英语人>词典>汉英 : 变从容 的英文翻译,例句
变从容 的英文翻译、例句


基本解释 (translations)
relax  ·  relaxing  ·  relaxes

更多网络例句与变从容相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

It seems that there has been less leisure and easiness in my life since I have my own dream to realize.


Short of being called Dropta Klanga, it was hard to see how a shot-stopper could have been better pre-destined for penalty box calamities and their mirthful aftermath.


If you scrupulously observe money management rules, they become much safer and less nerve-racking.


While many of his summer league teammates and opponents frenetically scrambled around the Las Vegas hardwood in a desperate attempt to impress, Harris moved with the precise, smooth movements of someone thoughtful, experienced and confident enough to know exactly where he was going, and what it would take to get there.


Therefore, the omni directional cooperation become more and more important, which make the cooperation and competition impartibility so as to form the benign competitive condition of domestic construction company, furthermore, enhance the competitive capability of construction company to face up the drastic global competition.


Many people are internally and externally in the pursuit of self-confidence and calm, standing on the same starting line, but always in the middle is divided into two very different: the former suffers from the test of time, become peaceful, calm, flying every day live as if life listened attentively, the latter can not afford its time of invasion, trivial, yung lazy, mediocre, in the plain spend time under the cover of Time.


Bias toward perpetuating the status quo, which is seen as the 'safe' option even when it is not."


But no matter what peril or tragedy he had known, the vision of the little house and the women waving to him with a brave free motion of the arm had become fixed in the mind of the engineer as something beautiful and enduring, something beyond all change and ruin, and something that would always be the same, no matter what mishap, grief or error might break the iron schedule of his days.


Take timeon the 25th of this month and think through occurrences in terms ofhow you'd like your life to be as the wonderful days aheadunfolds.Re: The Sept. 22nd Autumnal Equinox andyour sign


更多网络解释与变从容相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]


1977年,丽芙出版她的自传>(Changing),我才了解了一些她当时的想法. 当年,她应特鲁尔(Jan Troell)之邀去主演>(The Emigrants),从此再没有回来. 他需要一个更从容和更包容的女人. 他们分手后不久,丽芙?

lay the groundwork:打基础

take time 意思是从容进行,当 Joey 好心好意劝他抓紧时间行动时候,他一开始是否认,接 着就给自己借口说自己是在打基础(lay the groundwork),说自己是每天都在越来越接近 Rachel, Joey 看得如此明白,不等他话说完,就说他不是变得越来越接近 Rachel,