英语人>词典>汉英 : 发疹的疾病 的英文翻译,例句
发疹的疾病 的英文翻译、例句


基本解释 (translations)

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A pustule caused by smallpox or a similar eruptive disease.


This is an important distinction, since certain conditions are or may be hypopigmented such as tinea versicolor, nevus anemicus, leprosy, hypomelanotic macules of tuberous sclerosis, hypomelanosis of Ito, seborrheic dermatitis, and idiopathic guttate hypomelanosis.


Patches lighter in color than the normal skin may be completely depigmented or have lost only part of their pigment. This is an important distinction, since certain conditions are or may be hyposigmneted such as tinea versicolor, nevus anemicus, leprosy, hypomelanotic macules of tuberous sclerosis, hypomelanosis of Ito, seborrheic dermatitis, and idiopathic guttate hypomelanosis.


Ensues . It is at this age, too, that all infectious and eruptive fevers are most prevalent; worms often begin to form, and diarrhoea, thrush, rickets, cutaneous eruptions, etc. manifest themselves, and the foundation of strumous disease is originated or developed.


Typhus Fever. Several distinct rickettsiae (a parasite carried by ticks, fleas, and lice) cause a disease known as typhus in humans.


更多网络解释与发疹的疾病相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

pityriasis amiantacea:石棉状糠疹

石棉状糠疹(pityriasis amiantacea)损害特点为头皮上发生的类似石棉状厚积的鳞屑性损害,本病好发于青少年,为一种慢性疾病. 本病与祖国医学文献中记载的"白屑风"相类似.

Roseola Infantum:玫瑰疹

疾病简介...幼儿急疹(exanthem subitum)又称婴儿玫瑰疹(roseola infantum),也称第六病,可能是病毒引起的一种发疹性疾病,以高热3~4日、热退疹出为特点. 病初难以诊断. 多发生在2岁以下的婴儿,6个月以下的婴儿更多见. ...[诊断]