英语人>词典>汉英 : 受精卵 的英文翻译,例句
受精卵 的英文翻译、例句


基本解释 (translations)
oosperm  ·  zygote  ·  cytula  ·  spermatovum  ·  zygotes

fertilized egg · fertilized eggs · germ cell
更多网络例句与受精卵相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

METHODS摘要: Molecular cloning techniques were used to construct the recombinant plasmid pLMP1p53mt containing mutant p53 gene and EB virus LMP1 gene. Linear recombinant plasmid pLMP1p53mt was transfected into mouse androgenesis of germ cells by microinjection and then survival germ cells treated were planted into fallopian tubes of artificial pregnant female mice.

方法摘要:通过分子克隆技术构建含突变型p53基因和EB病毒LMP1基因的真核表达载体pLMP1p53mt;采用显微注射法将线性化的表达载体注射至小鼠受精卵的雄性原核中,然后将注射存活的受精卵植入假孕母鼠的输卵管;取其产3 wk龄子代鼠进行PCR初选,再通过Southern杂交进一步确证;利用HE染色法观察4 mo龄转基因小鼠不同组织病理变化。

One of two sperm get into an archegonium and fused with egg. The nucleus of fertilized egg began to divide, and the walls were formed after the third division. The eggs without fertilization divided two times and then disappeared.


Ultraviolet rays have an effects on the development of seminal eggs of Ascaris lumbricoides.


In addition, using RT-PCR to detect expression of centrin homogene during Urechis unicinctus spermatid deferentiation and early embryonic development. The result revealed that (1) expression of HsCEN1 homogene is present during spermatid defferentiation including spermtid and sperm, but not in adult tissues including body wall tissue,intestinal mucous memberane cells and cell in coelom succus;(2) expression of HsCEN1 homogene is not present in unfertilized oocytes but present in that of released polar bodies after fertilization and parthenogenesis oocytes treated with A23187;(3) expression of HsCEN1 homogene is present during early embryonic development including two-cell stage,multicell stage,gastrula to trochophora.


Cross of the two species showed hybrid weakness in both fertilization and growth, while zygotes'hatching success was similar with parental combinations, as well as the larvae survival which exist no significant with Kumamoto oyster larvae. Hybrids died numerously when metamorphosing and setting on the cultch. The survival hybrid spats grow poorly with high mortality.


Will not be fertilized, and no implantation of the fertilized eggs of the naked eye can not see.


AKT1 is the necessary for the development of mouse fertilized eggs.

1、在小鼠受精卵的中,AKT1与AKT2 mRNA的表达不同,AKT1在受精卵的发育过程中是必需的。

Crayfish Procambarus clarkii zygote belongs to mesolecithal eggs, and cytoplasm were pushed aside lied in the superficial part of the egg.


The healthy survivals were also transferred into the oviducts of pseudopregnant female mice. PCR was used to analyze the integration of the transgene in the genomes of mice.


Six hundred ova were transfered into twenty-nine pseudopregnant recipients. Fifty-five offspring were born from the ova mircroinjected with the Bcl-2 fragment expression cassette.Twelve of them were proved to be gene integration positive by PCR .Four founder mice,two male and two female ,were further confirmed to be transgenic by Southern hybridization.


更多网络解释与受精卵相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

deuterotoky, amphitoky:未受精卵發育成雄或雌

萎縮 atropghy | 未受精卵發育成雄或雌 deuterotoky; amphitoky | 位對對面的 antipodal

Impregnated egg cell,Fertilized egg,Oosperm:受精卵

缺精 impotency,Impotence | 受精卵 Impregnated egg cell,Fertilized egg,Oosperm | 亲族繁殖 Inbreeding

oosperm; fertilized egg; impregnated egg cell:受精卵

卵质 ooplasm | 受精卵 oosperm; fertilized egg; impregnated egg cell | 雌配子 oosphere; oogamete

Fertilized egg,Oosperm,Impregnated egg cell:受精卵

受精膜 Fertilization membrane | 受精卵 Fertilized egg,Oosperm,Impregnated egg cell | 受精素说 Fertilizen thoory,Lillie

fertile egg:受精卵

enterobiasis 蛲虫病 | fertile egg 受精卵 | filaria 丝虫

fertilized egg:受精卵

[造血干细胞和造血] 干细胞(stem cell)根据其分化潜能可分为全能(totipotent)干细胞,即受精卵( fertilized egg);亚全能(pluripotent)干细胞,即胚胎(embryo)干细胞;胚胎干细胞继续分化,形成组织定向的多能(multipotent)干细胞.

fertilized egg:受精卵,孕卵

fertilize 肥料をやる | fertilized egg 受精卵,孕卵 | fertilized egg cell 受精卵细胞


是在植物体上产生无性生殖细胞­­--孢子,由孢子直接发育为新个体;另一种是有性生殖(sexual reproduction),植物体产生有性生殖细胞--配子(gamete),配子接合为合子(zygote)或受精卵(oosperm),再由合子或受精卵


受精卵 fertilized egg;fertilized ovum | 受精卵,被囊合子,卵孢子 oospore | 受精卵孵化率 hatchability of fertile egg

unfertilized egg:未受精卵

虫卵 在人体粪便查见的蛔虫卵有受精卵(fertilized egg)和未受精卵(unfertilized egg) 之分(图15-4). 受精卵呈宽椭圆形,大小约为45~75×35~50μm. 卵壳较厚,由外向内为受精膜、壳质层、蛔甙层,但在光镜下难以分清. 卵壳外常有一层由子宫分泌物形成的凹凸不平的蛋白质膜,