英语人>词典>汉英 : 发绀 的英文翻译,例句
发绀 的英文翻译、例句


基本解释 (translations)
cyanosis  ·  cyanochroia  ·  cyanoderma  ·  cyanopathy  ·  cyanose  ·  hematocyanosis

更多网络例句与发绀相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

I deduce from the symptoms (cyanosis, headache, dizziness, ataxia, dry throat and mouth, suffocation, rash on the face and neck, rapid pulse, dilated pupils, confusion, dimmed sight, loss of consciousness) that the assailant used either a form of barbital or a combination of hydrocyanic acid and atropine.


Objective To examine the relationship between vascular endothelial growth factor and cyanotic congenital heart diseaseand the severity of cyanosis.

目的 观察血管内皮生长因子在发绀型先天性心脏病中变化及其与病情严重程度关系。

Usually, the heavy breathing will, for a time, allow enough oxygen into the blood to avoid blueness of the skin, however eventually, cyanosis is likely to occur.


Throughout the whole course of the present illness there was no fever or chills, and no cyanosis sign.


The patient has dyspnea , tachycardia, and cyanosis.


General: mental status, temperature, hydration status, pallor, or cyanosis.


Results:(1) In ALI group, cyanosis was obvious, lots of secretion came out from mouth and nasal cavities.


In condition permitting, parents should keep children ho, gently tapping the back, bedridden children should be ground to stand up, so we can avoid lung congestion, but also easier to expectorate sputum can help rehabilitation.


Only one subject with cyanotic CHD had iron-depleting problem, whereas none was observed in the children with noncyanotic CHD.


The results showed that sex, age, body weight, height, and long-term nutritional status were not significantly different between cyanotic and noncyanotic CHD groups.


更多网络解释与发绀相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]


第七节发绀 发绀(cyanosis)是指血液中还原血红蛋白增多使皮肤和黏膜呈青紫色改变的一种表 现,也可称紫绀. 这种改变常发生在皮肤较薄、色素较少和毛细血管较丰富的部位,如口 唇、指(趾)、甲床等.

local cyanosis:局部发绀,局部发绀

local current 局部电流=>局部電流 | local cyanosis 局部发绀,局部发绀 | local damage 局部损坏

cyanochroia:发绀, 青紫

cyanocarbon 氰碳化合物 | cyanochroia 发绀, 青紫 | cyanoderma 发绀, 青紫

cyanoderma:发绀, 青紫

cyanochroia 发绀, 青紫 | cyanoderma 发绀, 青紫 | cyanogen n.[化]氰


cyanometer 天蓝仪 | cyanopathy 发绀 | cyanosed 发绀


cyanopsia 青视症 | cyanose 发绀病 | cyanosis 发绀

cyanose:发绀, 青紫

cyanopsia | 蓝视(症) | cyanose | 发绀, 青紫 | cyanosed | 发绀的, 绀色的


cyanopathy 发绀 | cyanosed 发绀的 | cyanosis 苍白病

cyanosed:发绀的, 绀色的

cyanose | 发绀, 青紫 | cyanosed | 发绀的, 绀色的 | cyanosensor | 氰基传感器


cyanosis 发绀病 | cyanotic 发绀的 | cybernetics 控制论