英语人>词典>汉英 : 取消按钮 的英文翻译,例句
取消按钮 的英文翻译、例句


cancel button
更多网络例句与取消按钮相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

If you do not agree, press the "Cancel" button.


Naturally, we'll want to check the behavior of the Cancel button, too.


I have a dialog that does some lengthy processing, and I need to have a Cancel button


How do I get the Cancel button to work?


At any time during the file transfer the "Cancel" button can be clicked.


Click the "Cancel" button if you do not wish to receive the files which are listed in the dialog.


Note that the Cancel button cannot be changed.


If the user chooses the Cancel button in the dialog box, the return value is NULL.

如果用户选择取消按钮的对话框中,返回值为NULL 。

If you do not accept the agreements as written, click the Cancel button to discontinue sign-up.


All he knows is that he decided not to print the document before the first page appeared in the printer's output basket, he clicked the Cancel button, and then the stupid application continued printing for 15 pages even though he acted in plenty of time to stop it.


更多网络解释与取消按钮相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

cancel button:取消按钮

cancan 康康舞 | cancel button 取消按钮 | cancel link 取消链接

cancel button:取消按钮, 在对话方块里用来取消命令或操作的键 (计算机用语)

cancan 康康舞 (名) | Cancel button 取消按钮, 在对话方块里用来取消命令或操作的键 (计算机用语) | cancellation 取消 (名)

Replaced the cancel button on GameSpy login dialog with a quit button:取代了退出按钮的Gamespy网站登录对话框取消按钮

* Fixed a paste issue with the cd key dialo... | * Replaced the cancel button on GameSpy login dialog with a quit button *取代了退出按钮的Gamespy网站登录对话框取消按钮 | * Fixed an issue that was causi...


如中途对武装情况或人数不满意,可按"变更"(Change)钮重来,或按"取 消"(Cancel)钮取消. 有时会在这里遇到雇佣军,假如有雇他们的钱话,就会多出一个"是 "(Yes)和"否"(No)的按钮,用来决定是否雇佣. 不过要注意,

Disable Change Password button:取消改变密码按钮功能

Disable Task Manager option:取消任务治理器功能 | Disable Change Password button:取消改变密码按钮功能 | Disable Lock Workstation button:取消锁定工作站按钮功能

deselect all:取消全选

3、催化剂安装管理器的取消全选(Deselect All)按钮无法正确标记安装内容3、催化剂安装管理器的取消全选(Deselect All)按钮无法正确标记安装内容

Uncontrol Access Button:取消控制通道按钮

"Unacknowledged event","(未确认事件)" | "Uncontrol Access Button"," 取消控制通道按钮 " | "Uncontrolled Access ","非控制通路"


可指定下列选项之一:缺省情况下,所有参照零件和工件都用于确定起始点;如有必要,可使用"孔集深度"(Hole Set Depth) 对话框中的"选取"(Select) 和"取消选取"(Unselect) 按钮,取消选取某些零件或明确选取零件.

Unselect All:取消全选

使用"全选"(Select All) 或"取消全选"(Unselect All) 按钮,可一次显示或隐藏全部基准图元. 在"点符号"(Point Symbol) 下,可以指定想要用于指定点的符号类型. 选项有"十字"(Cross)、"点"(Dot)、"圆"(Circle)、"三角形"(Triangle) 和"正方形&quo

Never show confirmations before actions:不显示确定动作时的提示按钮

Disable the Cliopboard toolbar triggers:取消粘贴板触发器 Option(关于系统的一些选择... | Never show confirmations before actions:不显示确定动作时的提示按钮 | Never show reboot request:不显示需要重新启动的...