英语人>词典>汉英 : 受灾的 的英文翻译,例句
受灾的 的英文翻译、例句


基本解释 (translations)

更多网络例句与受灾的相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

President Bush says he wants to get a first hand look at the damage.


No country will not respond to any catastrophe of their people.


Is an indicator of the direction the country's leadership wants to take.


The federal response to Hurricane Katrina was slow and ineffectual, and George Bush dithered before visiting the wrecked city of New Orleans.


Foward this kind of information to more people, pursuade them to do sth rather than just talk


This is such a horrendous tragedy...and my prayers are with the Chinese people through this.


E.g. Thousands of people will starve if food doesn't reach the stricken city.


In earthquake all stricken people, you are not lonely.


To my estimate, not one tenth of the ''.


However, I don't know the region in China that it hit tha


更多网络解释与受灾的相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Banda Aceh:班达亚齐市

拜图拉赫曼是印尼第二大清寺真,在整个伊斯兰社会也有着举足轻重的地位,规模之宏伟,与小城班达-亚齐颇不相称...2004年底的南亚大海啸中,受灾最严重的是位于印尼西北部的亚齐省,班达-亚齐市(Banda Aceh)几乎全部被毁,只有这座清真寺屹立不倒,

to bring out:使显现,显示;生产,使产生

stricken a.被打中的,被击伤的;受灾的,受侵袭的 | to bring out 使显现,显示;生产,使产生 | to take......for granted 认为真实;视为当然

to bring out:使显现,显示;消费,使发生

stricken a.被打中的,被击伤的;受灾的,受侵袭的 | to bring out 使显现,显示;消费,使发生 | to take...for granted 以为真实;视为当然

Christopher Lee:克里斯托弗.李

众多电影届的名人参加了这场名为"电影与和平"的慈善晚会,著名法国女星卡特琳娜-德诺芙(Catherine Deneuve)与英国老牌影星克里斯托弗-李(Christopher Lee)是每年必到的名人,今年晚会的主题是为联合国儿童基金会筹款,用以援助去年东南亚海啸中受灾的儿童.

crush syndrome:挤压综合症

>17日报道说,"挤压综合症"(Crush Syndrome)正在威胁中国大地震受灾地区生还者的生命. 所谓挤压综合症通常在受灾地区,由于被断壁残垣等重物挤压,供氧的肌肉组织细胞等坏死的情况下,突然移开重物时发生.

Absolutely devastating:完全是毁灭性的灾难

The Netherlands, one of the low countries.|低地国家荷兰 | Absolutely devastating.|完全是毁灭性的灾难 | The area around Beijing that's home to tens of millions of people.|北京周边地区 上千万人口受灾

disaster area:受灾地区

暑假即将来临,某校学生会打算在假期举行为贫困地区和受灾地区(disaster area)的孩子们奉献受心的活动. 请你用英语写一封倡议书,号召同学们,用力所能及的方式伸出援助之手,奉献自己的爱心.

Mardi Gras:(四旬斋前的狂欢节)

这次受灾最重的城市是新奥尔良,人称"罪孽之城",那里最著名的观光点French Quarter在劳动节的长周末就像"四旬斋前的狂欢节(Mardi Gras)一样",赤身裸体随处可见,公开性交的到处都是.

planet-stricken:受行星影响的, 突然受灾的

primary type glider 初级滑翔机 | planet-stricken 受行星影响的, 突然受灾的 | GMHS [计] 全球信息处理服务

Afflicted district:受灾地区

Affirmative action: 鼓励雇佣少数民族和妇女的赞助性行动 | Afflicted district: 受灾地区 | All-expense tour: 自费旅游