the thrust deformation intensity, basin deposition range and coupling between orogenic belt and basin changed from strong to weak as from interior to outer circle of Tibet Plateau.(5) There are many structural styles of the thrust and fold belt in different basins, such as brittle behavior faultrelated fold, ductile behavior basementinvolved structure, basementinvolved faultrelated fold, and salt structure.


According to the morphological characteristics of cementite lamellae, the deformed pearlite can be divided into three kinds: irregularly bent lamella (pearlite lamella originally inclined with large angles to the rolling plane and irregularly bent after deformation); coarse lamellae with shear-band (the rhomboidal blocks of weakly deformed lamella bounded by shear band) and fine l...

按 渗碳体形态特点,变形珠光体组织可分为以下3种类型:(1)不规则弯曲片层型,即变形后的渗碳体与轧制面呈大角度偏离且不规则弯曲的珠光体。(2)带有剪切带的粗大片层型,即被渗碳体剪切带分开且变形轻微的珠光体。(3)精细片层型,即与轧制方向平行排列、片间距细小且渗碳体严重变形的珠光体。精细片层区域的比例随着轧制压下率的提高而增大。此外,重度冷轧变形还引起渗碳体严重塑性变形和部分溶解。

With large-scale model tests of open-cut box tunnel and shallow bored horseshoetunnel intersecting orthogonally and obliquely with active ground fissure zone individually, the adaptability of sectionalized tunnel passing through active ground fissure is studied,theresults show that the sectionalized tunnel with flexible joint can bear very large sheardeformation,and the deformation and secondary stress of adjacent sectionalized tunnel underthe action of ground fissure is small,meantime many sectionalized tunnels can eliminatepartly the effect of active ground fissure movement,have a good capability of adapting itselfto the large deformation.


In the 1:250000 regional geological mapping of Yumenzhen, the authors studied deformation feldspar by long-short axis measurement method, compared with the deformation gravel, deformation amygdale, deformation relict long-short axis measurement, then found the both measurements were similar to deformation axis. It has been proved that deformation feldspar can be studied as to an area deformation characteristic of Yumenzhen.


Free volume deformation involves thermal displacement, setting shrikage, wet and spontaneous expansion. A calculation formula of free deformation under three stress conditions is proposed by the author.


更多网络解释与变形的相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]


封套也有两种类型,可变形的(deformable)和不可变形的(Rigid)的封套. 可变形的封套可以使用突出角度(bulge angle)令其变形,不可变形封套中的节点当然是无法变形的. 通常我们先用可变形封套编辑,然后再为头部等一些特殊部位设置不可变形封套.


Defect depth 缺陷深度 | Deformable 可变形的、应变的 | Deformation unit 变形器

deformable:可变形的 (形)

deform 使残缺, 使变形; 变畸形; 变形 (动) | deformable 可变形的 (形) | deformation 毁坏, 畸形, 改丑 (名)


deformation 变形 | deformative 使变形的 | deformed 不成形的

deformative:使变形的; 引起畸形的 (形)

deformation 毁坏, 畸形, 改丑 (名) | deformative 使变形的; 引起畸形的 (形) | deformed 畸形的; 丑陋的; 变形的; 残废的 (形)


后生的,次生的 deuterogenous | 后生变形的,后期变形 deuteromorphic | 氘核,重氢核 deuteron


meraamorphosis 变态;变形;变质;变性 | metamorphotic 变态的;变形的;变质的;变性的 | metamyoglobin 变肌红蛋白

Barrycemtric Moph Controller:重心变形控制器:用于物体的变形,变形的关键点可以是"Weight"权重来衡量

3:Beizer Controller贝赛尔控制器,系统默认... | 4:Barrycemtric Moph Controller重心变形控制器:用于物体的变形,变形的关键点可以是"Weight"权重来衡量 | 5:Block Gontroller(区域控制器):将多个物体运动的轨迹结合起...


neomorphic fabrics 新生变形组构 | neomorphic 新生变形的 | neomorphism 新生变形

transmutable:可变形的 (形)

transmogrification 变形 (名) | transmutable 可变形的 (形) | transmutation 变形; 变化; 变质; 演变 (名)