英语人>词典>汉英 : 发疹的 的英文翻译,例句
发疹的 的英文翻译、例句


基本解释 (translations)
spotty  ·  exanthematous  ·  spottier

更多网络例句与发疹的相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

The main performance of the period similar to upper respiratory tract infection symptoms:① fever in all cases, more than for the moderate fever;② cough, runny nose and tears, pharynx, such as congestive catarrhal symptoms, eye symptoms prominent conjunctival inflammation, eyelid edema, increased tears, photophobia, eyelid under the edge of a clear line of congestive, the diagnosis of measles very helpful ③ Koplik spots, eruptive in 24 ~ 48 hours prior to the emergence of about 1.0mm in diameter outside the gray dots red halo, found only at the beginning of the mucosa under the molars, but the increase in one day can be involved very quickly and spread to the entire buccal mucosa lip and mucous membrane after the rash appears in the gradual disappearance of skin rash may have a small dark red points;④ occasional skin urticaria, rash or scarlet fever faint rash appears when the typical skin rash disappeared;⑤ Some patients may have some non-specific symptoms such as general malaise, anorexia, etc.


In fact, this is caused by a virus specific to a child of light eruptive sexually transmitted diseases.


In fact caused by a virus specific to the children of light eruptive sexually transmitted diseases.


Rainy season, eat light food, hot cold greasy fried things are very easy to eruptive allergies, eating right


A pustule caused by smallpox or a similar eruptive disease.


It remove***cessive oiliness from the skin pigments and helps fight skin disorders and eruptions.


Prurigo nodularis is a chronic pruritic dermatosis of unknown etiology, characterized by firm, symmetrically localized hyperkeratotic pruritic papules and nodules.


We report the case of a 45-year-old woman with opticospinal type multiple sclerosis with recent cutaneous herpes zoster and right shoulder girdle weakness.


On March 3, the child developed a generalized papular vesicular rash on the face, neck, and upper extremities, and was transferred to a tertiary-care facility in Chicago where contact precautions were implemented. He had had a fever 2 days before his hospital admission and weeping skin lesions beginning on February 24. By March 7, the rash had worsened, with umbilicated lesions with an erythematous base, mostly on the hands, forearms, neck, chest, face, and knees, encompassing 50% of the keratinized skin.


Typhus Fever. Several distinct rickettsiae (a parasite carried by ticks, fleas, and lice) cause a disease known as typhus in humans.


更多网络解释与发疹的相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]


efflorescent 发疹性的 | efflorescent 风化的 | effluenceeffluenteffluxeffluxioneffusionexudateoutflowoutpour 流出物


effloresceefflorescenceweathering 风化 | efflorescent 发疹性的 | efflorescent 风化的

exanthema subitum:幼儿急疹

幼儿急疹(Exanthema Subitum)又称婴儿玫瑰疹是婴幼儿急性良性玫瑰样发疹,其特征为热退疹出. 预防的关键,在于不要与患幼儿急疹的孩子接触. 同时,应提倡和鼓励孩子增加运动,提高自身的免疫力,才能从根本上防患于未然.


斑疹 症状介绍 斑疹(macule)是皮肤病症状中最常见的原发损害之一. 引起的原因比较复杂,形态多种多样,分布部位各有特点,如是否为系统性对称性,还是局部性非对称性;是暴露...风团 症状介绍 风团(wheal)是真皮浅层水肿引起的限局性隆起的扁平斑块样皮肤损在,


解:庖疹病毒主要特性是潜伏性感染(latent infection)与再发(recurrence),带状庖(Zoster)系由潜伏於感觉神经节的水痘带状庖疹病毒(VZV)活化而造成.通常以皮肤或黏膜发疹为特徵,

Roseola Infantum:玫瑰疹

疾病简介...幼儿急疹(exanthem subitum)又称婴儿玫瑰疹(roseola infantum),也称第六病,可能是病毒引起的一种发疹性疾病,以高热3~4日、热退疹出为特点. 病初难以诊断. 多发生在2岁以下的婴儿,6个月以下的婴儿更多见. ...[诊断]


spotted adj.有斑点的;有点子的 | spotty 多斑点的;发疹的(文中用作人名) | sprinkle v.撒,洒


spastic 痉挛的 | spotty 发疹的 | sprain 扭伤


rickettsia 发疹伤寒等的病原体 | rickettsial 立克次氏体的 | rickettsialpox 立克次痘疹

His face breaks out:他的脸发疹

6) He's a dog. 他是个小人. | 7) His face breaks out. 他的脸发疹. | 8) I can't bear the sight of him. 要见他我难以忍受.