英语人>词典>汉英 : 发表 的英文翻译,例句
发表 的英文翻译、例句


基本解释 (translations)
announcement  ·  appeared  ·  deliver  ·  enunciation  ·  give  ·  promulgate  ·  pronouncement  ·  publication  ·  publish  ·  release  ·  released  ·  utter  ·  utterance  ·  delivering  ·  delivers  ·  gives  ·  promulgated  ·  promulgates  ·  promulgating  ·  published  ·  publishes  ·  releases  ·  releasing  ·  uttered  ·  utters  ·  publications

give forth · put forth · give to the world · to put out
更多网络例句与发表相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Drama and novels drawn from the epics and Purana; poetry Fu in the romanticism .1890 published collection of poems,"the yearning heart," is his first mature works of the 90 age is .19 Tagore strong creative period, this period of short stories published over 60 articles against feudal oppression, unreasonable to expose real-life phenomenon, realistic literature of India opened the way to .1910, the famous novel "Gola," published works reflect the social life of India's complex phenomenon.


Newspapers and magazines each have their own specific newspaper principles and purposes, WBR has its own audience, before submission to understand this, WBR understand it the issue of the publication cycle is bimonthly, quarterly, monthly or semimonthly , weekly, WBR was a newspaper, if so, daily newspaper, reported Tuesday, weekly newspaper, or a half months, monthly, WBR coming to understand a variety of newspapers and periodicals which are set up columns, WBR columns are published, what kind of article, WBR may If the press should also look at the history of the journal, WBR have made in recent years to see what kind of article, WBR-control study on the issue of your paper and write the original studies have been written, WBR research, the original published before which such article is from the point of writing, WBR whether your innovation and development articles.


This dissertation attempts to map out African American dreams for personal fulfillment, for equal opportunity, for recognition in the society, and for a place to start all over again respectively in four major novels written by African American writers in the twentieth century: Their Eyes Were Watching God (1937) by Zora Neale Hurston, Native Son (1940) by Richard Wright, Invisible Man (1952) by Ralph Ellison, and Paradise (1998) by Toni Morrison.


There are temperature cell and press cell in the colling sleeve,护理论文发表, so it can automatically check unusual cases and makes camera automatically secede fire-box under unsual cases,代写硕士论文哈尔滨市教育学会德育专业委员会关于征集中小学德育,代写教育论文, camera be actuated by the lead screw whirl, and the MCS controls the engine turn, then make the lead screw whirl.


Based on the actual project, the author of this paper studies the influence of different admixture on the grouting material, the admixture is made up of water-reducing agent ZQG 、grouting mixture SM-1、SM-2、modifier MMA or AR,and determines the basic mix proportion through experiments; Discusses the construction technology of the grouting materials and examines the quality of grouting material through drop-weight deflectometer;The main results are as follow

本文来源:发表网专业发表文章,论文检测等综合性服务,发表文章请到发表网!发表QQ: 185230016本文以工程应用为目标,研究了减水剂ZQG、压浆掺合料SM-1、SM-2、改性剂甲基丙烯酸甲酯共聚物乳液和丙烯酸树脂等不同外加剂对压浆材料性能的影响,并研究确定了压浆料的配合比;对压浆施工技术进行了讨论,并通过落锤式弯沉仪对压浆质量进行检测。主要研究结果如下

The speeches collected in this thesis are respectively delivered by the former American president William J. Clinton at Peking University in 1998, the president George W. Bush at Tsinghua University in 2002, and the vice president Dick Cheney at Fudan University in 2004. By applying theories of stylistic analysis this thesis aims at making an overall analysis of the stylistic features of this type of public speaking from five levels: phonological, graphological, lexical, syntactical and textual level.


Although it is the earliest-issued thesis on the study of computer radiation safety, people paid little attention. In 1983, a Swedish scientist published a pamphlet named Compromising Computer, in which the radiation leakage of computer was mentioned once again. In 1985, a Netherlandish scholar named Ike issued his study report on electromagnetic radiation from video display units of computers at the Third Conference on Computer Communication Safety Protection. At the same time he demonstrated how to use a black and white TV set to receive signals from a computer with radiation leakage.


Although it is the earliest-issued thesis on the study of computer radiation safety, people paid little attention. In 1983, a Swedish scientist published a pamphlet named Compromising Computer, in which the radiation leakage of computer was mentioned once again. In 1985, a Netherlandish scholar named Ike issued his study report on electromagnetic radiation from video display units of computers at the Third Conference on Computer Communication Safety Protection. At the same time he demonstrated how to use a black and white TV set to receive signals from a computer with radiation leakage.


Although it is the earliest-issued thesis on the study of computer radiation safety, people paid little attention. In 1983, a Swedish scientist published a pamphlet named Compromising Computer, in which the radiation leakageof computer was mentioned once again. In 1985, a Netherlandish scholar named Ike issued his study report on electromagnetic radiation from video display units of computers at the Third Conference on Computer Communication Safety Protection. At the same time he demonstrated how to use a black and whiteTV set to receive signals from a computer with radiation leakage. His report caused a great reverberation in the world. From then on people began to treat this problem seriously.


While Clarke had a few stories published in fanzines, between 1937 and 1945, his first professional sales appeared in Astounding Science Fiction in 1946:"Loophole" was published in April, while "Rescue Party", his first sale, was published in May.


更多网络解释与发表相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]


editorialize on 发表社论 | editorialize 发表社论 | editorially 以编辑身份地


editorial /编辑的/编辑上的/主笔的/社论的/社论/评论/ | editorialize /发表社论/插入编者意见/ | editorialize on /发表社论/

editorialize on:发表社论

editorialist 撰写社论者 | editorialize on 发表社论 | editorialize 发表社论

You're editorializing here. - I never editorialize:你在这里发表社论了 -我从不发表社论

"He is absorbed, cold, impatient of interruptions."|"他冰冷而专... | - You're editorializing here. - I never editorialize.|-你在这里发表社论了 -我从不发表社论 | - At the end. - You're right. Cut it.|-结...

expressive subject:发表学科

发表教学|presentative instruction | 发表学科|expressive subject | 童话|nursery tale

expressive subject:发表科目

(一)表现;(二)发表 Expression | 发表科目 Expressive subject | 除名 Expulsion; Dismissal; Exclusion from school

give forth:发[放]出(声音, 气味等) 发表, 公布

give for 牺牲 交换 | give forth 发[放]出(声音, 气味等);发表, 公布 | give in 屈服, 投降, 退让(to);交[呈]上宣布, 发表

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