英语人>词典>汉英 : 变少 的英文翻译,例句
变少 的英文翻译、例句


tail away · tail off
更多网络例句与变少相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Jack on event -1, then there's a smaller chance of getting one in event -2 because there are less


Results: electronic microscope showed that in prednisone group heterochromatin increased in some cells, entoblast was not obvious in some cells, fat drops were small and few, mitochondria vacuole were common, and myelin figure was found in smooth endoplamic reticulum. the ultrastructure in yc group was almost normal and megamitochondrion formation was common. a large amount of fat drops were found in cytoplasm in gw group and little improvement was found compared with that in prednisone group.

结果: 电镜结果显示:激素组个别细胞异染色质增多,核仁不明显,脂滴显著变小变少,线粒体空泡化常见,有滑面内质网髓鞘样结构形成;养阴组电镜结构基本正常,其特征是细胞内有较多的巨大线粒体形成;桂附组较激素组改善不明显,其特征是胞质内可见大量脂滴。

The splitting of the cytoplasm is also restrained therefore they form many multi-core cells. With the reducing of the microfilament the pseudopodium of the cell surface become fewer, shorter and wider.


Nevertheless, Ms. Emerson decided to push ahead with the rebuilding of her sun porch in Ventura, California, not wanting to endure any longer the discomfort of life in a mobile home with a leaky and rusting porch. She said that she would cancel the $30,000 project if she lost faith that stocks would rebound in her lifetime.


Were a larger or smaller proportion of Indians in need when Indians mindlessly aped the West less?


The main roots lignified. Fibrous roots became less.


And 0.3mg/L treatments the plants were significantly inhibited. The plants grew slowly and were short. Gourd-shaped balloons became smaller or even disappeared. The leaves had big or small yellow-patch and had thinned. Only a handful of plants Flowered. The main roots lignified. Fibrous roots became less. Its color became lighter.


As soon as I started using UNT's AQUA FORTIS, MOISTURISING TONER and BRIGHTENING EXFOLIATOR, my skin is noticeably smoothier, more radiant, lessirritated and it is even reducing my lines!


Yuppies and white collars in cities might be eating less rice and wheat, but that doesn't mean they're actually consuming less grain.


At the same time, hardening of the arteries results in poor blood flow to the feet.


更多网络解释与变少相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]


less较少的;较小的 | lesser更少的(地);更小的(地) | lessen使小;变小;减少

tail away:变小,变少,变弱

2514tail away变小,变少,变弱 | 2515tail off变小,变少,变弱 | 2517take a pleasure in以...为乐

tail off:变得越来越少(或小、弱)

sympathetic to 赞同的,支持的 | tail off 变得越来越少(或小、弱) | take after(在外貌、性格等方面)与(父、母等)相像

tail off:缩小,变少--考生看过来

stir up 激起,鼓动,煽动--考生看过来 | tail off 缩小,变少--考生看过来 | take account of 考虑到,注意到--考生看过来

juvenescent:到达青(少)年期的, 变年轻的

attraction cone 受精锥 | juvenescent 到达青(少)年期的, 变年轻的 | relational graph 关系图


骨质疏松是一种最常见的骨代谢疾病,主要是骨骼矿物质的减少但是成份还是正常,一般是骨内孔隙变大及变多,骨小梁 (Trabecula)变少,骨皮质(Cortex)变薄. 换句话说,即骨密度变小,也就是体积骨骼所含的矿物质量BMD(g/cm2)减少,

grassland diminishes:草原变少

rivers die out;河流干涸;; | grassland diminishes;草原变少;; | cause pasture to deteriorate at a rate of ----;造成草原以---亩的速度下降;;

the grassland diminishes:草原变少

rivers die out 河流干涸 | the grassland diminishes 草原变少 | cause pasture to deteriorate at a rate of ----造成草原以---亩的速度下降


我的脚快痛死了My feet are killing me. | 逐渐变少或变小dwindling | 两小时后我们都觉得无聊透顶 -菜也越上越少Two hours later, we were bored. Supplies were dwindling,

be dwindling:正逐渐变少

grumble about抱怨 优于complain | be dwindling正逐渐变少 | silt淤泥