英语人>词典>汉英 : 发球者 的英文翻译,例句
发球者 的英文翻译、例句


基本解释 (translations)

更多网络例句与发球者相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

On reporting the incident the competitors were each penalized two strokes, as the Committee interpreted the "next teeing ground" referred to in Rule 11-4b to be that of the 12th hole.


Topspin serves make the ball seem to jump up into the receiver making it tough to return with power.


In this article, a statistical analysis is made to compare the effects of serving a ball before and after the revision of vollyball rules, including the changes in service area, placement and serving offensiveness. The result shows that the revision lias created a favourable condition for the server and lias broken the mode of serving in 3m area which has lated for many years.


The returner's partner should move depending on the return. With a good return, try to cross diagonally and cut the angle off. With a bad return move toward the "T" at the service line to defend against the opponent's volleys.


It is not taken from the baseline, but from the servere's own service court.


A: No. When the competitors played from the 16th tee, they had played from the "next teeing ground" and could not correct their error.


The researcher occulted the server's movement by way of manipulating adjustable boards. The making decision time and the score of stroke landing positions were the dependent variables.


He then discovers the error. Before teeing off at the 15th he asks a member of the Committee as to the procedure.


更多网络解释与发球者相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Honorable member:荣誉会员

Honor 优先发球者 | Honorable member 荣誉会员 | Hook face 偏左杆面


leadoff 先发球者 | leadoff 打出的第一拳 | leadpencil 铅笔


leadmetalplumbeanplumbum 铅 | leadoff 先发球者 | leadoff 打出的第一拳

分洞比赛,跟Match play同一个意思:Hole match

Hole in One 一杆进洞 | Hole match 分洞比赛,跟Match play同一个意思 | Honor 优先发球者

netman who sets up spike:托球者

托球 setting; setting up | 托球者 netman who sets up spike | 低手发球 under-hand service; underhand service

net rusher:上网进攻者

网前截球 net interception | 上网进攻者 net rusher | 发球上网的打法 serve-and-vol-ley game

adantage serer:发球者佔先

(球台)中区 centre zone | 发球者佔先 adantage serer | (球台)近网区 net zone

service box:发球区

对付发球大炮,要站後面一些以处理强劲的球速,然後从发球者所站的位置开始,在心中画一条能把发球区 (service box) 平分成两等份的假想线,你就站在这条线上,这样能让你接到最多发球.


木杆主要用于开球.木杆的特点是杆身长,杆头相对而言较轻,这就导致便于挥杆. 现代的发球杆(Driver)尽管一直都被称为木杆,实际上百分之七十以上的发球杆已由金属制造. 初学者可以考虑距离球,至于有一定技术者可以用旋转球(spin)同控制(control)球.


小组赛采用一盘无占先制,先胜6局者胜. 如双方局数5:5平,即进行抢七(tiebreak)决胜. 每局如出现平分(Deuce),由接发球方选择接发球区域,一分决定该局胜负. 半决赛和决赛采用一盘有占先制,先胜6局者胜. 如双方局数6:6平时方进行抢七(tiebreak)决胜.