英语人>词典>汉英 : 发芽 的英文翻译,例句
发芽 的英文翻译、例句


基本解释 (translations)
bud  ·  budding  ·  burgeon  ·  gemmate  ·  gemmation  ·  germinate  ·  germination  ·  pullulate  ·  pullulation  ·  put  ·  shoot  ·  shoots  ·  gemmulation  ·  sprouting  ·  buds  ·  burgeoned  ·  gemmated  ·  gemmates  ·  gemmating  ·  germinated  ·  germinates  ·  germinating  ·  pullulated  ·  pullulates  ·  pullulating  ·  puts  ·  burgeons

come into bud · come up · in bud · shoot up
更多网络例句与发芽相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

The germination ability of wheat seeds was stronger than that of maize seeds.For example,the germination rates of Liaochun-9 were higher than those of Longmai-26.The effects of 1# deicer on the germination of different maize seeds were not distinct different.While the germination rates of Mingyu-2 were higher than those of Naihanyuyu after the treatment of 2# deicer.


The results showed that, all the treatments can shorten the time of epicotyl germination of 'Fengdan', the 28 days chilling treatment was the shortest, and the next was 21 days chilling treatment and 300 mg/L GA3 treatment; in a certain range of GA3 concentrations, higher concentrations, higher seed germination index and germination rate in 'Fengdan'; the seed germination index and germination rate of 'Fengdan' after different time chilling treatments were higher than the control, in which, the treatment of 21 days chilling had the highest germination index and germination rate.

研究了不同时间的低温(4℃)处理及不同浓度的GA3处理对凤丹种子上胚轴萌发及幼苗生长的影响,结果表明:所有处理均能缩短凤丹种子上胚轴萌发时间,以低温28天处理初萌期最短,其次是低温21天和300mg/L GA3处理;在一定的GA3浓度范围内,浓度越高,凤丹种子发芽指数与发芽率越高;不同时间低温处理后凤丹种子发芽指数与发芽率均高于时照,其中低温21天处理是所有处理中发芽指数与发芽率最高的。

Formosana Hayata was investigated in the present study. A significant increase in the germination rate and a small but insignificant increase in seed germinability were obtained after chilling at 4℃ for 1~6 mo and incubating under alternating temperatures of 30/20℃ with 8 h of light.

台湾油杉种子经1~6个月的4℃层积后以30/20℃(8 h光照)变温发芽,结果显示较新鲜种子直播者显著地提高了发芽速率且稍能提高发芽能力。

Fish of sprouted broad bean group had higher FEAA, TFAA, hardness and gumminess than those of immersed broad bean group.


A synthetic hexaploidy wheat with resistant to preharvest sprout and hard glume was employed to cross with a common wheat line with character of susceptible to preharvest sprout and normal glume hardness, and then built up the F3 population, aiming at studying the relationship between the resistance to preharvest sprout and its glume hardness.


And then the two different turfgrass seed germination tests conducted, results show that: 0.1 percent concentration of hydrogen peroxide concentration of 0.01% of the "Bi-care" and the concentration of 0.29 percent for the "God LU Hong Lu," The three kinds of reagents soaking treatment can significantly improve the wild Pennisetum and Eragrostis seed germination and growth of 0.10 percent by the concentration of the soaking H2O2 solution, then 0.29% concentration of the "God LU Hong Lu" after soaking solution, wild Pennisetum Eragrostis seeds and seed germination energy, germination percentage, germination index, root length and were significantly higher than control to deal with the seeds, but also to varying degrees higher than the other chemical reagents used to deal with the seeds, rapid germination and tidy.


The results showed that some heat-stable protein profiles disappeared gradually during barley germination, and heat-stable hordein proteins were exposed in proteolytic process which would reduce its content, by contrast, the content of heat-stable water-soluble protein increased by the end of barley germination.


Bioassay results revealed: compared with alcohol control, extracts at parameter 1, 4, 7 stimulated the absolute germination rate and potential, radicle growth, plumular axis growth, fresh weight, dry weight at different levels; extracts at parameter 2, 3 stimulated the all germination index except radicle growth and axis growth; extracts at parameter 6 stimulated all but radicle growth and fresh weight; extract at parameter 8 stimulated only the germination potential.


Conversely the seeds had the longest mean length of incubation time and germination peak value when pollinated every day.4 The planting date had effects on yield and quality of carrot seeds from different seed umbels and poisons of seed disc, also had effects on the growth and development of carrot steckling.


Experiment results indicate the HN derivatization method is not effective for test objects of complicated ingredients, such as gaba tea, germinated brown rice and germinated seed samples. We were unable to identify the GABA peak on the HPLC spectrum. When dealing with samples that contain large amount of amino acid, such as germinated brown rice and sprouted seeds, the PITC derivatization method is prone to disturbance and has the tendency to overestimate the GABA content. The OPA derivatization method effectively isolates the GABA peak of all test samples of this experiment. That its derivatization is simple and speedy makes it suitable for broader applications.

实验结果显示HN衍生法对於成分复杂的检品如茶汤、发芽玄米、发芽种子样品的分析效果皆不好,在HPLC图谱上无法辨识GABA peak;PITC衍生法对於含有大量蛋白质胺基酸的样品如发芽玄米、发芽种子则较易受干扰而可能高估GABA含量;OPA衍生法对於本实验所有样品中的GABA peak均有良好的分离效果,且衍生化过程简单快速是较建议广泛适用的检测方法。

更多网络解释与发芽相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]


gemmangioma /胚芽血管瘤/ | gemmate /有芽的/发芽生殖的/发芽/发芽生殖/ | gemmatein /马勃素/

gemmate:发芽 adj. 有芽的,发芽生殖的

checkmate (象棋中)被将死时王的位置,完全失败 | gemmate 发芽 adj. 有芽的,发芽生殖的 | consummate accomplish 完成;圆房

gemmate:发芽的 (形)

gemma 胞芽 (名) | gemmate 发芽的 (形) | gemmation 发芽; 发芽生殖 (名)

germination speed:发芽速率

发芽力 germination capacity | 发芽指示剂 germination indicator | 发芽速率 germination speed

germination inhibitor:发芽抑制物质

germination inhibition 发芽抑制作用 | germination inhibitor 发芽抑制物质 | germination number 发芽


gemmation /发芽/发芽生殖/ | gemmative /发芽/ | gemmho /微姆/


gemmiferous /产宝石/ | gemmiparous /发芽的/发芽生殖的/ | gemmology /宝石学/


germinally /幼芽/ | germinant /发芽的/开始生育的/开端的/ | germinate /发芽/萌芽/开始发育/成长/使发芽/使发达/

germinating power:发芽力,绝对发芽力,绝对发芽力

germinating force ==> 发芽力 | germinating power ==> 发芽力,绝对发芽力,绝对发芽力 | germinating seed ==> 萌芽种子

germinating apparatus:发芽器[供发芽试验mination 发芽,萌发

germinating ability 发芽能力 | germinating apparatus 发芽器[供发芽试验mination 发芽,萌发 | germination percentage 发芽